朱湘《徒步旅行者》 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析








史氏又有一篇短篇小说,“Providence and the Guitar,”里面描写一个富有波希米亚性的歌者的浪游,那篇短篇小说的性质又与上引的《徒步旅行》不同,那是《吉诃德先生》的一幅缩影,与孟代(Catulle Mendes)的Jem’en vais Par les chemins, li-re-lin一首歌词的境地倒是类似。孟氏的这首歌词说一个诗人浪游于原野之上,布袋里有一块白面包,口袋里有三个铜钱(心坎里有他的爱友),等到白面包与铜钱都被扒手给捞去了的时候,他邀请这个扒手把他的口袋也一齐捞去,因为他在心坎里依然存得有他的爱友。这是中古时代行吟诗人Troubadour的派头;没有中古时代,便容不了这些行吟诗人,连危用(villon)都嫌生迟了时代,何况孟氏。这个,我们只能认它作孟氏的取其快意的寄寓之词罢了。


就那个由浪游者改行作了诗人的岱维士(W. H. Davies)说来,徒步旅行实在是他的拿手——虽说能以偷车的时候,他也乐得偷车。据他的《自传》所说,徒步旅行有两种苦处——狗与雨。他的《自传》那篇诚实的毫不浮夸的记载,只是很简单的一笔便将狗这一层苦处带过去了;不知道他是怕狗的呢,还是他作过对不住狗这一族的事,——至少,我们可以想像得出,狗的多事未尝不是为了主人,这个,就一个同情心最开阔的诗人说来,岱氏是应当已经宽恕了的;不过,在当时,肚里空着,身上冻着,腿上酸着,羞辱在他的心上,脸上,再还要加上那一阵吠声,紧追在背后提醒着他,如今是处在怎样的一种景况之内,这个,便无论一个人的容量有多么大,岱氏想必也是不能不介然于怀的。关于雨这一层苦处,岱氏说得很详尽;这个雨并非“润物细无声”的那种毛毛雨,(其实说来,并不一定要它有声,只要它润了一天一夜,徒步旅行者便要在身上,心上沉重许多斤了。)这个雨也并非“花落知多少”的那种隔岸观火的家居者的闲情逸致的雨,它不是一幅画中的风景,它是一种宇宙中的实体,濡湿的,寒冷的,泥泞的。那连三接四的梅雨,就家居者看来,都是十分烦闷,惹厌,有耽误他们的许多事务,败兴他们的各种娱乐;何况是在没遮拦的荒野中,那雨向你的身上,向你的没有穿着雨衣的身上洒来,浸人,路旁虽说有漾出火光的房屋,但是那两扇门向了你紧闭着,好像一张方口哑笑的向了你在张大,深刻化你的孤单,寒冷的感觉,这时候的雨是怎么一种滋味,你总也可以想像得出罢。不然,你可以去读岱氏的《自传》,去咀嚼杜甫的“布衾多年冷似铁,娇儿恶卧踏里裂;长夜沾湿何由彻!”那三句诗;再不然,你可以牺牲了安逸的家居,去作一个毫无准备的徒步旅行者。






这卖毯子的人教我联想到危用,那个被驱出巴黎的徒步旅行者。他因为与同党窃售教堂中的物件,下了监牢,在牢里作成了那篇传诵到今的《吊死曲》,他是准备着上绞台的了;遇到皇帝登位,怜惜他的诗才,将他大赦,流徙出京城,这个“巴黎大学”的硕士,驰名于全巴黎的诗人便卢梭式的维持着生活,向南方步行而去,在奥类昂公爵(Charles d’Orleans也是一个驰名的诗人)的堡邸中,他逗留了一时,与公爵以及公爵的侍臣唱和了一篇限题为《在泉水的边沿我渴得要死》的ballade(巴俚曲)(大概也借了几个钱),接着,他又开始了他的浪游,一直到保兜地方,他才停歇了下来,因为又犯了事,被逼得停歇在一个地窖里。这又是教堂中人干的事;那个定罪名的主教治得他真厉害,不给他水喝(忘记了耶稣曾经感化过一个妓女),只给他面包吃,还不是新鲜的,他睡去了的时候,还要让地窖里的老鼠来分食这已经是少量的陈面包。徒步旅行者的生活到了这种田地,也算得无以复加了。





—By Zhu Xiang



Every time I read in the newspaper about the people traveling on foot, a far-away feeling surges in my heart. To me, these wayfarers belong to another world—a life of romance. There is no common ground between them and me, for I am but an overcautious homebody.

🎈步行 on foot

🎈wayfarer n.(徒步)旅行者,旅人

a person who travels from one place to another, usually on foot

🎈(观点、利益和目标的)共同基础,共同点,一致点 common ground


Despite our disagreements, we have been able to find some common ground.





All of us, even the Chinese, begin life with a spirit of adventure. The Greeks, who rarely abandon their homelands, lack this spirit also. Yet in the world’s literature over thousands of years, it is The Odyssey that stands at the pinnacle of romantic adventure stories, and it is Greek!

🎈《奥德赛》(The Odyssey)和《伊利亚特》(The Iliad)是古希腊最重要的两部史诗,统称《荷马史诗》。《奥德赛》延续了《伊利亚特》的故事情节,相传为盲诗人荷马所作;其主要情节是描写主人公海上的冒险故事,是航海小说的鼻祖。

🎈…的顶峰、顶点 the pinnacle of…


She was still a screen goddess at the pinnacle of her career.




Since the urge for adventure is innate, it is always necessary to find an outlet, in big or small ways. And there may be real benefits as a result or perhaps not.

🎈 1)innate adj.天生的,天然的,固有的

An innate quality or ability is one which a person is born with.


Americans have an innate sense of fairness.


2)natural / born adj.与生俱来的,天生的


He is a natural / born leader.




Both Charles Lindbergh’s flight across the Atlantic Ocean and Richard E. Byrd’s exploration of the Antarctic were huge adventures in their own right, and both were beneficial to society, though the travelers were less concerned about their personal interest. On the contrary, the travels of a simple tramp wandering alone can rise above any benefits or purpose.

🎈林德白的横渡大西洋飞航:一九二七年美国人林德白(Charles A. Lindbergh)第一次一口气从美国纽约飞越大西洋(the Atlantic Ocean)而达法国巴黎,三十二小时飞过三千六百三十三里。

🎈Richard E.Byrd:美国海军军官、极地探险家。出生于弗吉尼亚州,一九一二年毕业于美国海军军官学校,在靠前次世界大战期间负责驻守加拿大的美国空军部队。继一九二六年成功飞越北极后,多次领导南极探险。

🎈凭自身的资格(或努力) in one’s own right


She sings with a rock band, but she’s also a jazz musician in her own right.




Expanding a nation’s borders, providing military advantage or collecting scientific data are not our tramp’s concerns. We can only guess that the wanderer travels to gratify his own needs, yet this too is a human trait and thus beyond reproach.

🎈concern n. (对…)重要的事,关心的事

Someone’s concerns are the things that they consider to be important.


What are your main concerns as a writer?


🎈无可厚非be above/beyond reproach

reproach n.责备,斥责,指责,责怪blame or criticism for sth



Any stamps the tramp must solicit from the authorities he meets are of no importance to us homebodies. We should not be jealous of him, and must let him lead his life as he sees fit. Those autographs are merely souvenirs of his journeys.

🎈Any stamps (the tramp must solicit from the authorities (he meets)) are of no importance中(the tramp must solicit from the authorities (he meets))整个都是stamps的定语,可以看作省略that的定语从句;the tramp指“徒步旅行者”;must可以表示对情况的推测


His only explanation was that he must have brought them home in order to continue his work.


🎈tramp n. 流浪汉

🎈solicit v. 请求给予(金钱、帮助、支持等),征求(意见)

If you solicit money, help, support, or an opinion from someone, you ask them for it.


solicit sth from sb


see/think fit (to do sth)



You must act as you see fit.




His vanity is, after all, far above that of two women swearing in public, each trying for the upper hand in their squabble. Perhaps tramping can also be regarded as artistic in a sense.

🎈骂街swear in public

swear v.咒骂,诅咒,说脏话

to use rude or offensive language, usually because you are angry


gain/get/have/… the upper hand


in a sense

in some sense

in some ways

in a way

to a certain degree

to some degree



Robert Louis Stevenson once wrote enthusiastically about Walking Tours. The first time I read it was from a literary viewpoint, much the same as I had read his Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes.

🎈Robert Louis Stevenson:英国小说家。早年他到处游历,为其创作积累了资源,后期致力于小说创作,取得了极高的成就,其作品风格独特多变,对20世纪现代主义文学影响巨大。

🎈从……角度from a … viewpoint


The artist has painted the scene from various viewpoints.




Later on, from his autobiography I learned that he had experienced considerable distress while on his walking tours. One day, after a few hours’ travel in America’s West (What a great distance from his homeland Scotland!), he collapsed to the ground. Whether he fainted from fatigue or hunger I cannot remember, but fortunately someone came by and revived him.


autobiography n.自传

photograph n.照片

telegraph n.电报

autograph n.亲笔签名(尤指大明星)

geography n.地理学

topography n.地形学

biography n.传记

demography n.人口统计,人口学

bibliography n.[U]参考书 [参考书reference books]

calligraphy n.书法

🎈瘫倒在地collapse to the ground

跌倒在地fall to the ground

夷为平地been raged to the ground



Now, when I recall his graceful, lively essay Walking Tours, I warmly sense that this literary excellence is indeed the consequence of suffering. As well, I reverently feel that that Stevenson, who suffered all his life but didn’t allow his miseries to enter his writings, should be honored as a great, objective artist who created art for art’s sake.

🎈suffer v. 受苦,受难,受折磨


I hate to see animals suffering.


1)遭受……;患有……(疾病) suffer (from) sth


He suffers from asthma.


He suffered a massive heart attack.


Many companies are suffering from a shortage of skilled staff.


2)因……受苦suffer for sth


He made a rash decision and now he is suffering for it.


🎈一生,终身all one’s life

🎈被誉为……;有……殊荣be honored as…


史氏又有一篇短篇小说,“Providence and the Guitar,”里面描写一个富有波希米亚性的歌者的浪游,那篇短篇小说的性质又与上引的《徒步旅行》不同,那是《吉诃德先生》的一幅缩影,与孟代(Catulle Mendes)的Jem’en vais Par les chemins, li-re-lin一首歌词的境地倒是类似。

In the short story Providence and the Guitar, Stevenson depicted the wanderings of a Bohemian singer. Unlike his Walking Tours, the story reminds me of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes and the song Je m yen vais par les chemins, li-re-li by Catulle Mendes.


🎈Bohemian adj. 艺术家波希米亚风格的,不拘于传统的,放荡不羁的used to describe artistic people who live in an unconventional way

a bohemian writer放荡不羁的作家

bohemian café society追求新潮的咖啡馆社交圈

the bohemian lifestyle of the French capital法国首都随性的生活方式

🎈 Don Quixote译作《堂吉诃德》,是西班牙作家塞万提斯·萨维德拉于1605年和1615年分两部分出版的长篇反骑士小说。故事发生时,骑士早已绝迹一个多世纪,但主角阿隆索·吉哈诺(唐·吉诃德原名)却因为沉迷于骑士小说,时常幻想自己是个中世纪骑士,进而自封为“唐·吉诃德·德·拉曼却”(拉曼却地区的守护者),拉着邻居桑丘·潘沙做自己的仆人,“行侠仗义”、游走天下,做出了种种与时代相悖、令人匪夷所思的行径,结果四处碰壁。但最终从梦幻中苏醒过来。回到家乡后死去。



The song tells of a poet wandering in the wild, open country, with a loaf of bread in his cloth bag and three coppers in his pocket (and his beloved friends in his heart). When his bread and coppers are stolen by a pickpocket, he asks the light-fingered gentleman to take his pocket as well, because his most cherished friends are already safe in his heart.

🎈 pickpocket n.扒手,小偷

扒窃,掏包儿 pick sb’s pocket

light-fingered adj. 惯扒窃的;惯偷的likely to steal things



This is how medieval troubadours behaved; any other age would not have tolerated them. Even Francois Villon (1431-1463) wished he could have been born earlier, to say nothing of Mendes (1841-1909). As for the lyrics, they seem to have conveyed the delightful mood of the writer Mendes.

🎈medieval adj.中世纪的

Mediterranean adj. 地中海的

🎈Francois Villon是法国中世纪最杰出的抒情诗人。他继承了13世纪市民文学的现实主义传统,一扫贵族骑士抒情诗的典雅趣味,是市民抒情诗的主要代表。维庸受过高等教育,获得过文学学士学位,但他生活的时期正值英法百年战争,政局动荡不安,社会风气败坏,维庸结交了一帮狐朋狗友,染上了恶习,酗酒闹事,打架偷盗,无恶不作。1445年他因命案逃离巴黎,次年遇赦,不久又因盗窃案再次逃亡,临行前写下《小遗言集》,以玩世不恭的口吻讥讽和嘲笑权贵僧侣。

🎈更不用说,何况 to say nothing of




The scramble for seats is, by itself, enough to fill me with shock, to say nothing of the other tricks.


就那个由浪游者改行作了诗人的岱维士(W. H. Davies)说来,徒步旅行实在是他的拿手——虽说能以偷车的时候,他也乐得偷车。

For the wayfarer-turned poet W. H. Davies, tramping was indeed his life. If an opportunity to steal a ride on a passing train came along, he would be only too glad to jump on board.

🎈tramping n. 长途步行,徒步旅行a long walk

🎈到达,抵达,出现come along


When the right opportunity comes along, she’ll take it.




In The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp, he revealed his two annoyances during his travels—his dog and the rain.

🎈annoyance n. 使人烦恼的事,令人生气的事物

something that makes you slightly angry

annoy v. 使恼怒;使生气to make sb slightly angry

annoyed adj. 生气的;恼怒的slightly angry

annoying adj. 使恼怒的;使生气的;使烦恼的making sb feel slightly angry



In the honest, unadorned account of his walking tours, he mentioned the aggravation from his dog just in passing. I have no idea whether he feared the dog or he did it any injustice. To my way of thinking, dogs intrude on their masters, more often than not, out of good intentions, and so this broad-minded and sympathetic poet should have forgiven the dog for his dog’s transgressions.

🎈顺便;随便in passing


done or said while you are giving your attention to sth else 顺便,随便

I am really reluctant to bring it up, but I suppose there is no harm in mentioning it in passing.

🎈不公正地评判或对待某人 do sb an injustice


The article does them both an injustice.


To my way of thinking, words like gentleman and “vagabond” are too elusive because they have been used so creatively for such a long time that they have lost their pure meanings.

🎈我认为,依我看,依我之见to my way of thinking




🎈扰乱,侵扰…… intrude into/on/upon sth/sb


The sound of the telephone intruded into his dreams.


🎈总是,经常,在大多情况下 more often than not


I knew it happens more often than not.


🎈broad-minded adj. 愿意听取他人意见的,胸怀宽阔的,有气量的

willing to listen to other people’s opinions and accept behavior that is different from your own



With his stomach rumbling from hunger, his hands numb from the cold, his legs sore from walking and his heart heavy from humiliation, the dog’s incessant barking only reminded him of their shared misery. Davies could only feel more depressed, no matter how magnanimous he was by nature.

🎈rumbling from hunger、numb from the cold、sore from walking和heavy from humiliation中的from均引出原因。

🎈生性、天生地by nature


I’m very lazy by nature.




As for the rain, he went into more detail. It wasn’t the drizzle that wets everything on the quiet (As a matter of fact, this rain does not have to make a pattering sound. If it falls a day and a night, the wayfarer will surely feel a few pounds heavier in both body and soul.)

🎈悄悄地on the quiet

🎈事实上,实际上As a matter of fact




As a matter of fact, our forefathers long ago already drew an analogy between the hen and man…



Nor was it the rain that falls on leisurely and carefree home dwellers that show no concern for another’s trouble and only wonder about fallen blossoms. Nor was it the rain found in a landscape painting. It was part of the universe, wet, cold, and muddy.

🎈Nor was it the rain…:否定词及含有否定意义的词在句首,句子要部分倒装(只将助动词置于主语前,谓语其余部分置于主语后)。rain后的that定语从句可以简化为(the rain) that falls on home dwellers。“that show no concern for … and only wonder about…”是dweller的定语从句。

🎈leisurely adj. 悠闲的,从容的,慢悠悠的done without hurrying

🎈wet, cold, and muddy是主语补足语。



The intermittent drizzle is merely dull and annoying to homebodies, for it delays their work and spoils their fun. Without a home, in the wild, open countryside, if you neglect your raincoat, this type of rain will drench your body and soak your clothes.

🎈 intermittent adj. 断续的,间歇的

一阵一阵的掌声intermittent bursts of applause

从灯塔传来的忽明忽暗的闪光intermittent flashes of light from a lighthouse

【词根】“mit” / “miss” = send

intermit v. 暂停

intermittent adj. 断续的;间歇的

intermission n. 暂停;幕间休息

admit “v. 准许进入;承认

admission n. 准许进入;承认

emit v. 发射,发出

emission n. 发射,发出

omit v. 省略,删除;忽略,疏忽

omission n. 省略,删除;忽略,疏忽

permit v. 允许

permission n. 允许

submit v. 提交,上交;服从,屈服

submission n. 提交,上交;服从,屈服

submissive adj. 服从的,顺从的

transmit v. 传输,传染

transmission n. 传输,传染

remit v. 赦免,宽恕;汇款

remission n. 赦免,宽恕

remittance n. 汇款

manumit v. 解放(奴隶)

manumission n.(奴隶的)解放

🎈浸满(某种液体)be soaked / dripping / drenched with …



Though houses along the path display a glimmer of light, their gates are locked, like big mouths that smile at you in silent ridicule. They only make you feel even more chilled and solitary. Imagine how dreary this cold rain can be!

🎈ridicule n. 嘲笑,奚落,讥笑

unkind comments that make fun of sb/sth or make them look silly



If you cannot, you should read Davies’ Autobiography, or chew over Du Fu’s poem lines—My quilt after years of use is cold as iron, With rents kicked in it by my spoiled son….Wet through, how can I last out the long night till dawn? Or you can throw away your easy, comfortable home life and take to the road completely unprepared.




Once, when crossing the iron bridge over the Yellow River in a train and counting the guardrails one after another, I noticed an old tramp that wore only a tom cotton-padded coat and carried a cloth-wrapper hung from the handle of his umbrella. He was standing near the edge and right at that moment a faraway feeling welled up in my heart and a sense of comfort filled the train.

🎈棉袄、棉袍等用cotton-padde表示,例如萧红《当铺》里“新做起来的我的棉袍 my newly-made cotton-padded gown”、吴冠中《绿衣姑娘》里的 棉袄cotton-padded jacket

🎈就在……之际,就在那一刻 right at that moment

🎈涌出 well up




She looked at Scabby-headed Xue with incomprehension. Tears welled up in her eyes. She plucked up her courage to call him “Brother Ah Xue” for the first time.



It is strange that we guard our feelings so tightly to hold the world at bay! Even a man of letters like me is so cold-blooded! What right do I have to condemn them for being apathetic?

🎈(猎物)被围困,被迫作困兽之斗 at bay


when an animal that is being hunted is at bay, it must turn and face the dogs and hunters because it is impossible to escape from them

不让(敌人)接近;防止(问题)恶化hold/keep sb/sth at bay


to prevent an enemy from coming close or a problem from having a bad effect

🎈文人墨客 men of letters



My only consolation is that I have not stooped so low as to ridicule the wayfarers. Though I could not appreciate the profound sorrow in Du Fu’s poems, at least I did not ridicule him, nor did I build a fence against his feelings. Indifference to people’s sufferings is human nature, but feelings of hostility are simply vulgar.

🎈建立屏障,隔绝 build a fence against sb/sth

保持中立,骑墙sit on the fence

🎈人性,人的本性 human nature 不可数


It seems to be human nature to worry.




The apparel of Western tramps, by whom I mean those who are forced by circumstances to wander from place to place, is unknown to me, but from the descriptions and illustrations of gypsies, I guess that they probably dress like those Russians selling tapestries in the street. Take a glance at how those foreigners dress when they curl up on a ship’s deck and we can imagine a thing or two.

🎈gypsy n. 吉卜赛人(许多人更喜欢用 Roma 或 Romani)

a member of a race of people, originally from Asia, who traditionally travel around and live in caravans.

🎈tapestry n. 挂毯,壁毯,织锦,花毯

a large piece of heavy cloth with a picture sewn on it using coloured threads



The Russians selling tapestries remind me of François Villon, a tramp once driven out of Paris. Because he stole some religious artifacts from the church with his friends, he was thrown into prison. There he wrote La Ballade des Pendus, a masterpiece which still has quite a large following.

🎈artifact=artefact n.人工制品,手工艺品(尤指有历史或文化价值的)

an object that is made by a person, especially sth of historical or cultural interest

🎈following是单数名词,指“(统称)拥护者,追随者”,相当于a group of supporters。



As he was preparing himself for the gallows, the Emperor, who had recently ascended to the throne, prized his poetic talents highly and so pardoned his crime. This postgraduate from Université de Paris, already a renowned poet at this time, was compelled to tramp south as an exile, continuing to live a vagrant life like Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

🎈登位,登基ascend to the throne

🎈研究生,硕士a postgraduate

大学毕业生;学士学位获得者 a graduate

🎈renowned adj. 有名的,有声望的

A person or place that is renowned for something, usually something good, is well known because of it.


James was renowned as a forward thinker.



在奥类昂公爵(Charles d’Orleans也是一个驰名的诗人)的堡邸中,他逗留了一时,与公爵以及公爵的侍臣唱和了一篇限题为《在泉水的边沿我渴得要死》的ballade(巴俚曲)(大概也借了几个钱),接着,他又开始了他的浪游,一直到保兜地方,他才停歇了下来,因为又犯了事,被逼得停歇在一个地窖里。

He stayed in the castle of Charles d’ Orleans (who was also a celebrated French poet) for quite a while, during which time he created a ballad called Je Meurs de Soif Aupres de la Fontaine together with the Duke and his attendants. After that, probably with the little money he had earned, he continued to tramp until he reached Bordeaux. There he committed another theft and was shut up in a cellar.

🎈celebrated adj. 著名的,有名的,受人敬仰的

A celebrated person or thing is famous and much admired.



The Impressive Sunrise is a world-famous painting. “The setting sun shines with unrivalled splendor” is a celebrated line from an ancient Chinese poem.




🎈犯罪 commit a crime

偷窃commit a theft

自杀commit suicide

🎈把某人关在… shut sb up




All day long Daddy plays with his writing brushes at the desk and Mom shuts herself up at home sewing and stitching.…



Again it was the church that meted out the punishment. The Bishop was so ruthless that he begrudged him even water (perhaps forgetting that Jesus Christ had once reformed even a prostitute) and gave him nothing but stale bread. When Villon slept, the rats in the cellar would come to share his already scarce food.

🎈给予惩罚,责罚,使受苦mete sth out to sb或mete out sth to sb

the violence meted out to the prisoners施加在囚犯身上的暴力

🎈在……上亏待某人 begrudge sb sth




If the young master or the young lady had begrudged the maid their delicacies, we would not be surprised that she stole to satisfy her craving…



A tramp’s life, which had got him into such a sorry plight, could not be worse!

🎈plight n.苦难,困境,苦境a difficult and sad situation

下场非常悲惨 in/into a sorry plight



步行 on foot

共同基础,共同点,一致点 common ground

凭自身的资格(或努力) in one’s own right

无可厚非be above/beyond reproac

(做某事)恰当(或适合);决定,愿意(做某事)see/think fit (to do sth)

占上风,处于有利地位;有优势;有控制权gain/get/have/… the upper hand

在某种程度/意义上in a sense

从……角度from a … viewpoint

瘫倒在地collapse to the ground

一生,终身all one’s life

被誉为……;有……殊荣be honored as…

更不用说,何况 to say nothing of

到达;抵达;出现come along

顺便;随便in passing

不公正地评判或对待某人 do sb an injustice

我认为;依我看;依我之见to my way of thinking

扰乱;侵扰…… intrude into/on/upon sth/sb

总是;经常;在大多情况下 more often than not

生性、天生地by nature

人性;人的本性 human nature [不可数]

悄悄地on the quiet

事实上,实际上As a matter of fact

就在……之际,就在那一刻 right at that moment

就在……之际,就在那一刻 right at that moment

涌出 well up

文人墨客 men of letters

建立屏障,隔绝 build a fence against sb/sth

登位,登基ascend to the throne

研究生,硕士a postgraduate

把某人关在… shut sb up

给予惩罚;责罚;使受苦mete sth out to sb或mete out sth to sb

在……上亏待某人 begrudge sb sth

下场非常悲惨 in/into a sorry plight

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