insulate 是一个动词,表示隔离、隔热或使免受影响。它常用于描述将物体或人与外部环境隔离开来,以保护或防止其受到外界的影响。下面是关于 insulate 的一些用法,附带中文解释:
- Insulate a house: 给房屋隔热
- The walls of the house are insulated to keep the interior warm during winter.(房屋的墙壁进行了隔热处理,以保持冬季内部的温暖。)
- Insulating your attic can help reduce energy costs.(给阁楼进行隔热可以帮助降低能源成本。)
- Insulate against noise: 隔音
- Double-glazed windows help insulate against street noise.(双层玻璃窗有助于隔离街道噪音。)
- The recording studio is specially insulated to ensure a quiet environment for recording.(录音室经过特殊隔音处理,以确保安静的录音环境。)
- Insulate from the cold: 保暖
- Wearing layers of clothing can help insulate your body from the cold.(穿多层衣物可以保护身体免受寒冷。)
- The thermal insulation in the jacket keeps you well insulated in freezing temperatures.(夹克上的保温层使你在严寒中保持良好的保暖效果。)
- Insulate electrical wires: 绝缘电线
- The wires are insulated with a rubber coating to prevent electric shock.(电线用橡胶涂层绝缘,以防止电击。)
- Make sure to insulate the exposed wires to avoid any short circuits.(确保对暴露的电线进行绝缘处理,以避免短路。)
- Insulate from criticism: 防止批评的影响
- He insulated himself from negative comments by focusing on his goals.(他通过专注于自己的目标,使自己免受负面评论的影响。)
- The team leader insulates the team members from external pressure and criticism.(团队负责人保护团队成员免受外部压力和批评的影响。)
以上是关于 insulate 的一些常见用法,涵盖了隔热、隔音、保暖和防止影响等不同方面的意义。