《岁暮归南山》 孟浩然 ~ 中国古文翻译-古诗与典籍英译-中英双语


《岁暮归南山》 孟浩然


Returning to the South Mountain at the Year’s End
Meng Haoran

No more petitions will I submit at the north palace gate,
Because on South Mountain my humble hut for me does wait.
As I’m talentless, His Majesty bears me not in mind;
And sickly too, my old friends leave me alone and behind.
My hoary hair urges me on to my declining years;
New Year’s Eve is compelled me to flee as the green spring nears.
I can’t fall asleep, for my heart turns ever with sorrow;
Through the pine needles the pale moon shines on the window hollow.

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