倪匡《哭与笑》 ~ 文学翻译-经典英译-中英双语赏析

When a Person Weeps or Cries

A child plays away from home and fight with others. He’s defeated, gets hurt and suffers shame. If he (or she) is strong-willed, he would clench his teeth, making a firm grip on himself from shedding tears in front of others. But as soon as he returns home he would burst out crying at the first sight of his close relatives. He would be all tears pouring out his sufferings.
The same is true for a strong-willed grown-up. No matter what harm he sufferers he would do his best to disguise, trying not to reveal his feelings. He would swallow his bitter tears and show a smiling face at others as if he doesn’t care a bit. But however strong-willed he is, most probably he would cry as soon as he meets his close relative who loves him and to whom he can pour out his heart unreservedly. Not only he’d weep but he’d cry his eyes out in grief.
If somebody weeps in your face—the person never of the type shedding tears in front of others, you’d better sit by and let him (or her) cry out to his heart’s content, for it shows you are regarded as his dearest or the most reliable one.
It’s much better to have someone weeping in your face than be met exclusively by a smiling face. Anyone can smile at you, but very few will weep in your face, because the latter is much harder for one to do than the former.

griefn. 悲痛,忧伤
disguisen. 假面目,伪装物,假装 vt. 假装,假扮,掩饰
exclusivelyadv. 排他地(独占地,专门地,仅仅,只)
reliableadj. 可靠的,可信的
revealvt. 显示,透露 n. (外墙与门或窗之间的)窗侧,门
swallown. 燕子,吞咽,一次吞咽的量

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