My Three-leafed Clover of Lying
Bi Shumin
Everybody lies. It wound be a barefaced lie if anybody claims that he or she has never told a lie. Some people have been lying since they learned to speak, their whole existence constituting a web of lies. Others occasionally tell a lie and keep it as a personal secret: no one else ever learns that it was false. And sometimes one tells a lie out of good will – white lie, as it were, which does no harm to people around and is therefore excusable.
Deep in my heart grows a three-leafed clover of lying. Whenever I begin to unhesitatingly pluck a leaf, I begin to lie.
The first leaf is called good will. Do not make the mistake of thinking that all lies are malicious. Good intentions may be more likely to induce one to tell a lie. I practiced medicine for many years. Whenever patients with an incurable illness held my hand and asked with worried looks in their eyes, “Doctor, can I be cured?”, I would instinctively blurt out a definite “Yes, of course!”, unaware that I was actually lying to them. This lie simply expressed a common wish shared between my patients and me, a glimmer of hope in the gathering dark. When things have not yet reached the worst stage, well-intended lies may encourage us to persist in striving forward.
The second leaf exhorts me to make sure that my lying will not bring harmful consequences. Lies can be more like a humorous joke or a tactful excuse. For instance, a gathering of men of letters would be, in the eyes of most people, a social occasion of high taste. But I am not interested in most of them, though I know the invitation is sincere. If I refuse to go, I would be regarded as being impolite, or even arrogant, and this is certainly not the impression I wish to give. So usually I would decline the invitation with a staple excuse, such as, I am now fully occupied writing an article, or I have got an appointment to keep.
The third leaf sets out a personal rule: I can lie in the name of protecting my self-esteem. We often make mistakes. These mistakes are mostly pardonable as long as we correct them in due time. However, confessing to one’s mistakes in public will hurt one’s self-esteem, turning an external injury into an internal wound in one’s heart, which may take a considerable time to heal. I do not intend to hide my own faults, indeed I will often spend a whole night, quietly and all to myself, making a critical examination of my mistakes. But I do not like to display myself like a shoddy product under the gaze of reproachful eyes. People may view self-esteem variously, but most are rather sensitive towards matters concerning their reputation. To defend one’s self-esteem, we can tell a lie, yet for the same reason we cannot let a lie go unchecked for too long, because real self-esteem should be built on consistent efforts to improve oneself. A lie is thus merely a puff of smoke, to be cleared soon after it appears.
With the advance of my age, the clover in my heart has been gradually withering. I still tell lies, but less often. Probing into the cause, I find that a lie may sometimes reflect a wish, a veiled desire to pursue the truth. The growth rings of the tree of life keep increasing, and the true features of the world are revealed in ever more detail, as clearly as insects in amber. This, we must accept with courage. The essence of human life, as I have come to understand it, is not benevolence, but rather honesty.
Some people are always lying. That is not a matter of a three-leafed clover, but of a who-knows-how-many-leafed haystack of absurdity. The fact of my having previously lied myself by no means permits me to forgive such liars: there is after all a world of difference between telling a lie conditionally and lying as often as one has meals.
(李运兴 译)