The Owl And The Quail《说苑》Shuo Yuan枭逢鸠,鸠曰:“子将安之?”枭曰:“我将东徙。”鸠曰:“何故?”枭曰:“乡人皆恶我鸣。以故东徙。”鸠曰:“子能更鸣,可矣;不能更鸣,东徙犹恶子之声。”🎈枭将东徙,典故,常被用来表示“解决问题要从根本上着手。”毕竟“治标不治本”不是一种从根本上解决问题的办法。做任何事都应从其本身着手,从而解决问题,否则只是治标不治本,白花功夫。枭逢鸠。鸠曰:“子将安之?”An owl met a quail, and the quail asked, “Where are you going? ”🎈猫头鹰遇见斑鸠。斑鸠说:“您打算到哪儿去?”🎈原文为两个句子,英文要做合并处理。“枭逢鸠”也可以处理成when/while引导的从句。前面提到when,while,after,before,当主从主语一致时,从句可以省略主语。至之市而忘操之。已得履,乃曰:“吾忘持度(dù)。”反归取之。These he forgot to bring along when he went to the market, and after finding a pair of shoes, he said to himself, “Oh, I have forgotten to bring along the measurements. ”枭曰:“我将东徙。”鸠曰:“何故?”“I am going east, ” was the owl’s reply. “May I ask why? ” then asked the quail.🎈英文表示“将要”will/be going to/ be about to枭曰:“乡人皆恶我鸣,以故东徙。”“The people of the village hate my screeching noise, ”replied the owl. “That is why I am going east. “🎈「恶」讨厌。🎈「乡人」也可译成the local people/the villagers🎈两个分句也可以合并,即The reason why i am going east is that the people of the village hate my screeching noise./I am going east because the people of the village hate my screeching voice.鸠曰:“子能更鸣,可矣;不能更鸣,东徙,犹恶子之声。”Then said the quail, “What you should do is to change that screeching noise. If you can’t, you will be hated for it even if you go east. ”🎈斑鸠说:“要是您能改变叫的声音,那就行了;要是您不能改变叫的声音,那么就是您搬到东边去,那儿的人还是会讨厌您的叫声。” 🎈If you can’t 为省略句,省略change that screeching noise,原因在于英语不喜重复,因此会运用替代或者省略等手法,而中文则相反。我们前面也多次提到中英这一重要差异,如:常摐有疾,老子往问焉,曰:“先生疾甚矣,无遗教可以语诸弟子者乎?”Ch’ang Ch’uang was sick and Laotse went to see him. The latter said to Ch’ang Ch’uang, “You are very ill. Have you not something to say to your disciple?”常摐曰:“嘻,是已。”常摐曰:“过乔木而趋,子知之乎?”“Ah, yes, ”said Ch’ang Ch’uang. Then the sick man asked again, “Do you know why one should run when passing under a tall tree? ”常摐曰:“嘻,是已。”常摐曰:“过乔木而趋,子知之乎?”“Ah, yes, ”said Ch’ang Ch’uang. Then the sick man asked again, “Do you know why one should run when passing under a tall tree? ”老子曰:“过乔木而趋,非谓敬老耶?”“Doesn’t this custom mean we should respect what is old? ”🔥重点词汇quailn. 鹌鹑;鹌鹑肉;女大学生vi. 沮丧;畏缩,胆怯;感到恐惧vt. 使沮丧;使畏缩2.The very words make many of us quail…这些话让我们许多人胆怯了。owln. 猫头鹰;惯于晚上活动的人;夜猫子;(像猫头鹰一样)机警的人变形An owl hooted nearby.一只猫头鹰在附近啼叫。screechingv. 发出尖叫声( screech的现在分词 );发出粗而刺耳的声音;高叫2.Our artillery opened up and we heard a fearful wailing and screeching.我们的炮弹一发,便听到可怕的哀号声和尖叫声。🔥重点表达子将安之Where are you going?我将东徙I am going east.乡人皆恶我鸣The people of the village hate my screeching noise.更鸣change the screeching noise 🔥表达对比表示「厌恶」的方式1.“交易!”她鄙夷地说,“我厌恶一切交易。”“A deal!” she said contemptuously, “I hate all deals.”2.仍有很多人对堕胎行为表示厌恶。There are many people who still find the act of abortion abhorrent.3.我转过身厌恶地看着杰基,鼻翼呼呼地翕动着。I turned to Jacky, my nostrils flaring in disgust.