“Nothing travels faster than the speed of light, with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special la...
“Nothing travels faster than the speed of light, with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special la...
“Always be a poet, even in prose.” ― Charles Baudelaire tags: poetry, prose, writing 机器翻译,仅供参考: “永远做一个诗人,即使是散文。” 标签:诗歌,散...
“Happiness is something that comes into our lives through doors we don’t even remember leaving open.” ― Rose Wilde...
“Do you think that I count the days? There is only one day left, always starting over: it is given to us at dawn and tak...
“Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard, are sweeter” ― John Keats, Ode on a Grecian Urn and Other Poems tags: phil...
“Usually we walk around constantly believing ourselves. “I’m okay” we say. “I’m alright...
“Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.” ― Albert Camus tags: beatitudes, blessed, unbreakabl...
“When you go into the ER, one of the first things they ask you to do is rate your pain on a scale of one to ten, and fro...
“He was the crazy one who had painted himself black and defeated the world. She was the book thief without the words. Tr...
“Love is like a tree: it grows by itself, roots itself deeply in our being and continues to flourish over a heart in rui...