

Home Can Be Anywhere Your Heart Doesn’t Wander

叶子南 著 蔡力坚 译


Not long ago, I was invited to a friend’s home for dinner. The main course was dumplings, northern style, seasoned with mature vinegar from his hometown Shanxi. The family ambience was further spiced up by his mother’s hard-to-understand Shanxi dialect. But I had to admit I didn’t feel relaxed.


My friend works in a high-tech firm. A down-to-earth guy, with a knack for technical stuff, plus a PhD in engineering from UC Berkeley, he easily survived the brutal waves of downsizing that swept the Bay Area earlier. His job security no longer in jeopardy, this could be a time to bask in the comfort of family life. But he has lately been tormented by the dreams of a sea turtle, that is, of returning overseas Chinese to make it big in a booming China. He is thus thrown into a Hamlet conundrum: to return or not to return, that’s the question.


Ambition is an urge to do better. There’s nothing wrong with such an urge even when you are already enjoying a decent level of material comfort. There’s in fact an aura of nobility surrounding it. When old folks in ancient times aspired to go a thousand miles to meet new challenges, how can today s young people flinch from venturing into the excitement on the other side of the Pacific Ocean? Rather than out of concern about their motives, which are admirable, my reservation about the tide of returning sea turtles is framed on a micro level around the need to be on guard against any grandiose temptation. In spite of seemingly irresistible promises, reality may prove otherwise.

海归面对的问题不少,其中一个就是家。在那些已获居住权的人中,举家归国,从此斩断与美国情缘” 的毕竟很少,我挥一挥衣袖。不带走一片云彩是诗句,不是现实。有人说,家的解决之道是两边跑,仿佛一个家庭真可以转换成旅游团队,不停地穿梭于大洋两岸。但在两边跑的模式果真能营造出家的温馨?我看家的真正含义反倒会在舟车劳顿中消失殆尽。

There are a whole lot of issues one may face, and chief among them is where their families would stay. For those who have green cards, few would actually move a whole family back and sever their American bonds. Another scenario is to leave your family behind, as is described poetically: Gently I flick my sleeves, 1 Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away. This alternative is, however, not realistic, though poetically appealing. Some claim that a solution lies in back-and- forth shuttling. Family members would be like tour groups shuttling across the Pacific. But can this shuttle approach” create the warmth of family? Tm afraid the meaning of family could be lost all together in the never-ending hustle of travelling.


The strength of a family is first and foremost maintained by the proximity of its members. It doesn’t follow that intimacy can never be sustained across opposite corners of the earth. There are indeed stories about long distance ties in our culture. But trans-Pacific communication via online platforms offers no viable replacement for dinner table chats or backyard echoes of laughter. Virtual space cannot give you real-life experience, nor can it let you have a true taste of family life, be it bitter, spicy, sour, or sweet.


For me, the meaning of family lies in feeling anxious about my wife s failure to come home at the usual time or in feeling worried about our daughter staying up late studying. It lies in my wife’s complaint that I shouldn’t have misplaced detergent in the dryer, in the joy everyone in our family shares when our experiment of cooking a new dish turned out a success, in the hustle of getting our kid ready for school in the morning, or in our discussion on picking a right college for our daughter. Family life is also flavored with occasional quarrels I have with my wife or daughter. For all its trivial disturbances, a family is like a small river free of billowing waves, where you can enjoy peace and calm. It’s a shelter where you can recuperate from life’s cuts and bruises. It’s a resupply station where you can prepare yourself to bounce back after a career disaster. The warmth of family dilutes feelings of nostalgia for our home town, which now has become a paradise for occasional reunions, while the once unfamiliar land a place to call home for the rest of my life.


In fact, to return or to stay, it’s not a question of right and wrong. If you decide to return, you’d better take your whole family with you. A family cannot be run from afar. Proximity begets intimacy. My friend is a very cautious and considerate family man. He has been hesitating over concerns about his kid’s education and his wife’s job. I hope he will make a sensible decision that would ensure him uninterrupted embrace of family love.


A few days ago, I got a message from my hometown cousin. In response to my essay on the beauty of the land south the Yangtze River, she wrote a four-line poem for me, as encouragement to my dabbling in literary pursuits, which resonates with me:


The drizzles hither also moisten the wide blue yonder, / And home can be anywhere your heart doesn’t wander; / There’s a time the tide ebbs and the mid-autumn moon shines, / Highlighting the link between California and east China shorelines.

未经允许不得转载:帕布莉卡 » 《心既能安处处家》中英对照
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