宗璞 《我爱燕园》 ~ 文学翻译-经典英译-中英双语赏析


宗璞 《我爱燕园》
















I Love Yanyuan

Strictly speaking, I was never a student in Beida (short for Peking University) or Yenching University. Nor have I ever held any appointment in either university. I was merely a resident there for some thirty-five years. How time flies, like water, like smoke. I have ended up with very little but a profound sentiment – my love for Yanyuan.

I love the color of Yanyuan. In the fifties, spring began with pink peach blossoms, their tiny flimsy petals lightly trembling in the still cold breeze. I always think the association of being flimsy scribed to peach blossom is unjust. The peach blossom is but a runner-up with the plum blossom. Not found innocent in time, not only the blossoms but even the peach trees themselves came under the chopper’s blades. Since then, it has been left to the golden forsythia to welcome the spring. Forsythia, because of its medicinal value, is a protected plant on the university campus. The Nanking cherry immediately followed with its splendid uplifting clusters. The white and purple cloves with their sweetness spreading afar under a misty moon send spring straight into one’s heart.

The wild violet, nonchalantly tinting the green grass, deserves proper attention. For the violet is wild, and its purple is mixed with a profuse white brightness. It dances in the wind, undulating lightly, so fresh and lively. One does not feel like parting from it. The color purple evolves into different shades until it becomes wisteria whose purple, a dark hue, glistens among the green leaves. By then one could not help but realize that the spring is no longer young.

The color of summer is green, dark green, light green, deep green or pale green. Whenever returning from a trip downtown, as soon as I enter the university gate my eyes are filled with the color green, and I feel instantly cooler, forgetting the troubles outside the campus gate. Green is the overall backdrop, infusing all other shades. The focal point is on the red lotus. The summer lotus pond used to be the highlight when I entertained my friends. There are huge lotus pads in Mingheyuan, the white lotus intertwined with the red, the fragrance dispersed afar. After all those years of turmoil during the Cultural Revolution, the lotus pads are no longer there. But near Shaoyuan, by the bridge of Langrinyuan, the red lotus reappear. There it is hidden behind the hill, with shaded winding paths which come suddenly into view. The red of the lotus is of a different hue from that of the peach blossom or apricot blossom. The lotus, not unlike the white magnolia, is stately but subdued. I had often wondered why Buddha is couched on a lotus pad. But when I pursue the thought further, I realized what could be more appropriate than lotus, considering its shape and its virtue.

Autumn colors make one feel substantial and rich. The Rose-of-Sharon is purple, red and white. Grape myrtle can be purple or red. Indian Root is of many shades, while the plantain lily is pure icy white. The trees are full of autumn. Under Linhuxuan, north of the pond, there is a row of tall gingko trees. By autumn they turn into a high golden wall, and the ground is covered with golden leaves. As I step on the leaves, my thoughts begin to take flight. West of the pond, there are trees with unknown names, slender leaves shooting evenly from the base of the branch. After a sprinkle of rain, the leaves turn flaming red. The year before last, I had written “Ode to Autumn,” but last year I returned and found the branches leaning to left and right. Amidst the branches a path had been tramped flat. I lingered there, feeling powerless. How many years will pass before the leaves turn red again? When will the destructive mentality unleashed by the Cultural Revolution end?

The snow white scenery of Yanyuan is beautiful. On a sunny winter day, standing on the shore of Lake Weiming, I look out and see the sky, high and blue; the higher the sky the lighter the gleaming white snow. The outline of bare branches and the surrounding buildings bring into sharp relief the shapes and forms of the landscape. It is like a black and white sketch by pen. But there has been little snow in recent years. The winter color is gloomy grey and misty.

I like the outline of Yanyuan, the light on the lake and the shadow of the pagoda. It is in the dream world of those departed. Without a doubt, it is also the shadow of the pagoda on the lake, slightly titled, moving; yet the lines are still beautiful. Docking alongside the mid-lake island is the white stone boat with its two ends arching upward. The outline is sharp and full. The Bell Pavilion on the west side of the lake and the lines of the bell stand out distinctly. There are eighteen dragons and eight diagram carved on the sides of the bell. The composition of the uneven horizontal lines is a thousand-year old enigma.

I love the atmosphere of Yanyuan. It is created with human effort. Every autumn, when the new academic year begins, innocent new faces appear on campus. Teacher, where is No 6 courtyard? Teacher, where is such and such a classroom? They ask the questions with such intensity as if they are searching for the Way of Life. Every summer, when the academic year ends, one overhears on the lanes such questions as “Where have you been assigned?” “When are you leaving?” on the bulletin board there are notices of bicycle sales. The graduates are entering society. I wonder how much they have learned during four years of studies. I wonder what their future holds. I feel it is the same with the four seasons. It is the rhythm of life itself.

Sometimes in the evening when I take a walk – such chances are increasingly rare – I see the library bright with lights. I am always excited to find the library looking like a giant boat afloat in the night. The library shines with the cumulative wisdom of faculty and students. It lights up the darkness. It is earned at great cost. I know now that all the confusion is being straightened out.

There is no light in the Triangle area, that tiny “information center.” It has been very exciting there the last two years. Academic talks almost daily, forums and panel discussions, all sorts of opinions were aired. It seemed that everyone was thinking independently. It was like a rainbow surpassing the color of the seasons. It is the true color of Yanyuan. Since the beginning of last year, however, things have quieted down; movie ads and Lost and Found notices fill the bulletin board. Altogether some lost items are described with much humor, one feels sad. But recently things are getting brighter. Though I do not participate in many activities, it does me good just to peruse the notices.

I love the Yanyuan of my memory. I have quarreled with the men and women who spat watermelon seed shells all over the place, and I have shoveled snow in our front yard. In order to care for the elderly and the young, I have scurried about in our desolate compound. I remember the icy cold rooms in winter. I also remember a new generation of hot-water and heating servicemen with their gentle warm smiles. I remember my mother how toiled all her life and who passed away in the university hospital, worrying about us with her last breath. There were not enough staff to carry her body downstairs. The same day, her favorite cat was shot dead by a bird-hunter’s gun, leaving behind a kitten. Today, her kitten is eleven years old, getting on in years. All the memories, sweet or bitter, are equally precious. For they are part of me.

I love Yanyuan.

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