冯亦代 《向日葵》 ~ 文学翻译-经典英译-中英双语赏析


冯亦代 《向日葵》








Feng Yidai

When I learned from a foreignnewspaper that Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” was auctioned off inLondon for 39 million U.S. dollars, especially when I again saw its photo thatI had long missed seeing, I was kind of depressed, as if something were gettingaway from me, because it was the painting I doted on. I knew I could never bewealthy enough to afford it, but I cherished a great love for it. Now, havingfallen into some private collection, it would not be available for the publicto appreciate any more. What a pity! I had never had the good luck to see theoriginal but, to me, a masterpiece is like a beauty and when the beauty isclaimed by someone else you feel a pain of being deprived of your access toher.

I remember I once had a reproductionof the painting under the same title but its composition was slightlydifferent. I bought it in Shanghai after the War of Resistance against Japan.One day, I was strolling along Shanxi-nan Street when I caught sight of thepainting in the window of a small bookstore run by some Russian. It was a copyfrom the collection of van Gogh’s masterpieces. Vincent van Gogh was a masterwho has been a great influence on modern painting since the 19th century. I donot know much about art, but I enjoy the intense hues with a tinge offorlornness against the brilliance in his paintings. “Sunflowers” isone of the seven masterpieces of a series, four of which were in museums, onedamaged in Yokohama, Japan, during World War II and the one auctioned in Londonwas one of the last two in private hands. I took the exquisite reproductionthere and then for a quarter of my salary of that month.

I like his “Sunflowers” inparticular, with its glorious blossoms glittering like pearls, but theblossoms, held in a vase placed against a yellow background, look lonesome andmake you feel miserable, the way you feel when the feast is over and the guestsare gone but the lights and candles are still glimmering in the deserted hall.I enjoy the sight of sunflowers when in the morning they slowly turn to thesun, dripping with dew — pitiful but gorgeous. I put the painting in a frameand hung it on the wall of our dining room. The wall was painted dark green andthe sunflowers in the painting, as if standing in an endless field bathed inbright sunshine, looked pleasing but solitary. Every day I sat in front of it,filled with joy and shrouded in loneliness. Later I came to know from IrvingStone’s Lust for Life, a biography of van Gogh’s short life, that he lived for37 years only but spent half of his lifetime trying crazily to find out aboutthe mystery of colors until he ended up in death by suicide. Vincent van Goghwas not good at making a living, but he had carved a new path for himself inart, though the artist was not recognized till many years after his death.Having read this book, I was moved by his devotedness to art and loved his”Sunflowers” all the more for its gracefulness and suggestiveness. Iseemed to understand why joyfulness and loneliness are inherently mixed in hisworks.

After liberation in 1949 I wastransferred to Beijing. I did not take the painting with me, as I felt that itwas quite out of tune with the milieu of the time. In the liberated society wewere immersed in a festival atmosphere and there was not slightest suggestionof loneliness. But soon I began to be missing the painting again. It seemed asif man, like this bunch of sunflowers, would try to hang on to the setting sunin its afterglow. I thought of that dark green wall that seemed to haveengulfed the brilliant yellow. I tried desperately to disperse the lonelinessthat followed me like a shadow but in vain. With the passage of time the goldenyellow in my memory grew dim and gradually it was almost forgotten.

During the chaotic ten years (1966-76)I was banished to a farm in Nanhuang to reform through labor. I was forced towork beyond my endurance and I was in such a gloomy state of mind that I oftenfound myself scared. One day as I was pushing a dung-cart past a farmer’sthatched hut, I saw some fresh yellowish sunflowers, against a blue sky,craning out of its fence. They reminded me of the “Sunflowers” on thedark green wall in my house in Shanghai, calling back to mind the joys of thefamily: our three-year-old daughter was trying to speak the way adults do and,when she realized that her mimicking was funny, she giggled and then, climbingup to the desk and pointing to the book I was reading, said, “When I amgrown, I will read this too.” But now in front there were only a fewsunflowers nodding at me and my heart began to sink and float around, notknowing where to stop. Since then each time I went dung-collecting, I would goand pass that hut even if it meant more walk in the round of my daily journey.I wanted to see the sunflowers that were turning grayish yellow, reminiscingthe cheerfulness of the days gone by, until one day the farmer got the cropsin. When I passed the farmer’s hut that day, I heard some kids laughing andscreaming over the fence, each trying to get a fair share of the seeds from thecrops. I then thought of my daughter in the far north. How excited she would beif she were among the kids, making noises with them. However, if she had seenher own dad pushing the heavy dung-cart in the shabby clothes as they were, howwould that have made her feel? I was on my way back with tears in my eyes andmy thoughts turned to van Gogh and his “Sunflowers” again. When hewas working on the painting, he might have felt more loneliness and misery oflife, otherwise why did he paint the petals about to wither? However, Ibelieved he had also dreamed of joy, or why should he have placed the petalsagainst an intense yellow background?

Now van Gogh’s “Sunflower”has become a rich man’s private property but that reproduction of the paintinglives on in my memory, reminding me of the artist’s crazy lust for life. Thoughone has ups and downs to face down the road, his love for life is hard to fadeaway. That the golden color of the sunshine keeps popping up before my eyes isan indication that van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” speaks for what I havebeen unable to bring out from my heart.

sinkn. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽,散热器 vi. 下沉,下落,
desertedadj. 废弃的,荒芜的,被遗弃的 动词desert的过
mysteryn. 神秘,秘密,奥秘,神秘的人或事物
pityn. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜 v. 同情,怜悯
inherentlyadv. 固有地;天性地;内在地
masterpiecen. 杰作
propertyn. 财产,所有物,性质,地产,道具
intenseadj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的
tunen. 曲调,调子,和谐,协调,调整 vt. 调整,为 .
brilliantadj. 卓越的,光辉的,灿烂的

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