evict 什么意思-详细用法

动词 “evict” 的用法:

  1. Evict someone from a property – 驱逐某人离开房产
    • The landlord decided to evict the tenants for violating the terms of the lease.(房东决定驱逐租户,因为他们违反了租约条款。)
  2. Evict a tenant – 驱逐租户
    • The landlord had to evict the tenant due to repeated late rent payments.(房东不得不驱逐租户,因为他多次拖欠租金。)
  3. Evict a squatter – 驱逐侵占者
    • The property owner sought legal action to evict the squatter who had been living in the vacant house.(房产所有者采取了法律行动,驱逐那个居住在空置房屋中的侵占者。)
  4. Evict someone for non-payment – 因未支付而驱逐某人
    • The landlord threatened to evict the tenant if the rent was not paid by the end of the month.(房东威胁说如果月底前不支付租金,将驱逐租户。)
  5. Evict someone from their home – 驱逐某人离开家
    • The family was devastated when they were evicted from their home due to foreclosure.(由于房屋被收回,这个家庭被驱逐出家园,他们感到十分沮丧。)
  6. Evict someone illegally – 非法驱逐某人
    • The tenants discovered that the landlord had evicted them illegally without proper notice.(租户发现房东未经合理通知非法驱逐了他们。)
  7. Evict someone from a premises for lease violation – 因违反租约而驱逐某人离开场所
    • The restaurant owner was evicted from the premises for repeatedly violating health and safety regulations.(餐厅老板因多次违反卫生和安全规定而被驱逐离开场所。)
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