形容词 “sordid” 的短语用法:
- Sordid affair – 肮脏的事件/丑闻
- The politician was involved in a sordid affair that brought down his career.(这位政治家卷入了一起肮脏的事件,导致他的事业崩溃。)
- Sordid past – 肮脏的过去
- The celebrity tried to hide her sordid past from the public.(这位名人试图向公众隐藏她肮脏的过去。)
- Sordid details – 不堪细节
- The newspaper article revealed the sordid details of the scandal.(报纸文章揭示了这场丑闻的不堪细节。)
- Sordid behavior – 卑鄙行为
- The teacher was dismissed for engaging in sordid behavior with a student.(这名教师因与一名学生进行卑鄙行为而被解雇。)
- Sordid crime – 卑鄙的犯罪
- The detective was determined to bring the sordid criminals to justice.(这位侦探决心将那些卑鄙的罪犯绳之以法。)
- Sordid living conditions – 肮脏的生活条件
- The documentary shed light on the sordid living conditions in the slums.(这部纪录片揭示了贫民窟中肮脏的生活条件。)
- Sordid motive – 卑鄙动机
- The prosecutor presented evidence of the defendant’s sordid motive for the crime.(检察官提出了被告犯罪的卑鄙动机的证据。)
- Sordid affair of the heart – 爱情中的不道德事件
- The novel explores the sordid affairs of the heart among the characters.(这本小说探讨了人物之间的不道德爱情事件。)
- Sordid business dealings – 肮脏的商业交易
- The businessman was known for his sordid business dealings and unethical practices.(这位商人以其肮脏的商业交易和不道德的做法而闻名。)
- Sordid secrets – 骇人听闻的秘密
- The memoir revealed the author’s sordid secrets from his time as a spy.(这本回忆录揭示了作者作为间谍时的骇人听闻的秘密。)
- Sordid addiction – 肮脏的瘾癖
- The rehab center helped patients overcome their sordid addictions.(康复中心帮助患者克服他们肮脏的瘾癖。)
- Sordid truth – 悲惨的事实
- The documentary exposed the sordid truth behind the industry’s practices.(这部纪录片揭示了该行业做法背后的悲惨事实。)
- Sordid living arrangements – 肮脏的居住环境
- The immigrants were forced to live in sordid living arrangements until they found better housing.(这些移民被迫居住在肮脏的居住环境中,直到他们找到更好的住房。)
- Sordid financial transactions – 不正当的财务交易
- The investigation uncovered a network of sordid financial transactions conducted by the corrupt businessman.(调查揭示了一个由腐败商人进行的肮脏的财务交易网络。)
- Sordid history – 骇人听闻的历史
- The town had a sordid history of corruption and scandal.(这个城镇有着骇人听闻的腐败和丑闻历史。)