王承磊《平等的待遇》 ~ 文学翻译-经典英译-中英双语赏析

Equal Treatment

A sophisticated crematory furnace was recently installed in the mortuary house of xx city.
Of course it served the rich people, who could afford the cost—5000 for each use. The poor people could only make use of the ordinary furnace. Its cost was only 1000.
What made the difference between the sophisticated and the ordinary was whether the ashes gathered were full or partial.
Who didn’t want to keep full ashes, the only remains of the ancestor? But the cost was indeed too high.
Somebody made an appeal to the mayor through the channel of the mayor’s mailbox, deeming the practice unfair.
The deputy mayor in charge of the matter didn’t see eye to eye with the appeal. He thought there was nothing wrong about it. Rich people went to high-ranking restaurants, while the poor had their meals at snacks. Rich people drove their private cars while the poor rode their bicycles. It was quite natural for the existence of such different social ranks.
Just a few days later, the father of the related mayor died and was sent to the crematorium. Unfortunately the sophisticated furnace was out of function at the moment and the body had to be committed to the flames in the ordinary one.
Three days since this incident happened, an official notice in red heading was issued to the crematorium from the municipal authorities. It conveyed the formal decision of abolishing the sophisticated furnace.
The decision contained such an argument as: all the dead were entitled to an equal treatment.

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