五年前,严几道先生为本校校长时,余方服务教育部,开学日曾有所贡献于同校。诸君多自预科毕业而来,想必闻知。士别三日,刮目相见,况时阅数载,诸君较昔当必为长足之进步矣。予今长斯校,请更以三事为诸君告。一曰抱定宗旨诸君来此求学,必有一定宗旨,欲求宗旨之正大与否,必先知大学之性质。今人肄业专门学校,学成任事,此固势所必然。而在大学则不然,大学者,研究高深学问者也。外人每指摘本校之腐败,以求学于此者,皆有做官发财思想,故毕业预科者,多入法科,入文科者甚少,入理科者尤少,盖以法科为干禄之终南捷径也。因做官心热,对于教员,则不问其学问之浅深,惟问其官阶之大小。官阶大者,特别欢迎,盖为将来毕业有人提携也,现在我国精于政法者,多入政界,专任教授者甚少,故聘请教员,不得不下聘请兼职之人,亦属不得已之举。究之外人指摘之当否,姑不具论。然弭谤莫如自修,人讥我腐败,而我不腐败,问心无愧,于我何损?果欲达其做官发财之目的,则北京不少专门学校,入法科者尽可肄业法律学堂,入商科者亦可投考商业学校,又何必来此大学?所以诸君须抱定宗旨,为求学而来。入法科者,非为做官;入商科者,非为致富。宗旨既定,自趋正轨。诸君肄业于此,或三年,或四年,时间不为不多,苟能爱惜分阴,孜孜求学,则其造诣,容有底止。若徒志在做官发财,宗旨既乖,趋向自异。平时则放荡冶游,考试则熟读讲义,不问学问之有无,惟争分数之多寡;试验既终,书籍束之高阁,毫不过问,敷衍三四年,潦草塞责,文凭到手,即可借此活动于社会,岂非与求学初衷大相背驰乎?光阴虚度,学问毫无,是自误也。且辛亥之役,吾人之所以革命,因清廷官吏之腐败。即在今日,吾人对于当轴多不满意,亦以其道镕沦丧。今诸君苟不于此时植其基,勤其学,则将来万一因生计所迫,出而任事,担任讲席,则必贻误学生;置身政界,则必贻误国家。是误人也。误己误人,又岂本心所愿乎?故宗旨不可以不正大。此余所希望于诸君者一也。二曰砥砺德行方今风俗日偷,道德沦丧,北京社会,尤为恶劣,败德毁行之事,触目皆是,非根基深固,鲜不为流俗所染,诸君肄业大学,当能束身自爱。然国家之兴替,视风俗之厚薄。流俗如此,前途何堪设想。故必有卓绝之士,以身作则,力矫颓俗。诸君为大学学生,地位甚高,肩此重任,责无旁贷,故诸君不惟思所以感已,更必有以励人。苟德之不修,学之不讲,同乎流俗;合乎污世,己且为人轻侮,更何足以感人。然诸君终日伏首案前,芸芸攻苦,毫无娱乐之事,必感身体上之苦痛。为诸君计,莫如以正当之娱乐,易不正当之娱乐,庶于道德无亏,而于身体有益。诸君入分科时,曾填写愿书,遵守本校规则,苛中道而违之,岂非与原始之意相反乎?故品行不可以不谨严。此余所希望于诸君者二也。三曰敬爱师友教员之教授,职员之任务,皆以图诸君求学便利,诸君能无动于衷乎?自应以诚相待,敬礼有加。至于同学共处一堂,尤应互相亲爱,庶可收切磋之效。不惟开诚布公,更宜道义相励,盖同处此校,毁誉共之,同学中苛道德有亏,行有不正,为社会所訾詈,已虽规行矩步,亦莫能辩,此所以必互相劝勉也。余在德国,每至店肆购买物品,店主殷勤款待,付价接物,互相称谢,此虽小节,然亦交际所必需,常人如此,况堂堂大学生乎?对于师友之敬爱,此余所希望于诸君者三也。余到校视事仅数日,校事多未详悉,兹所计划者二事一曰改良讲义。诸君既研究高深学问,自与中学、高等不同,不惟恃教员讲授,尤赖一己潜修。以后所印讲义,只列纲要,细微末节,以及精旨奥义,或讲师口授,或自行参考,以期学有心得,能裨实用。二曰添购书籍。本校图书馆书籍虽多新出者甚少,苟不广为购办,必不足供学生之参考。刻拟筹集款项,多购新书,将来典籍满架,自可旁稽博采,无漠缺乏矣。今日所与诸君陈说者只此,以后会晤日长,随时再为商榷可也。就任北京大学校长之演说(蔡元培)Speech in Taking Office as Peking University Principal (Cai Yuanpei)(translated by: alexcwlin,edited by: Adam Lam)五年前,严几道先生为本校校长时,余方服务教育部, Five years ago when Mr. Yan Jidao was principal of this University, I just started working in the Education Department.🎈百科积累:严复,字几道(1853-1921),近代启蒙思想家、翻译家,京师大学堂改名为北京大学后的第一任校长。开学日曾有所贡献于学校。 On the opening day of that school year, I was credited with some contributions to this university.诸君多自预科毕业而来,想必闻知。 Ladies and gentlemen, I imagine all of you, being graduates from the preparatory program, would have got wind of that at the time.🎈预科:当时北大设文、法、理、工科和预科,预科相当于北大的附属高中,毕业后可以免试升入本科。🎈get wind of 听到…的风声,风闻When the press got wind of it, some stories were printed.当新闻界风闻此事时,一些故事被登了出来。士别三日,刮目相见, A learned person could improve in a few days’ time and other people would look at him with a new perspective.🎈也可以译为:A scholar who has been away three days must be looked at with new eyes.况时阅数载,诸君较昔当为长足之进步矣。 Besides, several years have come and gone and all of you must have made immense progress.🎈阅:经过,经历。况时阅数载:况且经过了几年予今长斯校,请以三事为诸君告:Now that I have taken over the reins of this University, there are three things I would like to inform all of you:🎈the reins [pl.] 控制,主宰,掌管英义the state of being in control or the leader of sth例句It was time to hand over the reins of power(= to give control to sb else). 是该让权的时候了。 The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office. 副总统被迫走马上任。 一曰抱定宗旨。 Firstly you must stay steadfast with your objectives.🎈steadfast 坚定的,不动摇的 英义not changing in your attitudes or aims近义firm例句steadfast loyalty 忠贞不渝 He remained steadfast in his determination to bring the killers to justice. 他要将杀人凶手绳之以法的决心一直没有动摇。 诸君来此求学,必有一定宗旨, All of you who come here to learn must have objectives in mind.欲求宗旨之正大与否,必先知大学之性质。 In finding out whether your objectives are righteous or not, you must understand the nature of university.今人肄业专门学校,学成任事,此固势所必然。 A person who goes to vocational schools would get a job after graduation as a matter of course.🎈肄业:就学,学习而在大学则不然, But going to university is different.大学者,研究高深学问者也。 University is a place where profound knowledge is studied.外人每指摘本校之腐败, Outside people always criticize the decadence of this university.🎈指摘:指出错误,加以批评🎈decadence 堕落,颓废,贪图享乐英义behaviour, attitudes, etc. which show a fall in standards, especially moral ones, and an interest in pleasure and enjoyment rather than more serious things例句the decadence of modern Western society现代西方社会的颓废现象 以求学于此者,皆有做官发财思想, It seems all those who come here to study have thoughts in mind to assume high government posts or get rich.🎈assume 承担(责任);就(职);取得(权力)英义to take or begin to have power or responsibility例句The court assumed responsibility for the girl’s welfare. 法庭承担了保障这个女孩福利的责任。 故毕业预科者,多入法科, Therefore graduates from preparatory course program mostly get into Law Faculty.入文科者甚少,入理科者尤少, Few of them enter the art programs and even fewer sign up for the science programs.🎈sign up (for sth) 报名(参加课程) 英义to arrange to do a course of study by adding your name to the list of people doing it例句 will you sign up for Portuguese lessons?你想上葡萄牙语课吗?盖以法科为干禄之终南捷径也。 It is because a Law degree is seen as a shortcut to high government posts.🎈干禄:求其功名利禄🎈终南捷径:达到目标的便捷途径因做官心热,对于教员,则不问其学问之浅深,惟问其官阶之大小。 Because of the fervency to become government officials, therefore the criteria for a teaching staff in Law Faculty are not measured by how well his knowledge is but by how high he ranks in the government hierarchy.官阶大者,特别欢迎,盖为将来毕业有人提携也。 High-ranking government officials are particularly welcomed since students could ride on his coattails upon graduation.🎈ride on his coattails(靠裙带关系荣升)意思是利用你与他人的关系取得成功。To ride someone’s coattails is to use your ties to someone else to become successful.现在我国精于政法者,多入政界,专任教授者甚少, Presently those people who are good at politics and laws mostly have entered the government circle and very few of them become full-time professors.故聘请教员,不得不聘请兼职之人,亦属不得已之举。Therefore in hiring teaching staff, we have no choice but to employ part-timers, and that is something we are forced to do for lack of a better alternative.🎈不得已而为之/ 不得不做某事 have no choice but to do sth. be forced to do for lack of a better alternative究之外人指摘之当否,姑不具论, Let’s don’t delve into whether accusations made by outside people in this regard are justifiable or not.🎈delve into sth 探索,探究,查考英义to try hard to find out more information about sth例句She had started to delve into her father’s distant past. 她开始探究她父亲久已逝去的岁月。 然弭谤莫如自修, The best way to put an end to criticism is to keep bettering ourselves.🎈弭:消弭🎈谤:指责、议论🎈消除争议:put an end to criticism🎈自修/提高自我:keep bettering ourselves🎈better oneself (通过教育、更好的工作等)改进社会地位,上进英义to improve your social position through education, a better job, etc.例句Thousands of Victorian workers joined educational associations in an attempt to better themselves. 维多利亚时代成千上万名工人加入了各种教育协会,以求上进。 人讥我腐败,问心无愧,于我何惧? If people denounce us for impropriety, but in self-reflection we are true to our conscience, then what is there to be concerned about?🎈propriety 得体的举止,有分寸的行为英义moral and social behaviour that is considered to be correct and acceptable例句Nobody questioned the propriety of her being there alone. 没人认为她只身出现在那里不得体。 果欲达其做官发财之目的,则北京不少专门学校,If your goal in life is to take office in government or get rich, specialized schools are plentiful in Beijing for the purposes.🎈take office v.就职英义assume an office, duty, or title例句Bill Clinton took office in January of nineteen ninety-three.克林顿于1993年1月就职。入法科者尽可肄业于法律学堂,入商科者亦可投考商业学校, There are law schools for law programs and business schools for business programs.又何必来此大学? Why then do you come to this university?所以诸君须抱定宗旨,为求学而来, Therefore all of you, ladies and gentlemen, must be firm in your objectives to come here for the study of knowledge.入法科者,非为做官;入商科者,非为致富。 Here, a student going to the Law Faculty is not for the purpose of becoming a government official, and one going to the business program is not for reason of getting rich.宗旨既定,自趋正轨, Once you set your objectives straight, the rest will fall into place.🎈fall into place 有条不紊地进行,按部就班例句If you plan the project well, then everything should fall into place.如果你项目计划得当,那么一切都应有条不紊地进行。 As soon as I started playing in midfield everything started falling into place.当我开始在中场踢球时,一切都有条不紊地进行。诸君肄业于此,或三年,或四年,时间不为不多, All of you study here for three or four years and that is a fairly long time.苟能爱惜分阴,孜孜求学,则求造诣,容有底止。 If you can make good use of your time and focus on academic achievements by studying hard, then the results will be phenomenal.🎈phenomenal 了不起的,非凡的 英义very great or impressive近义extraordinary 例句The product has been a phenomenal success. 这一产品获得了极大的成功。 🎈容有底止:或许能相当深。容:或许,大概,也许。底止,深的意思。🎈看到容和止,让我想起电视剧《凤求凰》中那句:一见容止误终身。《容止》是刘义庆《世说新语》的第十四门,讲述了39则魏晋时代评论人容貌、态度、举止的故事。六朝士人作为魏晋一个特殊的阶层,对容止表现了前所未有的关注,《容止》映射出魏晋时期士人审美情趣及精神状态,为探究魏晋时期士人生活状况提供了一定依据。因此便有了后世人所说的:一见容止误终身。就是被这种优雅的容貌和举止所折服。魏晋时代其实算是个乱世。汉末,曹魏,西晋,到东晋之后,更乱,期间还有五胡十六国。小政权交替不迭,偏安南方一隅的东晋也是士族权臣,争斗不已,乱臣迭出。但是乱世中却往往会涌现出不同寻常的人物思想,审美情趣,文化意味,乱世又自有其迷人之处。比如春秋战国,虽礼崩乐坏,思想界却百家争鸣,又有着难得的自由。魏晋亦是如此。《世说新语•容止》,从中可以窥探那个时代对男性的审美标准。《世说新语》中,描写男性美貌的故事很多,对男性容貌之美的追求也达到极致,但对女性容貌之美的描摹其实非常之少,这也是一个非常有趣的现象。🎈学生时代,我曾看过一部小说名叫《重生之将门毒后》,男主名叫谢景行,来源于:高山仰止,景行行止。高山,喻高尚的德行。景行,大路,比喻行为正大光明,有“喻以崇高的品行”之意。后以高山景行比喻崇高的德行。原出于《诗经·小雅·车辖 》。后司马迁《史记·孔子世家》专门引以赞美孔子:“《诗》有之:高山仰止,景行行止。虽不能至,然心向往之。这使得本来的意思发生了变化。许多名人的名字都取源于古诗或典故。李清照明月松间照,清泉石上流。——《山居秋暝》林徽因大姒嗣徽因,则百斯男。——《诗经·大雅》俞飞鸿人生到处知何似,应似飞鸿踏雪泥。——《和子由渑池怀旧》可以在留言区说下你的名字有什么含义噢~若徒志在做官发财,宗旨既乖,趋向自异。 If your desires aim at political power and wealth, then the objectives are wrong and the direction will be deviated from the proper course.🎈徒:仅仅🎈乖:背离,违背🎈deviate 背离,偏离,违背英义to be different from sth; to do sth in a different way from what is usual or expected例句The bus had to deviate from its usual route because of a road closure. 因为道路封闭,公共汽车只得绕道而行。 平时则放荡冶游,考试则熟读讲义,You would lead a dissipated life on regular days and cram lecture notes before exams.🎈冶游:四处游玩🎈dissipated 放荡的;花天酒地的 英义enjoying activities that are harmful such as drinking too much alcohol不问学问之有无,惟争分数之多寡; Your concerns would not be whether you have gained knowledge but how good are your exam marks.试验既终,书籍束之高阁,毫不过问, Once exams are over, you would put the books away in attics and not revisit them again.敷衍三、四年,潦草塞责,文凭到手,即可借此活动于社会, After doing the minimum for three or four years on what it takes to get the diploma, then you would rely on it to get around in society.🎈这里的敷衍、潦草也可以用muddle through/alongmuddle along 混日子,得过且过英义to continue doing sth without any clear plan or purpose例句We can’t just keep muddling along like this. 我们不能就这样混日子。 muddle through 胡乱应付过去英义to achieve your aims even though you do not know exactly what you are doing and do not have the correct equipment, knowledge, etc.例句We’ll muddle through somehow. 我们能想办法应付过去。岂非与求学初衷大相背驰乎? Wouldn’t such manners be completely contradictory to your original intention in pursuing studies?光阴虚度,学问毫无,是自误也。 Having wasted your time and learned nothing, wouldn’t you have done yourselves a big disfavor?且辛亥之役,吾人之所以革命,因清廷官吏之腐败。 In the battle of Xinhai, the reason why we revolted was because the government officials of Qing Dynasty were corrupt.即在今日,吾人对于当轴多不满意,亦以其道德沦丧。 Even nowadays, dissatisfaction of many people with important government officials is because their integrity has been compromised.🎈当轴1、喻官居要职;掌握大权。《晋书·孝怀帝孝愍帝纪论》:选者为人择官,官者为身择利,而执钧当轴之士,身兼官以十数。郑观应 《盛世危言·技艺》:无如当轴诸公,安常习故,以艺学为末务。2、指当权者。清 昭连 《啸亭杂录·成将军》:当轴辄以养贼自重,真不解其何心。蔡元培 《就任北京大学校长之演说》:即在今日,吾人对於当轴多不满意,亦以其道德沦丧。 今诸君苟不于此时植其基,勤其学, All of you must build a good foundation for yourselves now by studying hard.则将来万一因生计所迫,出而仕事,但任讲席,则必贻误学生;置身政界,则必贻误国家。 Otherwise in the event you have to work for a living in the future, you could mislead students if you become lecturers or disappoint your country if you become government officials.是误人也。 Such are letdowns for others.误已误人,又岂本心所愿乎? Would failing yourselves and others be something you wish for?故宗旨不可以不正大。Therefore your objectives in life must be righteous.此余所希望于诸君者一也。This is the first thing I expect from all of you.二曰砥砺德行。 Secondly it is important to perfect your moral integrity.方今风俗日偷, Immoral conducts can be seen everywhere nowadays.🎈日偷:越来越敷衍苟且,只顾眼前。道德沦丧, Social ethos is on the decline.北京社会,尤为恶劣,败德毁行之事,触目皆是, In particular, Beijing’s society is noticeably bad, and immoral behaviors are all over the place.非根基深固,鲜不为流俗所染。 Unless you are deep-rooted in your moral integrity, it would be hard to emerge untainted.诸君肄业大学,当能束身自爱。 All of you studying in university of course are capable of self-disciplining and respectful in how you behave.然国家之兴替,视风俗之厚薄。 Prosperity or decline of a country depends on whether society’s ethos is upright or decadent.流俗如此,前途何堪设想。 If the prevailing social attitude is dismal, then how could anyone take an optimistic view on the future of the country?故必有卓绝之士,以身作则,力矫颓俗,Therefore it is necessary for prominent individuals to take the lead in averting the tide of immorality.诸君为大学学生,地位甚高, You, ladies and gentlemen, are university students with high social status.肩此重任,责无旁贷,Logically this burden falls on your shoulders which you cannot pass on to someone else.故诸君不惟思所以感已,更必有以励人。 So all of you should not only think about staying virtuous to satisfy your own selves, but you should present yourselves as epitomes to encourage others to follow.苟德之不修,学之不讲,同乎流俗,合乎污世,已且为人轻侮,更何足以感人。 If you don’t refine your moral conducts, refuse to lecture others on your beliefs, and pick up debauched habits that are all the rage in today’s society, then you are an insult to your own selves and how then can you be models for others?🎈debauch vt. 使堕落,败坏英义corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality例句a scoffer, a debauched person, and, in brief, a man of Belial 一个玩世不恭的人,一个生活放荡的家伙,总而言之,是个恶棍 然诸君终日伏首案前,芸芸攻苦,毫无娱乐之事,必感身体上之苦痛。 Putting your heads down on your desks to study hard all day without entertainment would take a toll on your bodies.🎈take a heavy toll (on sb / sth)产生恶果,造成重大损失(或伤亡、灾难等)英义to have a bad effect on sb / sth; to cause a lot of damage, deaths, suffering, etc.例句Illness had taken a heavy toll on her. 疾病对她的身体造成极大的损害。 为诸君计,莫如以正当之娱乐,易不正当之娱乐, For your sake, you should engage in proper entertainments and not improper entertainments.庶几道德无亏,而于身体有益。 Such activities do not cause blemish on your moral integrity and are beneficial to your bodies.🎈庶:期望,希望🎈blemish 斑点,疤痕,瑕疵英义a mark on the skin or on an object that spoils it and makes it look less beautiful or perfect例句make-up to cover blemishes 遮盖霜 His reputation is without a blemish. 他的名誉可说是白璧无瑕。诸君入分科时,曾填写愿书,遵守本校规则, When you choose your majors in this university, you fill out application forms which undertake to abide by rules and regulations of the university.苟中道而违之,岂非与原始之意相反乎? If you violate them midway, wouldn’t you be contradicting your original intentions?故品行不可以不谨严。 Therefore you must conduct yourselves in rigorous manners.此余所希望于诸君者二也。 This is the second thing I expect from all of you.三曰敬爱师友。 Thirdly you must treat your teachers and classmates with respect and love.教员之教授,职员之任务,皆以图诸君求学便利,诸君能无动于衷乎? Imparting knowledge by teachers and providing services by university staff facilitate learning of all of you and how can you not be appreciative?自应以诚相待,敬礼有加。 Therefore you should be sincere, respectful and polite towards them.至于同学共处一室,尤应互相亲爱, In dealing with schoolmates living together, you should care for others with affability and affection.庶可收切磋之效。 This way you could learn from one another.🎈切磋:互相学习,互相研究讨论不惟开诚布公,更宜道义相勗, Beside mutual sincerity and frankness, providing encouragement to others is also important in your relationship.🎈相勗:相互勉励盖同处此校,毁誉共之。 The reason is under the same roof of the university, you share both the good and bad on its reputation.🎈某年四六级翻译题中出现了「四世同堂」,该怎么翻译?好多人可能会翻成four generations live together,其实我们完全可以用到此处under a roof的表达,译成four generations under one/the same roof。再比如,This couple live under the same roof可以翻成「住在同一屋檐下的夫妻」。under the same roof就是「同堂、同住」的意思。同学中苟道德有亏,行有不正,为社会所訾詈,已虽规行矩步,亦莫能辨, If your schoolmates have questionable moral conducts or behaviors which are censured by society, then even though you conduct yourselves appropriately, it would be hard for you to explain.🎈訾詈:指责,诋毁,谩骂此所以必互相劝勉也。 Therefore you must guide and urge one another to conduct yourselves properly.余在德国,每至店肆购买物品,店主殷勤款待,Every time when I went shopping in Germany, the store owner would greet me warmly.付价接物,互相称谢, In paying price or receiving goods, we all said thanks to each other.此虽小节,然亦交际所必需,It was trivial yet necessary social courtesy.常人如此,况堂堂大学生乎? Ordinary people conduct themselves like that, then why shouldn’t university students behave likewise?对于师友之敬爱,此余所希望于诸君者三也。 Treating teachers and friends with respect and love is the third thing I expect from all of you.余到校视事仅数日, I have assumed office in the university for only a few days.校事多未详悉,Many affairs in the university are still unfamiliar to me.兹所计划者二事: At present there are two projects in the works.一曰改良讲义。 The first one is to improve on the lecture notes.诸君既研究高深学问,自与中学、高等不同, All of you are studying profound knowledge and naturally such is different from that in high school and higher education.不惟恃教员讲授,尤赖一已潜修。 Such knowledge comes not only from lectures of teachers, but also through research on your own initiatives.以后所印讲义,只列纲要, Therefore from now on the printed lecture notes will only list outlines.细微末节,以及精旨奥义,或讲师口授,或自行参考, The details and succinct contents will be provided by lecturers or through your own research of reference materials.以期学有心得,能裨实用。 As such, what you learn will include your own ideas which will be useful in the learning process.二曰添购书籍。 The second one is to buy additional books.本校图书馆书籍虽多,新出者甚少, Although books are plentiful in our libraries, yet newly published ones are few.苟不广为购办,必不足供学生之参考。 If we don’t widely buy more books, they will not provide sufficient reference materials for students.刻拟筹集款项,多购新书, Now we are raising money to buy more new books.将来典籍满架,自可旁稽博采,无虞缺乏矣。 In the future when books filled the racks, we will then have references from more sources and we don’t have to worry about shortages.今日所与诸君陈说者只此, Today this is what I want to talk about to all of you.以后会晤日长, There is more time in the future.随时再为商榷可也。 Anytime my door is open for discussion with you.🔥重点表达 听到…的风声;风闻 get wind of 接管…..taken over the reins of就职take office 忠贞不渝steadfast loyalty 士别三日,刮目相见A learned person could improve in a few days’ time and other people would look at him with a new perspective.报名(参加课程) sign up (for sth) 靠裙带关系荣升ride on his coattails不得已而为之/ 不得不做某事 have no choice but to do sth. be forced to do for lack of a better alternative探索,探究,查考delve into sth 消除争议put an end to criticism(通过教育、更好的工作等)改进社会地位,上进better oneself 有条不紊地进行,按部就班fall into place