Under the Linden Tree郭沫若Guo Moruo🔥背景知识:散文《菩提树下》是郭沫若(1892-1978)1924年6月8日写于日本博多湾的早期代表作之一,最初收入1926年出版的小说散文集《橄榄》,现存《郭沫若全集》。文章是他自己生活观感的直接记录,充满异乡情趣和热爱生活的感情。我的女人最喜欢养鸡。My wife is very keen on raising chickens.🎈be keen on doing 喜爱做某事她的目的并不在研究遗传,并不想有甚居积,充其量只是想给孩子们多吃几个鸡蛋罢了。She does this not for studying genetics or making a profit out of it, but merely for collecting more eggs for our kids to eat.🎈「居积」在此的意思是「牟利」,不是「当作奇货留着高价出卖」或者「囤积居奇」,因此译为making a profit out of it,未按字面直译为hoarding for speculation。🎈「充其量只是想给孩子们多吃几个鸡蛋罢了」译为merely for collecting more eggs for our kids to eat,其中「给」译为collecting,未直译为giving,更能切合原意。因此之故她总是爱养母鸡。Therefore, she always prefers to raise hens.🎈母鸡 hen公鸡 rooster; cock小鸡 chick 每逢母鸡要生蛋的时候,她真是欢喜极了,她要多把些粮食给它,又要替它做窝。She will be immensely delighted whenever a hen is laying, giving it additional feed, making it a new roost, etc.🎈「又要替它做窝」意即「给生蛋的母鸡做一个新窝」,故译为make it a new roost。🎈「欢喜极了」译为be immensely delighted。🎈知识回顾:鲁迅的《立论》里有一句「合家都高兴透顶了」译为There is immense joy in the whole household。有时候一时要做两三个窝。Sometimes she finishes making two or three roosts at one go.🎈此句意即「有时候一下子要做两三个窝」,故译为Sometimes she finishes making two or three roosts at one go,其中at one go或in one go是成语,作「一下子」或「一口气」解。鸡蛋节省着吃,吃到后来母鸡要孵卵的时候,那是她更操心的时候了,We consume our eggs sparingly. My wife has to go to a lot more trouble when a hen is sitting. 🎈此处注意主语的处理,「(我们)鸡蛋节省着吃,/吃到后来母鸡要孵卵的时候,那是她更操心的时候了」。🎈「孵卵」一词并未直译,而采取了sitting这一形象的动词。孵卵的母鸡每隔一天要飞出窝来摄取一次饮食,她要先替它预备好;As the brooding hen will fly out of its roost to seek food once every other day, she has to get the feed ready for it beforehand. 🎈每隔一天飞出来窝一次:fly out of its roost once every other day又要时常留心着不使母鸡在窝里下粪,因为这样容易使孵卵腐败。And she has to be careful not to let the hen leave its droppings in the roost for fear that it should cause the eggs to rot.🎈「孵卵」即鸡蛋,故译为egg。🎈for fear that后跟虚拟语气,for fear that +主语+(should)+do sth还有被孵抱着的鸡卵她也要常常把微温的盐水去试验,She puts all the eggs that a hen is sitting on in lukewarm salty water by way of a test.🎈「被孵抱着的鸡卵」即「母鸡正在孵化的鸡蛋」,故译为the eggs that a hen is sitting on。🎈that a hen is sitting on作为定语从句修饰all the eggs在水上可以浮起的便是腐败了的,她便要取出,沉下去的便仍使母鸡孵抱。Those that float are judged rotten and must be thrown away; those that sink are kept for the hen to continue to brood.🎈「便要取出」并未按字面意思直译,而译出隐含义must be thrown away。像这样足足要操心三个礼拜,等到鸡卵里面可以听出啾啾的叫声了,那时候她有两三天是快乐得不能安定的。She will thus busy herself with all that for as long as three weeks until the yeeping sound comes out of the eggs. Then she will be left in a state of great excitement for two or three days.🎈「快乐得不能安定的」意即「非常快乐」,故译为a state of great excitement。此处great也可用immense来代替。我们养鸡养过五六年,鸡雏也不知道孵化过好几次了。We have been raising chickens for five or six years, and broods upon broods of chicks have been hatched.🎈broods upon broods一窝又一窝(此处brood为名词)但是孵化了的鸡雏不是被猫鼠衔去,便是吃米过多得脚气病死了。But the baby chicks were either carried off by cats or rats, or died of beriberi caused by eating too much polished rice. 🎈得脚气病而死 die of beriberi自己孵化出的鸡雏从不曾长大过一次。None of the chicks hatched by ourselves lived until they were full-grown.🎈此句意即「自己孵化的小鸡没有一只活着长大」。我们又是四处飘流的人,遇着要远徙他方的时候,我们的鸡不能带着同走。We are a family constantly on the move. When we travel to a faraway place, we can’t take our chickens with us.🎈「我们又是四处飘流的人」意即「我们一家总是在搬家」,故译为We are a family constantly on the move。在那时我们的鸡不是送人,便是卖给鸡贩子去了。自己养过的鸡怎么也不忍屠杀。All we do is give them away or sell them to chicken vendors because we don’t have the heart to slaughter the chickens raised by ourselves.🎈第二句话是前一句的原因,因此用“because”连接。翻译时可以将有潜在含义的关系连接词译出。🎈all we do is give 属于上次提到的「有do没to」。🎈raised by ourselves作为后置定语修饰the chickens。所以我们养鸡养了五六年,自己所养的鸡从不曾吃过一次。We ate none of our own chickens during the five or six years.🎈「养鸡养了五六年」不必逐字翻译,根据上下文,读者明白是在养鸡,所以直接译为 during the five or six years。所养的鸡也并不多,至多不过四五只;我们除把些残菜剩饭给它们外,平常只听它们去自行渔食罢了。We raised only a small number of chickens, four or five at most. Apart from feeding them with the leftovers of the table, we let them out to seek food by themselves.🎈「只听它们去自行渔食罢了」意即「让他们自己去觅食」,故译为let them out to seek food by themselves。养了五六年的鸡,关于鸡的心理,我也留下了不少的幽凉的记忆。Five or six years of chicken raising has left me with a deep impression of how chickens behave.🎈「鸡的心理」并非真的指鸡的心理活动,而是指「鸡的行为」,故译为how chickens behave。🎈「幽凉的记忆」意即「深刻的印象」,故译为a deep impression。鸡的生活中我觉得很有和人相类似的爱的生活存在。Like humans, chickens also live a life characterized by love.🎈「爱的生活」意即「充满爱的生活」或「以爱为特征的生活」,故译为a life characterized by love。假如有一群鸡在园子里放着的时候,请把一些食物向鸡群里洒去罢。Take for example a flock of chickens, among them a rooster, put out to feed in a courtyard.🎈此处「假如」即「举个例子」,故采用了take sth for example词组。将下一句「这鸡群里面假使有一只雄鸡」译作插入语among them a rooster,使行文流畅。这鸡群里面假使有一只雄鸡,你可以看出它定要咯咯地呼唤起来,让母鸡去摄取那食物,它自己是决不肯先吃的。If you sprinkle some food onto the ground, you’ll invariably find the rooster start clacking to call all the hens to help themselves. The rooster himself will not eat first.🎈上文提到「一群鸡」,那么除了一只公鸡外,必定会有许多母鸡,所以此处母鸡要用复数。🎈help oneself 自便;自取所需这样本是一个很平常的现象,但这个很平常的现象不就有点像欧洲中世纪的游吟诗人(troubadour)的崇拜女性吗?This is no uncommon occurrence among chickens, but doesn’t it border on woman-worship as expressed by the medieval troubadours in their amorous lyrics?🎈「但这个很平常的现象不就有点像欧洲中世纪的游吟诗人(troubadour)的崇拜女性吗?」译为but doesn’t it border on woman-worship as expressed by the medieval troubadours in their amorous lyrics?其中border on是动词短语,作「近似」解,用以表达原文的「有点像」。「游吟诗人」指公元1100至1350年间游荡于法国南部各宫廷间的诗人,他们的抒情诗歌大都以性爱为内容。译文中的“in their amorous lyrics”是增译成分,用以释义。🎈as expressed by… lyrics作为后置定语修饰woman-worship。有一次我们养过三只牝鸡,两只雄鸡。Once we had three hens and two roosters.🎈「牝(pìn)鸡」即母鸡,故译为hen。这两只雄鸡中只有一只得势,把那三只母鸡都占有了。One rooster, however, held sway and monopolized all the three hens.🎈monopolize有「独占,垄断」之意。那不得势的一只,真是孤苦得可怜。The other got the worst of it and looked crestfallen.🎈got the worst of it是成语,作「遭到失败」「处于劣势」等解。🎈crestfallen本指公鸡的「羽冠倒垂」,转义为「垂头丧气(dejected)」,用以表达原文「孤苦得可怜」,形神兼顾,最为合适。得势的一只雄鸡不消说要欺负它,便连那些娥皇女英们也不把它看在眼里。Not only was he bullied by the stronger opponent, he was also snubbed by the three females.🎈「连那些娥皇女英们也不把它看在眼里」意即「那三只‘共侍一夫’的母鸡也看不起他」,故译为he was also snubbed by the three females。🎈此处用 the stronger opponent来表示:得势的雄鸡,避免重复。它有时性的冲动发作了,偷觑着自己的情敌不在,便想方设计地去诱惑它们。Sometimes, driven by sexual impulse, he used every trick to seduce them in the absence of his rival in love.🎈driven by sexual impulse为非谓语动词词组,由于主语都为he,又是be driven by词组,故省略he和be动词。分明是没有食物的,它也要咯咯地叫,或者去替它们梳理羽毛,但它们总不理睬它。He clacked to call the hens when actually there was no food available. He offered to preen their feathers for them, but they just ignored him.🎈没有食物 be no food available available除「可获得的;可购得的」,还有「有空的」之意。例句There are three small boats available for hire.有3艘小船可供出租。Mr. Leach is on holiday and was not available for comment. 利奇先生休假了,不方便作出评论。它弄得焦急了,竟有用起暴力来,在那时它们一面遁逃,一面戛着惊呼求救的声音,呼唤它们的大舜皇帝。Finally, in desperation, he resorted to the use of force. That sent the three hens scampering in panic and raising a call for help — a call to the all-powerful autocrat.🎈「它弄得焦急了」意即「绝望之下」,故译为in desperation。🎈用起暴力 resort to the use of force 🎈「大舜皇帝」意即「另外那只得势的公鸡」,故译为the all-powerful autocrat,其中autocrat对应了大舜皇帝的身份。等到大舜皇帝一来,那位背时的先生又拖着尾巴跑了。As soon as the autocrat came on the scene, the poor lonely heart fled with the tail between his legs.🎈「那位背时的先生又拖着尾巴跑了」译为the poor lonely heart fled with the tail between his legs,其中「背时的先生」译为the poor lonely heart(可怜的光棍汉),比直译the unlucky gentleman更为达旨传神。🎈习语「拖(夹)者尾巴跑了」和英语习语to flee with one’s tail between one’s legs在内容和形式上都吻合,有着相同的意义和形象,应以时可借用之。——啊,你这幸福的大舜皇帝!你这过于高傲了的唐璜(DonJuan)!你占领着一群女性,使同类多添一位旷夫。O you lucky all-powerful autocrat! O you haughty Don Juan! You took exclusive possession of a group of females; consequently, you have among you one more marriageable male remaining unmarried.🎈唐璜(DonJuan)是西班牙传奇中一个风流浪荡的贵族,常以男主人公出现在欧洲诗歌、戏剧、歌剧中。🎈此处「占领」意即「独占」,故增译了exclusive。🎈「旷夫」意为「成年而未娶妻的男子」,故译为one marriageable male remaining unmarried。那回是我抱了不平,我把得势的一只雄鸡卖了。Hence, out of a sense of justice, I sold the domineering rooster.🎈「抱了不平」即「出于正义」,故译为out of a sense of justice。剩下的一位旷夫和三位贞淑的怨女起初还不甚相投,但不久也就成了和睦的夫妇了。The three hens, at first keeping the lone rooster at arm’s length, soon became his loving mates one after another.🎈「不甚相投」意即「关系不融洽,保持距离」,故译为keeping the lone rooster at arm’s length。还有一件更显著的事情,要算是牝鸡们的母爱。The maternal love shown by hens is something even more noteworthy.🎈shown by hens 为后置定语,修饰the maternal love。牝鸡孵化了鸡雏的时候,平常是那么驯善的家禽,立地要变成一些鸷鸟。Hens are normally very tame and docile, but when the eggs they have been sitting on are hatched they immediately become as fierce as birds of prey.🎈「鸷鸟」即「凶猛的鸟」,故译为as fierce as birds of prey。它们保护着自己的幼儿是一刻也不肯懈怠的。They spare no efforts to protect their young.🎈不遗余力做某事:spare no efforts to do两只眼睛如像燃着的两团烈火。颈子时常要竖着向四方倾听。With eyes flashing like two fiery balls, they frequently stick their necks high up to find out how things stand.🎈With…. balls为表状态的独立主格结构,由于独立结构的逻辑主语为eyes与主句主语不一致,故不能省略;eyes和flash为主动形式,故用动词ing形式。全身的神经好像紧张得要断裂的一样。Their nerves were overstrained to the point of collapse.🎈to the point of collapse 到崩塌、断裂的地步这样加紧的防御。有时还要变为攻击。Sometimes they acted on the offensive instead of on the defensive.🎈防御:on the offensive攻击:on the defensive不怕你便不怀敌意走近它们,它们也要戛出一种怪的叫声,飞来啄你。Even if you approach them without any ill intention, they will squawk and peck you all the same.🎈「不怕你便不怀敌意走近它们」意即「即便你没有恶意的靠近他们」,故译为Even if you approach them without any ill intention。摄取饮食的时候,它们自己也决不肯先吃,只是咯咯地唤着鸡雏。At feeding time, they never eat first, but cluck to call for their young.🎈「只是咯咯地唤着鸡雏」译为cluck to call for their young,其中cluck表示母鸡召唤小鸡时的咯咯声;动词短语to call for的意思是「叫……过来」。假如有别的同类要来分争,不管是雄是雌,它们一样地总要毫不容情地扑啄。And they will mercilessly fly on any intruder, male or female, who attempts to scramble for the feed.🎈「别的同类」译为any intruder(所有入侵者),生动形象。睡眠或者下雨的时候,要把自己的鸡雏抱在自己的胸胁下,可怜胸脯上的羽毛要抱来一根也没有存在的程度。At sleeping time or when it rains, they will clutch their young under them so much so that they pitifully end up losing all their breast feathers.🎈「要把自己的鸡雏抱在自己的胸胁下,可怜胸脯上的羽毛要抱来一根也没有存在的程度」译为they will clutch their young under them so much so that they pitifully end up losing all their breast feathers,或者they will firmly hold their baby chicks under them, as a result of which, to our great pity, their breasts become bare of feathers。像这样的生活,要继续两三个月之久。在这时期之内,它们的性生活是完全消灭了的。They continue to live like this for two or three months. And during this period, they completely abstain from sex.🎈此句意即「在此期间,它们完全没有性生活」。啊,今年的成绩真好,我们现在有两只母鸡,十六只鸡雏了。Ah, we have so far done quite well this year. We now have two hens and sixteen baby chicks.🎈「今年的成绩真好」意即「今年我们的工作做得不错」,故译为we have so far done quite well this year。我的女人在二月底从上海渡到福冈来的时候,便养了两只母鸡:一只是黄的,一只是如像鹰隼一样。My wife began to raise the two hens after she returned from Shanghai to Fukuoka at the end of February. One is yellow and the other looks like a falcon.🎈从上海渡到福冈 return from Shanghai to Fukuoka我们住在这博多湾上的房子,后园是很宽大的。园子正中有一株高大的菩提树。Our house on the Katakawa Bay has a very big rear garden with a giant linden tree in its centre.🎈「后花园是很宽大的」进行了偏正转换「很宽大的后花园」,故译为a very big rear garden。四月初间我来的时候还没有抽芽,树身是赤裸着的,我们不知道它的名字。When I first came here early last April, the tree, with a bare trunk, had not yet put forth buds, and we didn’t even know it by name.🎈抽芽:put forth buds我们猜它是栗树,又猜它是柿子树。We guessed it to be a chestnut or persimmon tree.🎈栗树 a chestnut tree🎈柿子树 a persimmon tree 但不久渐渐转青了,不是栗树,也不是柿树。Soon afterwards, as it was turning green, I found it to be neither a chestnut nor a persimmon tree.🎈「但不久(树)渐渐转青了,(我发现它既)不是栗树,也不是柿树」通过增减词语,增强译文可读性。我们问邻近的人,说是菩提树。However, my neighbours, upon my inquiry, told me it was a linden tree.🎈此句将「问」进行了词性转换,由动词变为名词inquiry;也转换了主语,由「我们」变my neighbours。在这菩提树成荫的时候,我们的母鸡各个孵化了九只鸡雏。By the time when the linden tree was leafy and made shade, the two hens had each hatched nine baby chicks.🎈此处将「我们的母鸡」具体化,译成the two hens。这鸡雏们真是可爱,有葱黄的,有黑的,有淡黑的,有白的,有如鹌鹑一样驳杂的,The baby chicks were just lovely. Some were yellowish, some black, some grey, some white, and some motley like quails. 🎈「驳杂的」即「混杂的」,译为motley。全身的茸毛如像绒团,一双黑眼如像墨晶,啾啾的叫声真的比山泉的响声还要清脆。They were fluffy like balls of cotton wool. Their eyes were jet black. Their pippings were even more pleasant to the ear than the bubbling of a mountain spring.🎈「啾啾的叫声真的比山泉的响声还要清脆」意即「它们的啾啾声比泉水潺潺声还要动听」,故译为Their pippings were even more pleasant to the ear than the bubbling of a mountain spring。啊,今年的成绩真好,我们本有十八只鸡雏,除有一只被猫儿衔去,一只病死了外,剩着的这十六只都平安地长大了起来。Ah, we have done quite well this year. Of the original eighteen baby chicks raised by us, one was carried off by a cat and another died of some disease. The remaining sixteen, however, are growing fine.🎈「本有」译为original。现在已经是六月尾上了,鸡雏们的羽毛渐渐长出,也可以辨别雌雄了。It is late June now. They have been gradually feathering out and we can already tell males and females apart.🎈羽毛渐渐长出:gradually feather out,feather原本是名词,现活用为动词。我们的这十六只鸡雏想来总不会被猫儿衔去,不会病死了罢?Hope they will never be carried off by cats or die of some disease. 🎈此句虽用问句结尾,但所表达的意思是「希望我们的十六只小鸡不会被猫叼走,也不会病死」。鸡雏吃白米过多时,会得白米病,和人的脚气病一样,好端端地便要死去,Healthy young chicks, if they eat too much polished rice, may die of a disease similar to beriberi to which humans are liable. 🎈 to which humans are liable作定语从句修饰beriberi。但我们现在吃的是麦饭,我们的鸡雏们总不会再得白米病了罢。Fortunately, instead of polished rice, we have presently taken to eating oats. So our baby chicks will no longer die of eating too much polished rice.🎈「麦饭」即oat。——“啊,今年的成绩真好。”我的女人把吃剩着的晚饭,在菩提树下撒给鸡群吃的时候,她笑着向我这样说。“Ah, we’ve done quite well this year,” exclaimed my wife beamingly as she was throwing the leftovers of our supper onto the ground under the linden tree for the chicks to eat.🎈吃剩的晚饭 the leftovers of our supper 鸡雏啾啾地在她脚下争食,互相拥挤,互相践踏,互相剥啄着。The yeeping chicks scrambled for the feed like anything, pushing and shoving each other, treading on and pecking each other.🎈like anything:拼命地;非常猛地🔥必背单词lukewarm adj. 微温的;不冷不热的;温和的 英义slightly warm例句Our food was only lukewarm. 我们的食物只是温乎的。 border on 濒于;近乎英义to come very close to being sth, especially a strong or unpleasant emotion or quality例句She felt an anxiety bordering on hysteria. 她感觉到一种近乎歇斯底里的焦虑。 amorous adj. 表示性爱的;含情脉脉的英义showing sexual desire and love towards sb例句Mary rejected Tony’s amorous advances. 玛丽拒绝了托尼的挑逗。 sway n. 统治;势力;支配;控制;影响英义power or influence over sb例句Rebel forces hold sway over much of the island.该岛很大一部份控制在叛军手里。 monopolize v. 垄断; 独占; 完全控制英义to have complete control over something so that other people cannot share it or take part in it例句The company has monopolized the soft drinks market.该公司垄断了软饮料市场。snub v. 垄断; 独占; 完全控制英义to insult sb, especially by ignoring them when you meet例句I tried to be friendly, but she snubbed me completely. 我尽量和气,但她根本不答理我。 preen v. 〔鸟〕用喙整理(羽毛)英义if a bird preens or preens itself, it cleans itself and makes its feathers smooth using its beak例句Rare birds preen themselves right in front of your camera. 很少有鸟类在镜头面前梳理自己的羽毛。scamper v. 蹦蹦跳跳地跑英义to run with quick short steps, like a child or small animal例句The flash sent the foxes scampering away. 闪光惊得狐狸四处逃窜。clutch v. 紧握,紧抓英义to hold something tightly because you do not want to lose it例句She was clutching a bottle of champagne.她手里紧紧抓着一瓶香槟酒。abstain v. 戒;戒除英义to decide not to do or have sth, especially sth you like or enjoy, because it is bad for your health or considered morally wrong例句to abstain from alcohol / sex / drugs 戒酒;禁欲;戒毒 🔥重点词组居积 make a profit out of 一下子 at/ in one go 节省着吃鸡蛋consume our eggs sparingly叼走 carry off 四处漂流 on the move至多 at most 剩饭剩菜 the leftovers of the table/ our supper一群鸡 a flock of chickens很平常的现象 no uncommon occurrence爱的生活 a life characterized by love近似 border on 得势 hold sway遭到失败,处于劣势 get the worst of sth. 没有食物 no food available 梳理羽毛 preen one’s feathers绝望之下 in desperation 使用武力 resort to the use of forces慌乱而逃 scamper in panic出现 come on the scene夹着尾巴跑了 flee with one’s tail between one’s legs 绝对占有 take exclusive possession of出于正义 out of a sense of justice驯善 tame and docile不遗余力 spare no efforts to 毫无恶意 without any ill intention争抢食物 scramble for the feed抽芽 put forth buds叫…过来 call for 🔥复盘测试居积一下子节省着吃鸡蛋叼走四处漂流至多剩饭剩菜一群鸡很平常的现象爱的生活近似得势遭到失败,处于劣势没有食物梳理羽毛绝望之下使用武力慌乱而逃出现夹着尾巴跑了绝对占有出于正义驯善不遗余力毫无恶意争抢食物抽芽叫…过来🔥表达对比关于「孵」的不同表达鸡蛋节省着吃,吃到后来母鸡要孵卵的时候,那是她更操心的时候了,We consume our eggs sparingly. My wife has to go to a lot more trouble when a hen is sitting. 孵卵的母鸡每隔一天要飞出窝来摄取一次饮食,她要先替它预备好;As the brooding hen will fly out of its roost to seek food once every other day, she has to get the feed ready for it beforehand. 在这菩提树成荫的时候,我们的母鸡各个孵化了九只鸡雏。By the time when the linden tree was leafy and made shade, the two hens had each hatched nine baby chicks.我们养鸡养过五六年,鸡雏也不知道孵化过好几次了。We have been raising chickens for five or six years, and broods upon broods of chicks have been hatched.关于「得势」的不同表达这两只雄鸡中只有一只得势,把那三只母鸡都占有了。One rooster, however, held sway and monopolized all the three hens.那回是我抱了不平,我把得势的一只雄鸡卖了。Hence, out of a sense of justice, I sold the domineering rooster.那不得势的一只,真是孤苦得可怜。The other got the worst of it and looked crestfallen.得势的一只雄鸡不消说要欺负它,便连那些娥皇女英们也不把它看在眼里。Not only was he bullied by the stronger opponent, he was also snubbed by the three females.