《望蓟门》 祖咏 ~ 中国古文翻译-古诗与典籍英译-中英双语


《望蓟门》 祖咏


Looking at Chi Men
Tsu Yung
We march out
our hearts moved with emotion
as we hear, back in our camp,
the sound of flute and drum.
In front of us is bitterness;
the wild snows are endless,
at dawn they colour red and the reflection
shines back on our banners.
There will be lonely nights in deserts
with the beacons on our watch-towers
throwing their beams in answer to the moon.
I remember at the city of Chi
how the clouds lie along the city walls
like waves along our home sea-coast;
and full of longing for home, I, but a simple lad,
wonder if all this is necessary; why
must we lay down the pen and pick up
the sword?

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