吴伯箫《夜谈》 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析














































Night Talk

—By Wu Boxiao



Perhaps I have a melancholy disposition. If not, what else can explain my affection for the night?

🎈melancholy adj. 忧郁的;悲伤的

心情愉快/忧郁 in a merry / melancholy mood

🎈disposition n. [C, usually sing.] 性情,性格

性格阳光to have a cheerful disposition

容易焦虑的人群people of a nervous disposition

【形近词】indisposition n. (fml.)小病,小恙a slight illness

🎈对……的(深厚)感情(deep)affection for

对A抱有……感情 cherish a +adj.+ affection + for A

母爱/父爱maternal / paternal affection



I love the shadows of people strolling in the streets, the lone lamp shimmering in the deserted house, and the shriek of wild geese gliding past on the cool autumn night.

🎈非谓语成分strolling in the streets、shimmering in the deserted house、gliding past on the cool autumn night分别是people、lamp、geese的后置修饰语。




I adore the sound of bell that reaches drowsy boat passengers at midnight, the roar of seas resounding in the hills at dawn, and the crowing of roosters announcing the start of martial arts practice. I treasure the dogs incessantly barking in those out-of-the-way, pitch-black lanes, the mysterious midnight gunshots, and the rascals fooling around in the alley.

🎈drowsy adj. 困倦的,昏昏欲睡的 tired and almost asleep


The tablets may make you feel drowsy.


🎈武术martial arts

武术器材martial arts equipment

uout-of-the-way adj. 偏僻的;人迹罕至的difficult to reach and are therefore not often visited

🎈pitch-black adj.漆黑的、乌黑的completely dark or black

…一片漆黑 …be in pitch darkness/be pitch dark




……Its two eyes were pitch-black. Its legs were thin like thread.

🎈游手好闲,闲耍,虚度光阴 fool around/about

与某人打情骂俏,乱搞男女关系 fool around with sb


She’s been fooling around with a married man.




I cherish the jazz music playing all night in the dance hall, the bright candles glowing in the nuptial chamber, and the pretty, bashful bride captured by the candlelight.

🎈舞厅 the dance hall

舞曲 the dance music

🎈 chamber特指(用作某种用途)的房间。如此处的“洞房”和柔石的《为奴隶的母亲》中“<洞房>花烛夜,金榜挂名时。…to spend the first night in <the nuptial chamber> or to pass a civil service examination.”又如《今夜,我是你的新娘》中的“属于我处女的最后一个白天是我一个人静静地待在房里,我悄悄地布置着我的<新房>。On the last day of my virginity, I stayed indoors alone, quietly decorating my <wedding chamber>.”



I enjoy hearing hotel lodgers calling for boiling water in the middle of the night. Naturally, when my eyes are heavy with sleep, I cherish the feeling of stretching out in bed and sneezing as loud as I can. Because I worship the night time, I have a fondness for all these nightly events. I cherish the night, and so night talk becomes my love.


1)have a + adj + affection for…

2)have a fondness for…


4)…become one’s love

🎈worship v. 崇拜,景仰,热爱

love or admire sth or sb very much


She had worshipped him for years.




In the searing heat of the day, people shout orders or wait for instructions amid the frantic rush.

🎈searing adj. 灼热的,强烈的

used to indicate that something such as pain or heat is very intense

热带夏季灼人的热浪the searing heat of a tropical summer

火辣辣的疼痛searing pain

🎈frantic adj. 紧张忙乱的,手忙脚乱的

done quickly and with a lot of activity, but in a way that is not very well organized


They made frantic attempts to revive him.


Things are frantic in the office right now.




Old farmers till their fields with their ploughs, rakes, and hoes, covered head to toe with mud and sweat. Business people tick off their abacus beads while haggling over every penny in a dance of saliva spray, trying to outsmart each other.




锄头 hoe

镰刀 sickle

拖拉机 tractor

🎈till v. 耕,犁地

犁地 till fields/land

🎈生意人,商业人士 business people

🎈(和某人)讨价还价 haggle with sb over sth


I left him in the market haggling over the price of a shirt.


🎈penny n.[单数名词] 一个子儿,分文

锱铢必较haggle over every penny

朝中有人胜于囊中有钱。A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.

身无分文。Not a penny to my name.




Factory workers turn themselves into machines; school-masters offer lame arguments, trying to justify themselves. Meanwhile, their students take advantage of their afternoon nap to get into mischief.

🎈蹩脚的借口/论点 lame excuses/arguments

站不住脚的理论 lame theories

🎈利用这个机会/凭借这个优势 take this opportunity/advantage to do sth



2)make use of

3)take advantage of

🎈恶作剧,捣乱,淘气 get into mischief


While my wife was cooking, she kept half an eye on the baby to see that she didn’t get into mischief.




You see, how could they have a talk? Even if they wanted to, they would have to wait until nightfall. Night is prime time for a talk.

🎈怎么会,怎能,怎么能够,怎么可能 how could(带有惊讶、无法相信的感情色彩)




How could they have done this to me? The answer can be found in Nature.

🎈黄金时段prime time

黄金时间的电视节目 prime-time television



On summer nights, by the time we put down our chopsticks, stars would have already dotted the country sky.

🎈by the time we put down our chopsticks意同… by the time when / that / at which we put down our chopsticks,这几种用法都正确。


1)sth + dot a place

2)a place +be dotted with sth



The background of the photos was yellowed with age and dotted with fuzzy specks.



Our courtyard was infested with mosquitoes and more or less stifling hot, so I would join my grandpa for a stroll to a big ring encircled with willows at the edge of the village. I would bring a mattress of dog skin and a hooka for him, but when we arrived we would discover the grounds already packed with villagers chatting incessantly about their trifles.

🎈(某地)充满…… be infested with…

【补充】“-ridden ”: full of sth. unpleasant(充满了令人讨厌的东西)

负债累累的国家debt-ridden countries

到处是蚊子的沼泽地mosquito-ridden swamps

疾病肆虐的贫民窟disease-ridden slums

“-infested ”(充满了动物)

到处是鲨鱼的水域shark-infested waters

老鼠成患的仓库rat-infested warehouses

到处是昆虫的树木insect-infested trees

🎈(某处)挤满了…be thronged / crowded / packed with …


The streets were thronged / crowded / packed with Christmas shoppers.

(某处)到处是/挤满了…be swarming / teeming with …


The campus was swarming / teeming with students.



Some were sitting on straw rain capes or short wooden stools, or on the shoes they had taken off; others would unfurl reed mattresses lying down with legs doubled up—all were enjoying the coolness.

🎈蓑衣 straw rain cape



Grandpas, uncles, and brothers would warmly greet us, “Good evening!” or “Please come and sit here!”

🎈和某人打招呼greet sb

打招呼会互吻双颊greet with a kiss on each cheek



During our welcomes, some would half rise from their seats while others would stand up. How warm and relaxed we would feel!

🎈welcome n. 迎接,接待,欢迎

something that you do or say to sb when they arrive, especially sth that makes them feel you are happy to see them

热情接待warm welcome

热烈欢迎 an enthusiastic welcome

欢迎辞,欢迎的微笑a speech/smile of welcome

受到英雄般的欢迎to receive a hero’s welcome



The smokers would suck on pipes, and those who didn’t smoke would count stars or catch glowworms before they got around to chewing the fat of old stories featuring those long-haired Taiping rebels or some Chinese Romeo and Juliet or a drought that lasted forty-nine days and caused total crop failure.

🎈吸烟(斗)suck on pipes


吸大烟smoke a long-stemmed Chinese pipe



🎈glowworm n.发光虫

a type of insect. The female has no wings and produces a green light at the end of the tail.

firefly n.萤火虫

a type of beetle that produces light from its body

🎈抽出时间做,终于去做 get around/round to doing sth


I wondered when you would get around to that.


🎈(长时间)闲聊,闲扯 chew the fat


Mommy didn’t have time to sit around and chew the fat.


🎈sth/sb featuring…结构中feature之后可接「特色」和「内容」。如:德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义事业建设者和接班人 builders and successors of socialist cause featuring all-round development in moral grounding, intellectual and physical ability, aesthetic sensibility, and work skills.


🎈收成不佳,作物歉收,作物减产 crop failure


The resulting global warming poses risks ranging from rising sea levels that drown inhabited coasts to crop failures from stronger heat waves and drought.




They talked of ghosts, of fairy foxes, and domestic busybodies. How interesting it was! When frightened, we huddled closer to our neighbors; when delighted, we joined in laughter with them.

🎈busybody n. 好管闲事的人;好事的人an officious or inquisitive person



Watching the fading dusk over the vast expanse of land, the twinkling stars, and the glimmering hookas, we felt completely at peace. Together we merged into the darkness!


🎈hooka n. 水烟筒(利用水的吸烟装置,等于hookah)

🎈融汇/合并到一块be merged in / into …= be joined in / into …=merge into …



Numerous scenic spots and historical sites from Shi Sha Hai Lake with its dragonflies after a rain to the Yu Quan Shan Mountain with the dream pagoda on top—all merge into a single whole.



Then a meteor would suddenly dart across the sky, and we would shout out “Look at the shooting star!” And when a lantern approached on the nearby road, the dogs would bark their welcome.

🎈meteor n.流星

a piece of rock from outer space that makes a bright line across the night sky as it burns up while falling through the earth’s atmosphere

流星雨a meteor shower


1)outer planet n. 外行星,带外行星

any of the planets Jupiter(木星)




and Pluto(冥王星)

whose orbits lie beyond the asteroid(小行星) belt






“Damn dog!” some mutt owner would curse.

“Where are you heading?” he would continue.

“Looking for a guesthouse” or “towards the town” the lantern would reply.

🎈 mutt n. 狗,杂种狗

a dog, especially one that is not of a particular breed



After this interruption had passed, peace and quiet would return. When watching the lantern disappear into the distance, the villagers would resume their stories.

🎈 resume

1)v. 重新开始;(中断后)继续

继续(做)某事resume (doing) sth

重新进行会谈/谈判resume talks/negotiations

2) 回到(原来的座位、地方或位置)resume one’s seat/place/position

3)n. 摘要,概述,概要a short summary or account of sth

到目前为止事件的概述a brief résumé of events so far

4)n. (求职用的)履历,简历

个人简历personal resume /curriculum viate (CV)


Applications with a full curriculum vitae and two references should reach the Principal by June 12th.

申请书连同完整个人简历和两份推荐信必须在 6 月 12 日以前送达校长处。



From time to time, they would sing a couple of erhuang melodies or some local operas. Listen! Someone was singing in falsetto, “Summon the best singsong girl, or bring me the second best.”

🎈二簧: 是京剧的主要声腔之一,是一种抒情的腔调,比较稳重、平和、深沉。






This is night talk in the countryside. The crowd would not break up until it was well past midnight and the air was wet with dew.

🎈散(会)、使解散break up




We kept chatting until the party broke up late at night.

🎈露重the air was wet with dew

热汗直流 be wet with perspiration



Often, people would talk themselves to sleep and snore away, while others would yawn widely and doze off. A mother might call out to her child, “Quick now, get back to sleep!” The child would rub his drowsy eyes, and reluctantly return home.

🎈喊某人 call out to sb


As I’m about to call out to them they run away.




A wife would then shout to her husband, “I say, why are you hanging around there?” With reluctance, the obedient, honest husband would get up and leave right away.

🎈get up



3)穿衣打扮 (get oneself up)


They knew how to get themselves up in those days.




One after another, the crowd grew thinner and the talk mellowed. When the crowd broke up, the dog would utter an Aheng, stretch its limbs and call it a day, leaving the whole area to bats and mosquitoes to prolong the cacophony of the evening talk.

🎈收工,到此为止,停止 call it a day


We’re going to have to call it a day.


🎈cacophony n. 刺耳的嘈杂声a mixture of loud unpleasant sounds

震耳欲聋的刺耳警报声a cacophony of deafening alarm bells



A traveler far from home trudged across mountains and rivers, braving wind and rain. Reflecting on what he left behind, he walked with heavy steps and somehow found a roadside inn when the sun was setting.

🎈跋山涉水to trudge across mountains and rivers

柿风沐雨to brave wind and rain

以风梳发,以雨洗头。形容在外 奔波,不避风雨,历尽艰辛。

brave v. 勇敢面对,冒风险,经受困难



Approaching the door, he stamped his feet to shake off the dust, rubbed his face, and blew his nose.

🎈擤鼻子 blow one’s nose

打喷嚏 sneeze



Inside the dining hall, he felt fearfully thirsty and so began to drink, one cup after another. Though he did not think himself hungry, he casually grabbed a quick bite. Yet after he made the bed, he could not fall into slumber. In the presence of the lone lamp, he felt so fatigued, dejected, and melancholy that tears glistened in his eyes.

🎈餐厅,食堂 the dining hall

🎈吃点东西(非正式语),随便吃几口,先吃点东西垫垫肚子 grab a bit

🎈睡着 fall into a slumber


1.think+ 从句

I think ( that ) it is a good thing.

2.think+ 名词或代词

3.think+ 名词或代词 + 名词或形容词(宾补)

4.think + it (形式宾语) + 形容词或名词(宾补) + 不定式/动名词/从句(直接宾语)

5.think+ 不定式

6.think + wh- 词 + 不定式

7.think+ 名词或代词 +to be 短语(宾补)



Suddenly, through the gate entered another guest. He might be a porter, or a cart puller, or a liquor seller on donkey back, but who cares about the newcomer’s trade? So long as he was here for the night.

🎈porter n. 火车站或宾馆的行李员,搬运工

a person whose job is carrying people’s bags and other loads, especially at a train station, an airport or in a hotel



You see, when he entered, he also stamped his feet to shake off the dust, rubbed his face, and blew his nose before sitting down to food and drink.

🎈跺脚 stamp one’s feet

站起来 rise to one’s feet

跳起来spring to one’s feet

一跃而起jump to one’s feet

🎈food and drink





At the beginning, you were so depressed and anxious that you were in no mood to converse, but soon found yourself greeting him with a “Where are you from?” or a “Where are you going?”

🎈没有兴致做某事be in no mood to do sth



You asked his name and he did the same, and so you became acquainted. By and by, words began to flow. After all, you were fellow travelers! Naturally the two of you should sympathize with each other. As your conversation went on, a feeling of warmth and relief began to well up.

🎈对某人或某物很熟悉be acquainted with sb. / sth.

acquaintance n.[U]知道,了解;[C]熟人

🎈 fellow travelers中fellow指「和(自己)身份、地位相同的人」,比如同胞fellow Chinese。

🎈涌出 well up




She looked at Scabby-headed Xue with incomprehension. Tears welled up in her eyes. She plucked up her courage to call him “Brother Ah Xue” for the first time.



Your solitude and distress were forgotten before sleep carried you away. Even if you woke up to find the pillow stained with tears, a night of broken sleep is still better than a night spent in tossing and turning in time with the watchman’s clapper.

🎈沾着,浸着 be stained with sth


His hands were stained with paint.


🎈时睡时醒,断断续续的睡眠a broken sleep



If you encounter an old friend in an alien land, that would be even more a cause for celebration.

🎈他乡遇故知to encounter an old friend in an alien land

与…格格不入be alien to


The idea is alien to our religion.


Luxury is alien to her nature.


外国文化alien cultures

外星人alien beings from another planet



Won’t you drink the night away, waiting for day to break? Of course, you can never share all your thoughts in one night’s conversation. When pleased, you clasp each other’s hands; if dispirited, you may shed tears or pat each other’s shoulders, smiling knowingly at each other. Who knows what topics you may talk about?

🎈break v.天破晓

daybreak n.[U]黎明,拂晓,破晓

破晓,黎明 dawn arrives/the day is breaking…/ the day is dawning

🎈流泪,落泪 shed tears

流下伤心的泪水shed bitter tears

蜕壳shed /moult(molt) shell



Night is lonely, but you forget about it. Night slows the passage of time, but you put that out of your mind. You only feel the night’s excitement and delight welling up in your heart, together with the inexplicable pangs of misery. There is another kind of night talk.


🎈阵阵…… pangs of…

pang n.[C] 突然的疼痛(或痛苦);一阵剧痛a sudden strong feeling of physical or emotional pain

饥饿之苦hunger pangs/pangs of hunger

突然涌来的嫉妒a sudden pang of jealousy


It is hard to stand the pangs of a toothache.


🎈 inexplicable adj. 费解的,无法解释的,莫名的

cannot be understood or explained

(近义词 incomprehensible)

令人费解的行为inexplicable behaviour

由于某种莫名其妙的原因for some inexplicable reason



The situation had grown increasingly tense and secret agents had crowded about the place, yet a gang of revolutionaries sat quiet and still in some cramped garret or stuffy basement, talking and arguing under candlelight so faint that a whiff of breath could have extinguished it.

🎈一帮,一伙……a gang of


He suffered a vicious attack by a gang of white youths.


🎈quiet and still经常一起出现,加强「安静」之意。


On the contrary, the green Serpent, who had seemed, until then, wide awake and full of life, became suddenly very quiet and still.


🎈 under candlelight so faint that…意同under candlelight , which was so faint that…



If you couldn’t see, it would be impossible to decipher what they were all jabbering about.

🎈急促(或激动)而含混不清地说;叽里咕噜地说 jabber about sth



Still, they were not alarmed in the slightest because the great composure and presence of mind put their ardent hearts in place. Eagerly, they looked into each other’s eyes, as if expecting an important person or waiting for a crucial order to come.

🎈丝毫,根本in the slightest


That notion does not please Donald Trump in the slightest.




At first they were anxious and wondered “Why has he not come yet?” and “Could anything have happened to him?” Suddenly, they incredibly heard three slight knocks at the door. Turning towards the sound, they saw a young man wearing a blue, tattered gown squeeze into the house through a door now slightly ajar.

🎈某人遇到某事;某事发生在某人身上sth happen to sb(/sth)

What’s happened to your car?


🎈now slightly ajar是door的后置修饰成分。

ajar adj. 开;微启(of a door) slightly open[not before noun]







awake, aged,ablaze(着火的)等。


He was the only person alive at that moment.




It was the man they were expecting. He was slight of build and had sharp eyes; his lips were tightly closed, as if clad in iron. Without thinking, everybody solemnly stood up to greet him, then sat once more in anticipation of his report.

🎈再一次,再次 once more


train was late.




At first, he gave his audience an unpretentious, graceful smile like a maiden as if he was prescribing a calming remedy for their souls. Then, he began to talk in a low, clear voice; the tone of his speech flowed like the tinkling of spring water fresh out of the mountain.

🎈prescribe v. 开药方

给某人开处方prescribe sb. sth.


The doctor prescribed him a course of antibiotics.


给…开… prescribe sth. for sth.


This drug is commonly prescribed for arthritis.


…的处方/药方prescription for …


prescribe v.开处方

proscribe v.禁止

describe v.描述

inscribe v.刻字

ascribe v.归因于,归功于

circumscribe v.限制

subscribe v.订阅,订购;认捐;赞同,同意

transcribe v.抄写



He spoke of capture almost like a dancing girl’s love; he talked of prison as if quoting an amusing passage from some ancient book. As for life, he said it should be like the thunder and lightning on stormy days, providing sound and shedding some light, no matter how fleeting they may be.

🎈 fleeting adj. 短暂的,飞逝的[usually before noun]

短暂的一瞥,一闪即逝的微笑a fleeting glimpse/smile

转瞬即逝的幸福时刻 a fleeting moment of happiness

短暂游览巴黎 pay a fleeting visit to Paris


He said death was the beginning of life and we did not have to expect it or dread it, for it had nothing to do with life. He talked of the stupid spies, of the grand rebellions, and of the days of nationwide jubilation.


1)be afraid of (doing) sth

2)fear/dread sth

3)it scares sb to do sth


It scared me to think I was alone in the building.


🎈与……无关has nothing to do with…



Before they knew it, joyous laughter had roared from their hearts and their faces were wreathed in a bashful glow. Exhilarated and inspired, all the revolutionaries felt like bullets whose path could not be resisted.

🎈被……环绕/覆盖/笼罩 be wreathed in/with sth


The mountain tops were wreathed in mist.


Her face was wreathed in smiles (= she was smiling a lot).




This is a kind of night talk that will never put you to sleep.

🎈 put sb to sleep指致人入睡,也指「使无痛苦地死去,使长眠」

I’m going take the dog down to the vet’s and have her put to sleep.




Night talk is delightful. On Lunar New Year’s Eve, the whole family stays up all night by the dancing charcoal fire, talking over millet liquor of their ancestors’ glorious deeds. In the midst of sporadic blasts of firecrackers, their talk is imbued with celestial happiness.

🎈大年除夕on Lunar New Year’s Eve

🎈熬夜 stay up (late)

🎈talking over millet liquor of their ancestors’ glorious deeds中over millet liquor指「就着黄米酒」,talk of sth指谈论某事。

🎈放鞭炮set off firecrackers

🎈洋溢着,弥漫着…… be imbued with…


He managed to imbue his employees with team spirit.




Two elderly men, spending their night watching over their paddy fields with shotguns in hand, walk a hunting dog along the ridges in the paddy field. On this quiet, dreary night, they confer over cigarettes and listen to the wind rustling through the rice plants. Such talk is of idyllic delights.

🎈稻田,梯田paddy fields

🎈shotgun n. 猎枪,散弹枪

🎈遛狗 walk a dog

猎狗,猎犬 a hunting dog

🎈confer (over cigarettes) and listen to the wind中的confer(说杂话)和over cigarette并不连起来理解,介词短语over cigarettes作伴随状语,表示「吸烟」

🎈idyllic adj. 田园诗般的; 平和美丽的

在田园风光的环境中的房子a house set in idyllic surroundings

过着诗情画意的生活to lead an idyllic existence



In the night a few young men crowd around an amiable old man asking about The Book of Songs and Greek mythologies. His erudite replies are of academic interest.

🎈amiable adj. 和蔼可亲的,亲切友好的

pleasant; friendly and easy to like


Her parents seemed very amiable.


amiability n.[U]和蔼可亲

amiably adv.和蔼可亲地

🎈《诗经》The Book of Songs

百家姓Book of China’s Family

三字经 Three-Character Classic


🎈 erudite adj. 博学的,有学问的

having or showing great knowledge that is gained from academic study[近义词learned]

🎈 of academic interest:of+抽象名词=形容词。



In private, some slip into conversation about today’s tyranny, using unspoken codes rather than everyday language. The conquered Chu people wept together, tears recounting their grief and indignation.

🎈 偶语弃市:指在暴政下,二人相对私语也会遭到杀身之祸。出自《史记·秦始皇本纪》

🎈楚囚对泣: 楚囚:原指春秋时被俘到晋国的楚大夫钟仪,后借指处境窘迫的人。形容遭遇国难或其他变故时,相对无策,只知在一起悲伤。也作“楚囚相对”。出自宋·杨万里《新亭送客》:“柏壁置人添一笑;楚囚对泣后千年。”

🎈 tyranny n. 暴虐;专横;苛政;专政unfair or cruel use of power or authority

压迫和暴政的受害者a victim of oppression and tyranny

纳粹统治的暴行the tyrannies of Nazi rule

🎈recount v. 叙述,讲述

recount / relate / report sth. to sb. 向某人讲述某事

tell sb. (about) sth. 向某人讲述(关于)某事(的情况)

narrate v.记叙、记述→narrative n.记叙文

account v.讲述→account for…①占…比例②解释…


Afro-Americans account for 12% of the US population.



“A sumptuous feast appears amidst flowers, and with wine flowing round, we drink in the moonlight.” Whether to enhance a leisurely mood or find a cultured pleasure, night talks are always enjoyable.

🎈“开琼宴以坐花,飞羽觞而醉月” 出自唐代李白的《春夜宴从弟桃花园序》,意思是“摆开筵席来坐赏名花,快速地传递着酒杯醉倒在月光中。”

🎈sumptuous adj. 华贵的,豪华的,奢华的

grand and obviously very expensive

盛宴a sumptuous feast

🎈 cultured adj.文雅的



If you don’t believe it, please come to join us. I will serve you a big pot of boiling water, a small jar of vintage liquor, a tin of cigarettes, a few copies of Shanghai tabloids, some baked sweet potatoes, and several forbidden books.

🎈佳酿,醇酒vintage liquor

vintage adj. 优质的,上等的,佳酿的


【补充】英国报纸可以分为传统意义上的大报(broadsheet)和小报(tabloid),它们针对不同的读者群,因此办报的理念和风格有巨大差别。现在这两种报更多的是内容上的差别而非版式上的。Broadsheet,就像中国的《人民日报》《南方日报》差不多,报道政治经济重大事件,内容严肃客观,代表自然是《泰晤士报》(The Times)和《卫报》(The Guardian)之类。Tabloid则通常是四开,版面为大报(broadsheet)的一半,内容以娱乐文艺为主,比较轻松愉快,也可能完全无节操无下限(比如《太阳报》The Sun)

🎈红薯,山芋,甘薯 sweet potatoes

【补充】白薯一般指番薯。 番薯(学名:Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.)别称甘储、甘薯、朱薯、金薯、番茹、红山药、玉枕薯、山芋、地瓜、甜薯、红薯、红苕、白薯、阿鹅、萌番薯。



You and your friends are most welcome, whether on a spring night scented with flowers or a stormy summer night shattered by lightning and thunder, whether on an autumn night alive with insects chirping in the wind or on a winter night softened by swirling snowflakes.


1)A +be scented with B

2)scent A with B

3)B +scent +A

scent v.使具有香味to give sth a particular, pleasant smell


Roses scented the night air.




Whether on a quiet, beautiful evening or a wild, wakeful night, you are always welcome. When we meet again, we can talk well into the small hours.


🎈午夜刚过的一段时间;凌晨时分 the small/early hours


We worked well into the small hours.




So, when we sleep together by candlelight, you will probably not be able to sleep at all. Hey, buddy! Please come and have a chat with me!




心情愉快/忧郁in a merry / melancholy mood

性格阳光to have a cheerful disposition

对……的(深厚)感情(deep)affection for

武术martial arts

…一片漆黑 …be in pitch darkness/be pitch dark

游手好闲;闲耍;虚度光阴fool around/about

舞厅 the dance hall

洞房the nuptial chamber

热带夏季灼人的热浪the searing heat of a tropical summer

生意人,商业人士 business people

(和某人)讨价还价 haggle with sb over sth

蹩脚的借口/论点 lame excuses/arguments

利用这个机会/凭借这个优势 take this opportunity/advantage to do sth

恶作剧,捣乱,淘气get into mischief

黄金时段prime time

某物散布于某地a place +be dotted with sth

(某地)充满…… be infested with…

(某处)挤满了…be thronged / crowded / packed with …

(某处)到处是/挤满了…be swarming / teeming with …

蓑衣 straw rain cape

和某人打招呼greet sb

打招呼会互吻双颊greet with a kiss on each cheek

吸烟(斗)suck on pipes

抽出时间做;终于去做 get around/round to doing sth

(长时间)闲聊,闲扯 chew the fat

收成不佳;作物歉收;作物减产 crop failure

融汇/合并到一块be merged in / into …= be joined in / into …=merge into …

散(会)、使解散break up

露重the air was wet with dew

喊某人 call out to sb

收工;到此为止;停止 call it a day

跋山涉水to trudge across mountains and rivers

柿风沐雨to brave wind and rain

擤鼻子 blow one’s nose

餐厅,食堂 the dining hall

睡着 fall into a slumber

跺脚 stamp one’s feet

吃饭喝茶to food and drink

没有兴致做某事be in no mood to do sth

对某人或某物很熟悉be acquainted with sb. / sth.

涌出 well up

沾着,浸着 be stained with sth

时睡时醒,断断续续的睡眠a broken sleep

他乡遇故知to encounter an old friend in an alien land

流泪,落泪 shed tears

阵阵…… pangs of…

一帮,一伙……a gang of

急促(或激动)而含混不清地说;叽里咕噜地说 jabber about sth

丝毫,根本in the slightest

某人遇到某事;某事发生在某人身上sth happen to sb(/sth)

与……无关has nothing to do with…

被……环绕/覆盖/笼罩 be wreathed in/with sth

大年除夕on Lunar New Year’s Eve

熬夜 stay up (late)

洋溢着,弥漫着…… be imbued with…

稻田,梯田paddy fields

遛狗 walk a dog

猎狗,猎犬 a hunting dog

《诗经》The Book of Songs

佳酿,醇酒vintage liquor

红薯;山芋;甘薯 sweet potatoes

午夜刚过的一段时间;凌晨时分 the small/early hours

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