- speak with grandiloquence: 以夸张的方式说话
- display grandiloquence: 展示夸张的言辞
- excessive grandiloquence: 过度的夸张言辞
- flamboyant grandiloquence: 华丽夸张的言辞
- pretentious grandiloquence: 自命不凡的夸张言辞
- political grandiloquence: 政治夸张言辞
- empty grandiloquence: 空洞的夸张言辞
- the art of grandiloquence: 夸张言辞的艺术
- master of grandiloquence: 夸张言辞的大师
- engage in grandiloquence: 进行夸张的言辞
- a burst of grandiloquence: 一阵夸张言辞
- intoxicated with grandiloquence: 沉醉于夸张言辞中
- grandiloquence and rhetoric: 夸张言辞和修辞
- eloquence tinged with grandiloquence: 以夸张为色彩的雄辩
- grandiloquence and bombast: 夸张言辞和浮夸之词
- deliver a grandiloquent speech: 发表一场夸张的演讲
- rely on grandiloquence: 依赖夸张言辞
- theatrical grandiloquence: 戏剧化的夸张言辞
- overwhelm with grandiloquence: 用夸张言辞压倒
- grandiloquence and exaggeration: 夸张言辞和夸大
- fill the air with grandiloquence: 以夸张言辞充斥空气
- a display of grandiloquence: 一番夸张言辞的展示
- embrace grandiloquence: 拥抱夸张言辞
- rise to grandiloquence: 使用夸张言辞
- the charm of grandiloquence: 夸张言辞的魅力
- express oneself with grandiloquence: 以夸张言辞表达自己
- drenched in grandiloquence: 浸泡在夸张言辞中
- manipulate grandiloquence: 操纵夸张言辞
- a touch of grandiloquence: 一丝夸张言辞
- devoid of grandiloquence: 缺乏夸张言辞
- temper grandiloquence: 调和夸张言辞
- emphasize with grandiloquence: 以夸张言辞强调
- grandiloquence and hyperbole: 夸张言辞和夸张修辞
- exude grandiloquence: 散发夸张言辞
- shower with grandiloquence: 用夸张言辞淋浴
- mock grandiloquence: 嘲笑夸张言辞
- a hint of grandiloquence: 一丝夸张言辞
- grandiloquence and bombast: 夸张言辞和浮夸之辞
- burdened by grandiloquence: 被夸张言辞所负累
- awe-inspiring grandiloquence: 令人敬畏的夸张言辞
- shrouded in grandiloquence: 被夸张言辞所笼罩
- grandiloquence and magniloquence: 夸张言辞和夸大之辞
- vain grandiloquence: 虚无的夸张言辞
- spew grandiloquence: 喷射夸张言辞
- gratuitous grandiloquence: 毫无理由的夸张言辞
- grandiloquence and hyperbolic rhetoric: 夸张言辞和夸张修辞
- pompous grandiloquence: 浮夸的夸张言辞
- imbued with grandiloquence: 充满夸张言辞
- grandiloquence and showmanship: 夸张言辞和表演技巧
- expressed in grandiloquence: 以夸张言辞表达
grandiloquence 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语
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