冯骥才 《西式幽默》
West Humour
Feng Jicai
Our institute employed an English teacher. He looked very strange—red-faced, golden-haired with a thick growth of whiskers, a few hairs of which going all the way to the nose. He was really tall—no less than six feet five inches. When he came in through the door, he had to lower his head to avoid banging against the door frame. It looked as though he always bowed to you at the door and that was much too polite. What was more strange about him was that when he chatted with the Chinese students on amusing topics, he did not laugh, nor did his face show any expression as if he had no sense of humour at all. However, when talking about topics of the most unamusing nature, he would burst into uncontrollable laughter, roaring while rocking in his chair, almost falling flat on his back, his Adam’s apple dancing up and down in his throat and his whiskers fluttering all over his face. The students would look at each other, wondering if he was out of his mind.
One day, to see how well the Chinese students could write in English, he set them an essay, the topic being “A Comment on Campus Life”—either complimentary or critical. That was simple. The Chinese students, quick at writing, finished it at one go and turned it in in no time. Having gone through the students’ essays the teacher selected one which he considered as the best. When he read it out to the students, they were greatly perplexed. Of all the essays, why did he like this one best? Not a single word of it was true. The article was about the institute cafeteria and the author was a peaceable and timid student from a village in the outskirts. In order not to offend the institute authorities—the decisive factor concerning his final grading, evaluation and, most important of all, where he was to go after graduation—he had made up a high-sounding story eulogizing the cafeteria, regardless of reality, thus making his classmates very angry. The teacher, however, was not unaware of the cafeteria’s terrible conditions, but why did he like this essay better? Someone asked.
“This is undoubtedly a good essay,” the teacher explained. “Unprecedentedly good! Just listen—” He began to read. “The most beautiful spot on campus is not the classroom-building, nor the sportsground, nor the small lawn with the fountain at the gate; the most beautiful spot on campus is our cafeteria. Look! The window panes are so clean that you scarcely notice there is glass there—” He paused, his eyes flashing with a glint of humour and his brows shooting upward. “Listen! Isn’t it humourous?”
Humorous? But what was humorous about it? The students were puzzled.
“If you were not careful enough,” the teacher continued, “and had a fall on the floor, you would be amazed to find that you had not fallen at all because you did not get a single particle of dust on your clothes. If you had been working in the cafeteria long enough, you would have forgotten what a fly looks like…” He stopped, his tongue clicking rapidly to show his admiration. Working up a very funny expression on his face, he went on, “Listen, please! Do you think anyone else could’ve made it more humorous?” He laughed so heartily that he could not continue.
By now the students seemed to be cottoning on.
The teacher went on, his reading punctuated by fits of laughter. “How wonderfully the food is cooked here! What a great variety of dishes you have here and how well your appetite is satisfied! In fact it is only at the cafeteria of the institute that you find eating enjoyable…”
Suddenly the students laughed, rocking the classroom with their laughter.
Following this logic, God knows how many articles we would be able to produce, articles that are just as well-worded, quick-witted, artfully-conceived and set you rolling with laughter!
burstn. 破裂,阵,爆发 v. 爆裂,迸发
timidadj. 胆怯的,害羞的
factorn. 因素,因子 vt. 把 … 因素包括进去 vi
outskirtsn. 郊区 名词outskirt的复数形式
decisiveadj. 决定性的
uncontrollableadj. 无法控制的;无法管束的;难以驾驭的
framen. 框,结构,骨架 v. 构成,把 … 框起来,陷
offendvt. 犯罪,冒犯 vi. 令人不适,违反
varietyn. 多样,种类,杂耍
lawnn. 草地,草坪 n. 上等细麻布