succumb 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语 ~ 英语单词详细解释

succumb 是一个动词,意为屈服、投降或不再抵抗。它常用于描述人在面对压力、诱惑或困难时放弃抵抗或失败。以下是关于 “succumb” 的详细用法和一些短语:


  1. Despite his best efforts, he succumbed to temptation and ate the whole cake. (尽管他尽力抵抗,但他还是屈服于诱惑,吃掉了整个蛋糕。)
  2. The team succumbed to pressure in the final minutes of the game and lost the match. (在比赛的最后几分钟,球队屈服于压力,输掉了比赛。)
  3. She succumbed to illness and had to take a leave of absence from work. (她因病而屈服,不得不请假休息。)
  4. The company succumbed to financial difficulties and filed for bankruptcy. (公司因财务困难而屈服,申请破产。)
  5. Many people succumb to peer pressure and engage in risky behaviors. (很多人在同伴的压力下屈服,从而参与冒险行为。)
  6. The dictator refused to succumb to international pressure and continued his oppressive rule. (独裁者拒绝屈服于国际压力,继续进行压迫统治。)
  7. The athlete succumbed to exhaustion and collapsed during the marathon. (这位运动员因疲劳过度而倒在了马拉松比赛中。)
  8. The negotiations between the two countries eventually succumbed to deadlock. (两国之间的谈判最终陷入了僵局。)
  9. He struggled for a long time, but in the end, he succumbed to his injuries. (他奋斗了很长时间,但最终还是因伤势不支而倒下了。)
  10. The company’s stock price succumbed to market volatility and experienced a sharp decline. (公司股价在市场的波动下屈服,出现了大幅下跌。)


  1. Succumb to pressure: 屈服于压力
  2. Succumb to temptation: 屈服于诱惑
  3. Succumb to illness: 屈服于疾病
  4. Succumb to defeat: 屈服于失败
  5. Succumb to fatigue: 屈服于疲劳
  6. Succumb to temptation: 屈服于诱惑
  7. Succumb to despair: 屈服于绝望
  8. Succumb to temptation: 屈服于诱惑
  9. Succumb to weakness: 屈服于弱点
  10. Succumb to peer pressure: 屈服于同辈压力
  11. Succumb to authority: 屈服于权威
  12. Succumb to seduction: 屈服于诱惑
  13. Succumb to addiction: 屈服于瘾症
  14. Succumb to fear: 屈服于恐惧
  15. Succumb to circumstances: 屈服于环境
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