chicanery 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语 ~ 英语单词详细解释

一些包含单词 “chicanery” 的常用短语:

  1. Political chicanery: 政治欺骗
  2. Legal chicanery: 法律诡计
  3. Financial chicanery: 财务欺诈
  4. Corporate chicanery: 公司欺诈行为
  5. Deceptive chicanery: 欺骗性的诡计
  6. Sophisticated chicanery: 复杂的欺诈手法
  7. Political chicanery and corruption: 政治欺诈和腐败
  8. Unscrupulous chicanery: 肆无忌惮的欺诈行为
  9. Intellectual chicanery: 知识上的欺骗
  10. Pervasive chicanery: 普遍存在的欺诈行为
  11. Masterful chicanery: 精妙的欺诈手段
  12. Psychological chicanery: 心理上的欺骗
  13. Professional chicanery: 职业欺诈
  14. Political chicanery and manipulation: 政治欺诈和操纵
  15. Elaborate chicanery: 精心设计的欺诈手法
  16. Systematic chicanery: 系统性的欺诈行为
  17. Widespread chicanery: 广泛存在的欺诈行为
  18. Online chicanery: 网络欺诈
  19. Financial chicanery and fraud: 财务欺诈和诈骗
  20. Political chicanery and deceit: 政治欺诈和欺骗
  21. Manipulative chicanery: 操纵性的欺诈行为
  22. Complex chicanery: 复杂的欺诈手法
  23. Systemic chicanery: 系统性的欺诈行为
  24. Corporate chicanery and misconduct: 公司欺诈和不当行为
  25. Intellectual property chicanery: 知识产权的欺诈行为
  26. Legal chicanery and manipulation: 法律欺诈和操纵
  27. Governmental chicanery: 政府欺诈
  28. Professional chicanery and dishonesty: 职业欺诈和不诚实
  29. Sophisticated financial chicanery: 复杂的财务欺诈
  30. Deliberate chicanery: 故意的欺诈行为
  31. Organized chicanery: 组织性的欺诈行为
  32. Blatant chicanery: 公然的欺诈行为
  33. Unethical chicanery: 不道德的欺诈行为
  34. Hidden chicanery: 隐蔽的欺诈行为
  35. Systematic financial chicanery: 系统性的财务欺诈
  36. Sophisticated corporate chicanery: 复杂的公司欺诈
  37. Political chicanery and dishonesty: 政治欺诈和不诚实
  38. Legal chicanery and corruption: 法律欺诈和腐败
  39. Financial chicanery and manipulation: 财务欺诈和操纵
  40. Intellectual property chicanery and infringement: 知识产权的欺诈和侵权
  41. Governmental chicanery and misconduct: 政府欺诈和不当行为
  42. Professional chicanery and malpractice: 职业欺诈和不当行为
  43. Corporate chicanery and embezzlement: 公司欺诈和侵吞
  44. Online chicanery and scams: 网络欺诈和骗局
  45. Financial chicanery and Ponzi schemes: 财务欺诈和庞氏骗局
  46. Political chicanery and manipulation: 政治欺诈和操纵
  47. Intellectual chicanery and plagiarism: 知识欺诈和剽窃
  48. Sophisticated chicanery and deception: 复杂的欺诈手段和欺骗
  49. Legal chicanery and unethical practices: 法律欺诈和不道德行为
  50. Financial chicanery and insider trading: 财务欺诈和内幕交易
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