- Insulate a house – 给房屋绝缘
- They added extra insulation to the walls to insulate the house from cold temperatures. (他们在墙壁上添加了额外的绝缘材料,使房屋不受寒冷温度的影响。)
- Insulate pipes – 给管道绝缘
- It’s important to insulate pipes in colder climates to prevent them from freezing. (在寒冷的气候中,给管道绝缘是非常重要的,以防止冻结。)
- Insulate against noise – 隔音
- The double-pane windows help insulate against noise from outside. (双层玻璃窗有助于隔绝外部噪音。)
- Insulate from heat – 隔热
- The attic insulation helps to insulate the house from excessive heat in the summer. (阁楼绝缘材料有助于隔绝夏季过多的热量。)
- Thermally insulate – 热绝缘
- The building is thermally insulated to reduce energy consumption. (该建筑物进行了热绝缘,以减少能源消耗。)
- Insulate electrical wires – 绝缘电线
- The electrician used insulation tape to insulate the electrical wires. (电工使用绝缘胶带对电线进行绝缘处理。)
- Insulate a container – 给容器隔热
- They insulated the shipping container to protect the contents from temperature fluctuations. (他们对货运集装箱进行了隔热处理,以保护其中的物品免受温度波动的影响。)
- Insulate a room – 隔离一个房间
- The soundproofing panels were installed to insulate the conference room from external noise. (安装了隔音板,以隔离会议室与外部噪音。)
- Insulate an engine – 隔热发动机
- The engine compartment is insulated to prevent heat from escaping. (发动机舱进行了隔热处理,以防止热量泄漏。)
- Insulate a vehicle – 隔热车辆
- The car manufacturer uses special materials to insulate the interior of the vehicle from outside temperature changes. (汽车制造商使用特殊材料,将车辆内部与外部温度变化隔离开来。)
- Emotionally insulate oneself – 情感隔离自己
- She tried to emotionally insulate herself from negative comments. (她试图情感上隔离自己,不受负面评论的影响。)