艾青The Hunter and Bird PaintingAi Qing🔥背景知识:艾青(1910-1996)是诗人,同时也是散文家。《画鸟的猎人》是他的寓言作品,选自人民出版社1979年出版的《艾青诗选》。文章讽刺人们常借空想安慰自己,虚而无实,无济于事,自欺欺人,不仅使读者想起那脍炙人口的典故「画饼充饥」和「望梅止渴」🎈题目「画鸟的猎人」未直译为The Hunter (Who) Paints Birds,而按「猎人与画鸟的故事」之意译为The Hunter and Bird Painting。一个人想学打猎,找到一个打猎的人,拜他做老师。他向那打猎的人说:“人必须有一技之长,在许多职业里面,我所选中的是打猎,我很想持枪到树林里去,打到那我想打的鸟。”A man wanted to learn hunting and offered to apprentice himself to a hunter, to whom he said, “One’s got to have a speciality. Of all the different trades, I like hunting best. I hope I can go inside a woods with a shotgun and shoot down any bird I want to.”🎈「找到一个打猎的人,拜他做老师」意即「拜一个猎人为师」,故译 and offered to apprentice himself to a hunter,也可译为and volunteered to become a pupil to a master hunter。🎈「人必须有一技之长」译为One’s got to have a speciality,也可译为One must have a particular skill。🎈「树林」译为a woods或a wood皆可,也可译为a forest,但通常指较大的树林,或未开垦的森林,如virgin forest (原始森林)。🎈shoot down①枪杀,开枪射击②击落(飞机、直升机、导弹等) ③反驳;彻底推翻(传闻、谣言等)于是打猎的人检查了那个徒弟的枪,枪是一支好枪,徒弟也是一个有决心的徒弟,就告诉他各种鸟的性格,和有关瞄准与射击的一些知识,并且嘱咐他必须寻找各种鸟去练习。The hunter checked on the quality of the would-be hunter’s shotgun and saw it was all right. He also found the man to be quite determined to learn hunting. So he told him the different characteristics of various birds as well as how to aim and shoot. He also advised him to practise shooting on various kinds of birds.🎈检查check on sb./sth. 英义to make sure that there is nothing wrong with somebody/something🎈「那个徒弟的枪」可译为the pupil’s shotgun,现译the would-be hunter’s shotgun,其中would-be作「想要成为的」解。🎈found the man to be quite determined to…是「find+宾语+宾补(可以是adj.、to be adj.、n.等)」结构。🎈「寻找各种鸟去练习」译为 to practise shooting on various kinds of birds, 其中to practise … on …是习惯搭配,意为「以……作为实习对象」或「利用……作某种实习」🎈原文中暗藏在句子之间的逻辑关系,在翻译成英文时需要指明,故译文添加so。又,中英文的标点符号不是一一对应的,学会在恰当的位置断句。那个人听了猎人的话,以为只要知道如何打猎就已经能打猎了,于是他持枪到树林。Thereupon, the man believed that the hunter’s words had already made a good hunter of himself. So he went inside a woods, shotgun in hand. 🎈「那个人听了猎人的话」译作thereupon一词,简洁明了,表意完整,上下文衔接更自然。🎈made a good hunter of himself是make something of oneself的结构,意为「使某人成为……」补充(摘自葛传槼英语惯用法词典)make X of Y,不要误以为X of Y是「Y的X」。其实意思是:「把Y变为X」。例句make a friend of an enemy化敌为友 We want to make an engineer of our son. 我们想让儿子成为工程师。Don’t make a habit of it. 别养成这样的习惯。A mess had been made of the house.房子被弄得乱七八糟。但当他一进入树林,走到那里,还没有举起枪,鸟就飞起了。However, to his great dismay, wherever he went, all the birds just flew away even before he raised his shotgun.🎈to his great dismay(令他沮丧的是)是添加成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。🎈「还没有举起枪,鸟就飞走了」译为all the birds just flew away even before he raised his shotgun。其中,even一词表示强调,使译文情感语气更鲜明。删去后,「还」「就」表意欠缺。补充(摘自网易云评论)推荐一首歌曲《shotgun》,曲调很轻快,歌词里有riding shotgun(坐在副驾驶)的表达,其中,shotgun表示「副驾驶」。riding shotgun起源美国西部历史,那时驾马车的人坐在右边,路上会经常有劫匪,所以,总要有一个人坐在左边副驾驶位置手里拿一杆枪,以防万一。从此以后,坐在车的副驾驶位子是就叫做ride shotgun。于是他又来找猎人,他说:“鸟是机灵的,我没有看见它们,它们先看见我,等我一举起枪,鸟早已飞走了。”So he went to call on the hunter again, saying, “Birds are clever. They discover me before I see them. They’re gone before I raise my shotgun.”🎈 (短暂)拜访,探访,看望call on猎人说:“你是想打那不会飞的鸟么?”“Do you mean you want to shoot at only birds that can’t fly?” asked the hunter.🎈Do you mean是添加成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。他说:“说实在的,在我想打鸟的时候,要是鸟能不飞该多好呀!”“Honestly,” the man replied, “how nice it would be if birds couldn’t fly when I go hunting!”🎈honestly和to be honest同义。🎈how nice it would be if birds couldn’t fly中涉及if非真实条件句的用法。猎人说:“你回去,找一张硬纸,在上面画一只鸟,把硬纸挂在树上,朝那鸟打——你一定会成功。”“Go home and look for a piece of cardboard,” said the hunter. “Hang it up on a tree after you paint a bird on it. Then shoot at this bird, and you’ll make it.”🎈「一张硬纸」译为 a piece of cardboard或a sheet of thick paper皆可,cardboard本指一种厚纸板。复习a piece of、a sheet of也常会和颜色词连用。例句郭沫若《水墨画》中「天空一片灰暗」译为The sky was a sheet of murky grey。🎈「朝那鸟打——你一定会成功」译为Then shoot at this bird, and you’ll make it,其中成语to make it作「成功」解。补充记得某次电影颁奖典礼上,姜文让主持人现场口译颁奖词。颁奖词说道:“……(评选)非常艰难,13个电影都很好,几乎是一个不可完成的任务,但是我们完成了”,主持人当时给出的译文版本是…it’s a hard job because all the thirteen films are great. It’s almost a mission impossible, but we made it.主持人表现真的圈粉,发音用词完全没问题,场子也hold住,感兴趣的可以自行搜索视频观看。那个人回家,照猎人所说的做了,试验着打了几枪,却没有一枪能打中,他只好再去找猎人。他说:“我照你说的做了,但我还是打不中画中的鸟。” The man, after arriving home, did what the hunter had told him to do. But, alas, he fired several times without hitting the painted bird. He had no choice but to go and see the hunter again, saying, “I’ve done everything the way you suggested, but without success.” 🎈「试验着打了几枪,却没有一枪能打中」译为But, alas, he fired several times without hitting the painted bird,其中alas等于unfortunately,是译文中的增译成分,原文虽无其词但有其意。🎈「他只好再去找猎人。他说:……」翻译时没有按照中文里的句号造句,而是处理为了saying……🎈done everything the way you suggested中the way意同as,the way可以独立引导方式状语从句,跟as用法一样。例句①Please do it the way I’ve told you.请按照我告诉你的那样做。②Plants need water the way they need sun light.植物需要水就像它们需要阳光一样。🎈「但我还是打不中画中的鸟」为避免重复,译作but without success,而不是without hitting the painted bird。此种译法也更加简洁。其中,success意同hitting the painted bird。猎人问他是什么原因,他说:“可能是鸟画得太小,也可能是距离太远。”The hunter asked him why and the man replied. “Maybe I’ve painted the bird too small, or fired from a place not close enough.”🎈「也可能是距离太远」译作fired from a place not close enough,其中,fire是补充成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。fire作动词表示「开(枪或炮);射出(子弹)」;作名词时可表示「枪击,炮火,火力」。例如《穿越火线》里扔手雷常听到fire in the hole,意为「当心手雷、大家小心,快闪开」等,提醒周围的战友远离,避免误伤自己人。那猎人沉思了一阵向他说:“对你的决心,我很感动,你回去,把一张大一些的纸挂在树上,朝那纸打——这一次你一定会成功。”The hunter went on after pondering for a moment, “I’ve been deeply touched by your strong will. Now you go home and hang up on the tree a larger sheet of cardboard for you to shoot at. You‘ll make it this time, I’m sure.”🎈「对你的决心,我很感动」意即「你的坚强意志使我感动」,故译为 I’ve been deeply touched by your strong will。如按字面直译为I’ve been deeply touched by your determination,就欠确切。🎈I’m sure(我保证)是增译成分,更符合对话习惯。那个人很担忧地问:“还是那个距离么?”猎人说:“由你自己去决定。”The man asked apprehensively, “Shoot from the same distance?”“It’s up to you to decide.”🎈由你定,看你自己It’s up to you 那人又问:“那纸上还是画着鸟么?”猎人说:“不。”“There’ll also be a bird painted on the cardboard?”“No.”🎈翻译对话时,说话人不必次次译出。那人苦笑了,说:“那不是打纸么?”The man asked with a forced smile, “You mean I’m to target the cardboard only?”🎈苦笑、强颜欢笑 a forced smile复习聂绀弩《我若为王》中:不快乐的时候不敢不笑译作…a forced smile when there was no joy at all to justify a smile。🎈「那不是打纸么?」意即「那不是把纸当作射击对象么?」,故译You mean I’m to target the cardboard?,其中target作「把……作为目标」解。猎人很严肃地告诉他说:“我的意思是,你先朝着纸只管打,打完了,就在有孔的地方画上鸟,打了几个孔,就画几只鸟——这对你来说,是最有把握的了。”The hunter explained in good earnest, “What I mean is this: Keep firing at the cardboard as many times as you like. Then paint a bird wherever there is a hole. As a result, there will be as many birds as your holes. That’s the way for you to be absolutely certain about your success.”🎈「猎人很严肃地告诉他说」可按「猎人一本正经地告诉他说」译为The hunter explained in good earnest。如把「严肃地」译为solemnly, sternly等,均欠确切。🎈「打完了,就在有孔的地方画上鸟,打了几个孔,就画几只鸟」译作Then paint a bird wherever there is a hole. As a result, there will be as many birds as your holes,乍一看:哎?和中文讲的不一样啊?此处译文其实恰恰表达出了原文真正的意思。翻译首先要对原语理解到位。🎈由wherever there is a hole想到Where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者事竟成)。那么,以此类推,有几个孔就有几只鸟可译作Where there is a hole, there is a bird.🔥必背词汇apprentice v.使拜师于;使当…的学徒英义If a young person is apprenticed to someone, they go to work for them in order to learn their skill.例句I was apprenticed to a builder when I was fourteen.14岁时,我拜一个建筑工人为师当学徒。speciality n.专业,专长英义Someone’s speciality is a particular type of work that they do most or do best, or a subject that they know a lot about.(in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 specialty)例句Conjuring up portable, waterproof fires was a speciality of Hermione’s.用魔法变出可携带的防水的火,这是赫敏的拿手好戏。woods n.树林英义a fairly large area of trees growing near each other.例句To go to the farm, you’ll have to pass through a woods. 要去农场,你必须经过一片树林。shotgun n.猎枪,火枪英义A shotgun is a gun used for shooting birds and animals which fires a lot of small metal balls at one time.例句It’s like a shotgun aiming at a target.这就象用散弹枪瞄准一个目标。ponder v.思索,考虑英义If you ponder something, you think about it carefully.例句Now the government is pondering another first.如今政府正考虑开创另一个第一。apprehensively adv.担心地,忧虑地英义in a worried or frightened way because you think something unpleasant may happen.例句All day she felt nervous and apprehensive.她一整天都焦虑不安。🔥重点表达拜某人做老师apprentice oneself to sb.人必须有一技之长One’s got to have a speciality./ One must have a particular skill.枪杀,开枪射击shoot down检查 check on sb./sth.把Y变为X make X of Y(短暂)拜访,探访,看望call on坐在副驾驶ride shotgun成功 make it由你定,看你自己It’s up to you苦笑、强颜欢笑 a forced smile🔥复盘测试拜某人做老师人必须有一技之长枪杀,开枪射击检查把Y变为X (短暂)拜访,探访,看望坐在副驾驶成功由你定,看你自己苦笑、强颜欢笑🔥表达对比「担忧」有几种不同表达?那个人很担忧地问:“还是那个距离么?”The man asked apprehensively, “Shoot from the same distance?”你似乎不再在乎,这令我担忧。It concerns me that you no longer seem to care.那一刻,就在演唱会才进行了一半的时候,担忧爬上了我的心头,我害怕着因为这样的坏天气,大家都会提早离开。And at this point in the show, about halfway through our set, this fear came over me that everyone was going to leave the concert.如果人均产量持续增长,那么国民生产总值的下降本身并不太值得担忧。Declining GDP would not, in itself, be much of a worry, provided that output per person continued to rise.凡人可能会有种种担忧,但是他也坚信这种焦虑担忧总会消逝。Secular man may be anxious, but he is also convinced that anxiety can be explained away.