secede 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语 ~ 英语单词详细解释


  1. A region seceded from the country – 一个地区脱离了国家
  2. A state seceded from the union – 一个州脱离了联邦
  3. An organization seceded from the alliance – 一个组织脱离了联盟
  4. A province seceded from the nation – 一个省份脱离了国家
  5. A group seceded from the party – 一个团体脱离了党派
  6. A colony seceded from the empire – 一个殖民地脱离了帝国
  7. A territory seceded from the federation – 一个领土脱离了联邦
  8. A city seceded from the municipality – 一个城市脱离了市政机构
  9. A region seceded from the state – 一个地区脱离了州份
  10. A district seceded from the county – 一个区域脱离了县份

独立宣言(Declaration of Secession):

  1. Issued a declaration of secession – 发布脱离宣言
  2. Formally announced secession – 正式宣布脱离
  3. Declared independence from – 从…宣布独立
  4. Stated intentions to secede – 表示意图脱离
  5. Proclaimed a separate state – 宣布建立独立的州

政治分裂(Political Division):

  1. Caused political division – 导致政治分裂
  2. Led to a breakaway movement – 导致分裂运动
  3. Resulted in a split within the party – 导致党内分裂
  4. Created a rift in the government – 在政府内造成分裂
  5. Fueled separatist sentiments – 激起了分离主义情绪


  1. Withdraw from – 退出
  2. Break away from – 脱离
  3. Disassociate from – 解除与…的关系
  4. Detach from – 分离
  5. Part ways with – 与…分道扬镳
  6. Divorce from – 脱离
  7. Cut ties with – 断绝与…的联系
  8. Split from – 分裂
  9. Break off from – 分离
  10. Sever connections with – 断绝与…的联系
  11. Dissociate oneself from – 与…切割关系
  12. Go independent – 独立
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