《菜根谭》(心不所动、焉受诱惑) ~ 中国古文翻译-古诗与典籍英译-中英双语




The ears can hear flattering sounds; the eyes can be dazzled by silver and gold. These effects are enemies encroaching from without, whereas carnal desires are robbers hidden within. You must maintain vigilance at all times against these enemies. Seat yourself in the central hall and equip yourself with a sober mind, and you will surely be able to turn your enemies into helpmates.

(保罗·怀特 译)

Sounds pleasant to the ear and spots pleasant to the eye may be likened to thieves without. Emotions and desires may be compared to thieves within. But so long as you can guard against exterior temptations by keeping your heart unswerving, both of them, within or without, will be transformed into obedient servants or good helpmates in your self-refinement.

(周文标 译)

Beautiful sounds and sights are thieves from without, and one’s passions and ideas are thieves from within. But when the master, vigilant and clear-headed, always keeps the central role, then all thieves will turn family.

(蒋坚松 译)

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