《二十四孝·丁兰刻木事亲》 ~ 中国古文翻译-古诗与典籍英译-中英双语







Ding Lan Waited Upon the Statuettes of His Deceased Parents

Ding Lan of the Han Dynasty, found no opportunity to wait upon his parents, who died when he was young. As he thought of his parents and their hard work in breeding him, he had their pictures carved in the wood, and treated them as if they were alive. At first, his wife was quite respectful to the carved parents, but gradually, she became impatient and disrespectful, and pricked the fingers of the statuettes, and blood came out. When the statuettes saw Ding Lan, tears came down from their eyes. Ding Lan questioned his wife and got to know the truth, so he divorced his wife and drove her away from home.

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