The Man Who Worried About Heaven(excerpt)杞国有人忧天地崩坠,身亡所寄,废寝食者。又有忧彼之所忧者,因往晓之,曰:”天,积气耳,亡处亡气。若屈伸呼吸,终日在天中行止,奈何忧崩坠乎?”其人曰:”天果积气,日月星宿,不当坠耶?”晓之者曰:”日月星宿,亦积气中之有光耀者,只使坠,亦不能有所中伤。”其人曰:”奈地坏何?”晓之者曰:”地,积块耳,充塞四虚,亡处亡块。若躇步跐蹈,终日在地上行止,奈何忧其坏?”其人舍然大喜。晓之者亦舍然大喜。🔥背景知识从前在杞国,有一个胆子很小,而且有点神经质的人,他常会想到一些奇怪的问题,而让人觉得莫名其妙。有一天,他吃过晚饭以后,拿了一把大蒲扇,坐在门前乘凉,并且自言自语地说:“假如有一天,天塌了下来,那该怎么办呢?我们岂不是无路可逃,而将活活地被压死,这不就太冤枉了吗?” 从此以后,他几乎每天为这个问题发愁、烦恼,朋友见他终日精神恍惚,脸色憔悴,都很替他担心,但是,当大家知道原因后,都跑来劝他说:“老兄啊!你何必为这件事自寻烦恼呢?天空怎么会塌下来呢?再说即使真地塌下来,那也不是你一个人忧虑发愁就可以解决的啊,想开点吧!”可是,无论人家怎么说,他都不相信,仍然时常为这个不必要的问题担忧。后来的人就根据上面这个故事,引伸成“杞人忧天”这句成语,它的主要意义在唤醒人们不要为一些不切实际的事情而忧愁。它与“庸人自扰”的意义大致相同。杞国有人忧天地崩坠,身亡所寄,废寝食者。There was a man of the country of Chi who was worrying that the sky might one day fall down and the earth might be destroyed, and he would not know where to hide himself. This so much troubled him that he could not eat or sleep.🎈古代杞国有个人担心天会塌、地会陷,自己无处存身,便食不下咽,寝不安席。🎈would not虚拟语气。🎈杞国(约前2000年—前445年),是中国历史上自夏代到战国初年的一个诸侯国,由华夏族所建立,国祚延绵1500多年,国君为姒姓,大禹的直系后裔。🎈注意时态,为一般过去时,基本谚语时态都为一般过去时。又有忧彼之所忧者,因往晓之,曰:“天,积气耳,亡处亡气。若屈伸呼吸,终日在天中行止,奈何忧崩坠乎?There was another who was worried about this man’s worry, and he went to explain it to him, saying,“The sky is only formed of accumulated air. There is no place where there is no air. Whenever you move or breathe, you are living right in this sky. Why do you need ever to worry that the sky will fall down? ”🎈又有个人为这个杞国人的忧愁而忧愁,就去开导他,说:“天不过是积聚的气体罢了,没有哪个地方没有空气的。你一举一动,一呼一吸,整天都在天空里活动,怎么还担心天会塌下来呢?” 🎈there be 句型中只能有一个be动词,其他动词以非谓语形式或出现在从句中。其人曰:“天果积气,日月星宿,不当坠耶?”The other man said, “If the sky were really nothing but air, would not the sun and moon and the stars fall down? ”🎈那人说:“天是气体,那日、月、星、辰不就会掉下来吗?”🎈天果积气,“果”果然,if。🎈“其人曰”文章开头时提到过,所以此处用定冠词,英文中需注意冠词使用。晓之者曰:“日月星宿,亦积气中之有光耀者,只使坠,亦不能有所中伤。”And the man who was explaining said,"But the sun, the moon and the stars are also nothing but accumulated air (gases) which has become bright. Even if they should fall down, they would not hurt anybody. ”🎈开导他的人说:“日、月、星、辰也是空气中发光的东西,即使掉下来,也不会伤害什么。”🎈“其人”和“晓之者”说来说去就这么几句话,如果可以避免重复最好,无法想出多样表达,就尽量保证句式的工整以及语法的正确性。其人曰:“奈地坏何?”“But what if the earth should be destroyed? ”🎈那人又说:“如果地陷下去怎么办?”晓之者曰:“地,积块耳,充塞四虚,亡处亡块。若躇步跐蹈,终日在地上行止,奈何忧其坏?”And the other replied, “The earth is also only formed of accumulated solids, which fill all space. There is no place where there are no solids. As you walk and stamp on the ground,you are moving the whole day on this earth. Why do you ever need to worry that it may be destroyed? ”🎈开导他的人说:“地不过是堆积的土块罢了,填满了四处,没有什么地方是没有土块的,你行走跳跃,整天都在地上活动,怎么还担心地会陷下去呢?”🎈四虚 (1)空旷无涯。《庄子·天运》:“傥然立於四虚之道。” 郭象注:“四虚,弘敞无偏之谓。” 成玄英疏:“傥然,无心貌。立於四方空大之道。” 清·梅曾亮《赠余小坡之任雅州序》:“余其翛然於四虚之途,而去人日远也夫!”(2)指四方或四方天空。《列子·天瑞》:“地积块耳,充塞四虚,亡处亡块。”唐·陈鸿《长恨歌传》:“帝求四虚上下,东极天海。”(3)指近体律诗中,颔联和颈联不用具体景物,而用抽象词汇的情况。宋·范晞文《对床夜语》:“《四虚序》云:不以虚为虚,而以实为虚,化景物为情思,从首至尾,自然如行云流水,此其难也。否则偏於枯瘠,流於轻俗,而不足采矣。姑举其所选一二云:‘岭猿同旦暮,江柳共风烟。’又:‘猿声知后夜,花发见流年。’若猿、若柳、若花、若旦暮、若风烟、若夜、若年,皆景物也,化而虚之者一字耳,此所以次於四实也。” 宋·范晞文《对床夜语》卷二:“ 周伯弜选唐人家法,以四实为第一格,四虚次之。”(4)中医学名词。指心虚、肺虚、肝虚、肾虚。其人舍然大喜,晓之者亦舍然大喜。Then that man seemed to understand and was greatly pleased,and the one who was explaining it to him also felt he understood and was greatly pleased.🎈(经过这个人一解释)那个杞国人才放下心来,很高兴;开导他的人也放了心,很高兴。🎈中文多流水句,逻辑关系内隐,而英文两个句子间一定要用连词连接,表并列、转折等关系。🔥重点词汇accumulatev. 积累,积聚;堆积Fat tends to accumulate around the hips and thighs.脂肪常常积聚在臀部和大腿部位。solidadj. 固体的;坚硬的;实心的;可靠的;纯质的;连续的;立体的;一致的n. 固体;立体图形The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all.木星表面可能根本就不是固体的。🔥重点表达天地崩坠 the sky might one day fall down and the earth might be destroyed废寝食者This so much troubled him that he could not eat or sleep.天,积气耳,亡处亡气The sky is only formed of accumulated air. There is no place where there is no air. 日月星宿,亦积气中之有光耀者,只使坠,亦不能有所中伤。”But the sun, the moon and the stars are also nothing but accumulated air (gases) which has become bright. Even if they should fall down, they would not hurt anybody. 舍然大喜 seem to understand and be greatly pleased🔥表达对比「废寝食者」即寝食难安的对比表达在这些令人寝食难安的日子里, 思嘉日日夜夜被恐惧折磨着。Through these anxious days and nights, Scarlett was torn with fear.害怕失去她的忧虑, 使得我寝食难安。The thought of loosing her, sits uneasily on my conscience.这些冲击性消息再度使投资者和市场研究者寝食难安。The impact of such information to enable investors to re-anxiety and market researchers.