刘宰(1167—1240)字平国,号漫塘病叟,镇江金坛(今属江苏)人 。绍熙元年(1190)举进士。历任州县,有能声。寻告归。理宗立,以为籍田令。迁太常丞,知宁国府,皆辞不就。端平间,时相收召誉望略尽,不能举者仅宰与崔与之二人。隐居三十年,于书无所不读。既卒,朝廷嘉其节,谥文清。宰为文淳古质直,著有《京口耆旧传》九卷、《漫塘文集》三十六卷,《四库总目》又作有语录,并传于世。
Telltale Behaviour
When Liu Zai was the Magistrate of Taixing District, the loss of a golden hairpin was reported to him. Only two women working as servants were present at the scene. Upon being cross-examined neither admitted to stealing the hairpin. Liu Zai ordered them each to take a reed home.
“The reed of the innocent one will remain at the same,” said Liu, “but the reed of the guilty one will grow tow inches by tomorrow.”
When the reeds were inspected the next day, one was still the same while the other was two inches shorter. The culprit had been afraid that her reed would grow longer. She confessed to the crime.
(乔车洁玲 译)