gander 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语

  1. Take a gander: 看一眼,瞧一瞧
    • “Take a gander at this beautiful sunset!”(来看一下这美丽的日落!)
    • “I took a gander at the new car model in the showroom.”(我在展厅里瞧了一眼新车型。)
  2. Have a gander: 看一看,浏览一下
    • “Have a gander at these photos from my vacation.”(看一看我度假时拍的这些照片。)
    • “I had a gander at the latest fashion trends online.”(我在网上浏览了一下最新的时尚潮流。)
  3. A gander into: 一瞥,短暂看一眼
    • “I took a quick gander into the room to see who was there.”(我短暂地往屋里看了一眼,看看里面有谁。)
    • “She took a gander into the mirror before leaving the house.”(她在离开房子前往镜子里瞥了一眼。)
  4. Gander at: 目不转睛地看,凝视
    • “He couldn’t help but gander at the stunning view from the mountaintop.”(他忍不住凝视着山顶上壮丽的景色。)
    • “The audience gandered at the famous actor as he walked on stage.”(观众们目不转睛地看着那位著名演员走上舞台。)
  5. Take a gander around: 四处看看,到处逛逛
    • “We decided to take a gander around the city and explore its hidden gems.”(我们决定四处逛逛,探索这座城市的隐藏宝藏。)
    • “During the break, I took a gander around the campus to familiarize myself with the surroundings.”(休息时,我四处看了看校园,熟悉一下周围环境。)
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