descry 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语


词性: 动词

发音: dih-skrai

中文解释: 发现,察觉,看见


  1. 描述观察(Describing Observation):
    • The lookout on the ship could descry land on the horizon.(船上的观察员能够看到地平线上的陆地。)
    • From the mountaintop, we could descry a beautiful valley below.(从山顶上,我们可以看到下面一个美丽的山谷。)
  2. 发现,察觉(Detect, Perceive):
    • The detective managed to descry a clue at the crime scene.(侦探设法在犯罪现场发现了一个线索。)
    • She could barely descry the outline of a figure in the darkness.(在黑暗中,她勉强能察觉到一个人的轮廓。)
  3. 察觉到远处的事物(Discern Something Distant):
    • With his keen eyesight, he could descry birds flying high in the sky.(凭借他敏锐的视力,他能够看到高空中飞翔的鸟儿。)
    • I squinted my eyes, trying to descry the distant ship on the horizon.(我眯着眼睛,试图看清地平线上的远船。)
  4. 辨认,辨别(Recognize, Identify):
    • Even from a distance, I could descry her familiar face in the crowd.(即使在远处,我也能辨认出她在人群中熟悉的面孔。)
    • The detective could descry the suspect among the group of people.(侦探能够在人群中辨认出嫌疑人。)
  5. 窥见,洞察(Catch a Glimpse, Perceive Insight):
    • Through her artwork, we can descry her creative talent and unique perspective.(通过她的艺术作品,我们可以窥见她的创造才华和独特的视角。)
    • The professor’s lecture allowed us to descry the complexities of the subject.(教授的讲座让我们洞察到这门学科的复杂性。)
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