Caught By Her Own Cunning霍克斯 译机关算尽太聪明,反算了卿卿性命。Too shrewd by half, with such finesse you wrought,That your own life in your own toils was caught.生前心已碎,死后性空灵。But long before you died your heart was slain,And when you died your spirit walked in vain.家富人宁,终有个家亡人散各奔腾。Fall’n the great house once so secure in wealth,Each scattered member shifting for himself.枉费了,意悬悬半世心;好一似,荡悠悠三更梦。And half a life-time’s anxious schemes,Proved no more than the stuff of dreams.忽喇喇似大厦倾,昏惨惨似灯将尽。Like a great building’s tottering crash,Like flickering lamp wick burned to ash.呀!一场欢喜忽悲辛。叹人世,终难定。Your scene of happiness concludes in grief;For worldly bliss is always insecure and brief.🎈黄庭坚有诗云:多少长安名利客,机关用尽不如君。多少人,就像王熙凤那样,生前翻手为云,覆手为雨。然而天道轮回,苍天饶过谁?