priority 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语 ~ 英语单词详细解释

priority 是一个名词,表示优先事项、重要性或优先权。它用来描述在一系列任务或目标中被认为更重要或更紧迫的事情。以下是关于 “priority” 的详细用法和一些短语:


  1. Education should be a top priority for every society. (教育应该是每个社会的首要任务。)
  2. Safety is our highest priority in the workplace. (安全是我们工作场所的最高优先事项。)
  3. The government needs to address the issue of poverty as a matter of priority. (政府需要把贫困问题作为优先事项来解决。)
  4. Meeting the deadline is our primary priority right now. (按时完成任务是我们目前的首要任务。)
  5. The company has set clear priorities for the coming year. (公司已经为接下来的一年设定了明确的优先事项。)
  6. My main priority at the moment is taking care of my family. (我目前的主要任务是照顾我的家人。)
  7. We need to establish the order of priorities for this project. (我们需要确定这个项目的优先顺序。)
  8. The manager is responsible for assigning priorities to the team members. (经理负责为团队成员分配优先级。)
  9. The safety of the passengers is always the airline’s top priority. (乘客的安全始终是航空公司的首要任务。)
  10. The CEO emphasized the priority of customer satisfaction in the company’s mission. (CEO强调了公司使命中客户满意度的优先性。)


  1. High priority: 高优先级
  2. Top priority: 最高优先事项
  3. Priority list: 优先事项清单
  4. Priority setting: 优先事项设定
  5. Priority deadline: 优先截止日期
  6. Priority task: 优先任务
  7. Priority level: 优先级别
  8. Priority order: 优先顺序
  9. Priority action: 优先行动
  10. Priority management: 优先管理
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