《小说面面观》摘抄+赏析 ~ 爱跟死一样这么受小说家青睐是因为它同样能很方便地终结一本书


Love, like death, is congenial to a novelist because it ends a book conveniently. He can make it a permanency, and his readers easily acquiesce, because one of the illusions attached to love is that it will be permanent. Not has been–will be. All history, all our experience, teaches us that no human relationship is constant, it is as unstable as the living beings who compose it, and they must balance like jugglers if it is to remain; if it is constant it is no longer a human relationship but a social habit, the emphasis in it has passed from love to marriage. All this we know, yet we cannot bear to apply our bitter knowledge to the future; the future is to be so different; the perfect person is to come along, or the person we know already is to become perfect. There are to be no changes, no necessity for alertness. We are to be happy or even perhaps miserable for ever and ever. Any strong emotion brings with it the illusion of permanence, and the novelists have seized upon this. They usually end their books with marriage, and we do not object because we lend them ourdreams.

E·M·福斯特(E.M. Forster)
《小说面面观》(Aspects of the Novel)
译者:冯涛 | 上海译文出版社





4,“王子和公主从此幸福地生活在一起” 这是我能想到最没有创造力的结局 真实的未来瞬息万变 无论哪一版童话 不会书写白雪公主终老 魔镜迎来亦曾年轻的后妈凝视 “他们经常以百年好合结束他们的书,我们并不反对,因为这梦想原本就是我们借给他们的。”我不反对 阅读也不过贪恋梦一场而已



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