薛涛·《镜离台》 ~ 中国古文翻译-古诗与典籍英译-中英双语薛涛(约768~832年),是一个带有传奇色彩的唐代女诗人,字洪度。长安(今陕西西安)人。16岁入乐籍,与韦皋,元稹有过恋情,恋爱期间,薛涛自己制作桃红色小笺用来写诗,后人仿制,称“薛涛笺”。脱乐籍后终身未嫁。成都望江楼公园有薛涛墓” 。薛涛与刘采春,鱼玄机,李冶,并称唐朝四大女诗人。卓文君、薛涛、花蕊夫人、黄娥并称蜀中四大才女。流传至今诗作有90余首。 薛涛·《镜离台》 铸泻黄金镜始开,初生三五月徘徊。 为遭无限尘蒙蔽,不得华堂上玉台。 A Mirror Separated from Its Stand Xue Tao The molten gold was poured, a mirror then appeared, A full moon first rising and hanging in the sky. Because it suffered endless layers of dust and grime, It cannot be set on the stand of jade within the splendid hall.

薛涛(约768~832年),是一个带有传奇色彩的唐代女诗人,字洪度。长安(今陕西西安)人。16岁入乐籍,与韦皋,元稹有过恋情,恋爱期间,薛涛自己制作桃红色小笺用来写诗,后人仿制,称“薛涛笺”。脱乐籍后终身未嫁。成都望江楼公园有薛涛墓” 。薛涛与刘采春,鱼玄机,李冶,并称唐朝四大女诗人。卓文君、薛涛、花蕊夫人、黄娥并称蜀中四大才女。流传至今诗作有90余首。




A Mirror Separated from Its Stand

Xue Tao

The molten gold was poured,

a mirror then appeared,

A full moon first rising

and hanging in the sky.

Because it suffered endless

layers of dust and grime,

It cannot be set on the stand of jade

within the splendid hall.

未经允许不得转载:帕布莉卡 » 薛涛·《镜离台》
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