- embellish the truth: 润色事实
- embellish a story: 渲染一个故事
- embellish the facts: 夸大事实
- embellish with details: 用细节修饰
- embellish a narrative: 修饰叙述
- embellish an account: 渲染一则描述
- embellish the details: 渲染细节
- embellish a report: 润色一份报告
- embellish an event: 修饰一个事件
- embellish a description: 渲染一份描述
- embellish the storyline: 修饰故事情节
- embellish the scene: 渲染场景
- embellish the character: 修饰角色形象
- embellish the setting: 渲染背景
- embellish a painting: 修饰一幅画作
- embellish a garment: 装饰一件服装
- embellish a design: 修饰一个设计
- embellish a piece of jewelry: 装饰一件珠宝
- embellish a cake: 装饰一块蛋糕
- embellish a room: 修饰一个房间
- embellish a poem: 渲染一首诗
- embellish a melody: 修饰一段旋律
- embellish a speech: 渲染一篇演讲
- embellish a manuscript: 修饰一份手稿
- embellish a document: 润色一份文件
- embellish an essay: 渲染一篇论文
- embellish an argument: 修饰一个论点
- embellish a statement: 渲染一则声明
- embellish a resume: 润色一份简历
- embellish a CV: 润色一份简历
- embellish a speech: 渲染一篇演讲
- embellish a performance: 修饰一次表演
- embellish a dance: 修饰一支舞蹈
- embellish a photograph: 装饰一张照片
- embellish a website: 修饰一个网站
- embellish an advertisement: 渲染一则广告
- embellish a presentation: 修饰一个演示文稿
- embellish a project: 润色一个项目
- embellish a proposal: 渲染一个提案
- embellish a speech: 修饰一篇演讲
- embellish a conversation: 渲染一次对话
- embellish a memory: 修饰一段记忆
- embellish a journey: 渲染一次旅行
- embellish a dream: 修饰一个梦境
- embellish a fantasy: 渲染一个幻想
- embellish a novel: 修饰一部小说
- embellish a film: 渲染一部电影
- embellish a song: 修饰一首歌曲
- embellish a performance: 装饰一次表演
- embellish an experience: 修饰一段经历