◎ 郭沫若
昨朝我一人在松林里徘徊,在一株老松树下戏筑了一座砂丘 〔24〕 。
我说,这便是我自己的坟墓了 〔25〕 。
我在墓的两旁还移种了两株稚松 〔26〕 把它伴守。
我今朝回想起来,又一人走来凭吊 〔27〕 。
啊,死了的我昨日的尸骸哟 〔28〕 ,哭墓的是你自己的灵魂,我的坟墓究竟往那儿去了呢?
The Grave
◎ Guo Moruo
Yesterday morning, while wandering about alone in a pine forest, I amused myself by piling up a small sandhill under an old pine tree.
“Let this be my own grave,” said I.
Picking up a piece of white stone, I scribbled my name on it and said, “Let this be my own gravestone.”
On either side of the grave, I transplanted a pine sapling to keep it company.
This morning, recalling the grave, I went to pay a visit to it.
But the grave was nowhere to be found though I searched every nook and corner of the dense forest. Where was it gone to?
O ye remains of my yesterday’s dead self, it was your own soul that had come to mourn at the grave! Where was my grave gone to?
〔24〕 “戏筑了一座砂丘”的意思是“堆起一座砂丘以自娱”,现译为I amused myself by piling up a small sandhill,也可译为I piled up for fun a small sandhill。“筑”在这里作“堆积”解,故译为piling up,不宜按字面译为building或constructing等。译文中的small是添加成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。
〔25〕 “这便是我自己的坟墓了”含有说话者的意图,故译文用祈使句表达:Let this be my own grave,和This shall be my own grave同义。
〔26〕 “稚松”即“松树苗”,故译为pine sapling。
〔27〕 “凭吊”在此作“探望”解,译to pay a visit to即可,不必译为to pay homage to或to pay respects to等。
〔28〕 “啊,死了的我昨日的尸骸哟”译为O ye remains of my yesterday’s dead self,其中ye作“你”解,属古语,在此用以烘托散文诗的格调。