Austere – 朴素的,简朴的
- Austere lifestyle – 简朴的生活方式
- He chose to live an austere lifestyle, devoid of material possessions. (他选择过着简朴的生活方式,没有物质财富。)
- Austere beauty – 简朴的美丽
- The landscape captivated us with its austere beauty. (那片风景以它的简朴美丽吸引了我们。)
- Austere design – 简朴的设计
- The minimalist furniture reflected an austere design philosophy. (极简主义家具体现了一种简朴的设计理念。)
- Austere architecture – 简朴的建筑风格
- The monastery’s austere architecture conveyed a sense of tranquility. (修道院的简朴建筑风格传达出一种宁静的感觉。)
- Austere clothing – 简朴的服装
- The monks wore austere clothing as a symbol of their devotion to a simple life. (僧侣们穿着简朴的服装,象征着他们对简单生活的奉献。)
- Austere color palette – 简朴的色彩调色板
- The artist used an austere color palette to evoke a sense of calmness in the painting. (艺术家运用简朴的色彩调色板在画作中唤起一种宁静的感觉。)
- Austere decor – 简朴的装饰风格
- The hotel had an austere decor with minimalistic furnishings. (这家酒店的装饰风格简朴,家具设计简约。)
- Austere environment – 简朴的环境
- The remote village had an austere environment with limited resources. (这个偏远的村庄环境简朴,资源有限。)
- Austere atmosphere – 简朴的氛围
- The church was filled with an austere atmosphere, inspiring introspection and reverence. (教堂充满着简朴的氛围,激发人们的内省和敬畏之情。)
- Austere discipline – 严格的纪律
- The military academy maintained an austere discipline to instill a sense of order and obedience. (军事学院保持严格的纪律,培养秩序和服从的意识。)
- Austere language – 简洁的语言
- The poet’s austere language conveyed deep emotions with few words. (诗人简洁的语言用少量的字句传达了深刻的情感。)
- Austere diet – 简朴的饮食
- The yoga retreat offered an austere diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, and grains. (瑜伽静修营提供以水果、蔬菜和谷物为主的简朴饮食。)