agog 什么意思-详细用法-常见短语 ~ 英语单词详细解释

包含单词 “agog” 的常用短语:

  1. All agog: 全部兴奋
  2. Eyes agog: 眼睛充满兴奋
  3. Eagerly agog: 热切地兴奋
  4. Agog with anticipation: 怀着期待兴奋不已
  5. Onlookers agog: 旁观者兴奋异常
  6. Audience agog: 观众兴奋不已
  7. Agog with curiosity: 充满好奇心
  8. Crowd agog: 人群兴奋异常
  9. Agog with excitement: 兴奋异常
  10. Students agog: 学生们兴奋不已
  11. Agog with wonder: 充满惊奇
  12. Children agog: 孩子们兴奋不已
  13. Crowd agog with enthusiasm: 群情激昂
  14. Agog with delight: 兴高采烈
  15. Spectators agog: 观众兴奋异常
  16. Agog with joy: 兴奋喜悦
  17. Curiosity agog: 好奇心沸腾
  18. Agog with anticipation: 怀着期待兴奋不已
  19. Crowd agog with anticipation: 群情激昂,怀着期待
  20. Audience agog with excitement: 观众兴奋异常
  21. Eyes wide agog: 眼睛瞪得大大的,兴奋异常
  22. Onlookers agog with curiosity: 旁观者充满好奇心
  23. Children’s faces agog with wonder: 孩子们满脸惊奇
  24. The room was agog with excitement: 房间里充满了兴奋
  25. Agog crowd gathered around: 兴奋的人群聚集在一起
  26. The audience was agog with anticipation: 观众怀着期待而兴奋
  27. The students were agog with enthusiasm: 学生们充满热情地兴奋
  28. The crowd was agog with delight: 人群因喜悦而兴奋
  29. The children were agog with joy: 孩子们因快乐而兴奋
  30. The spectators were agog with wonder: 观众因惊奇而兴奋
  31. The crowd was agog with excitement: 人群因兴奋而兴奋
  32. The onlookers were agog with curiosity: 旁观者因好奇而兴奋
  33. The students were agog with anticipation: 学生们怀着期待而兴奋
  34. The audience was agog with enthusiasm: 观众因热情而兴奋
  35. The room was agog with anticipation: 房间里充满了期待的兴奋
  36. The atmosphere was agog with excitement: 气氛充满了兴奋
  37. The children’s faces were agog with wonder: 孩子们的脸上充满了惊奇
  38. The crowd was agog with joy: 人群因喜悦而兴奋
  39. The audience was agog with curiosity: 观众因好奇而兴奋
  40. The students were agog with delight: 学生们因喜悦而兴奋
  41. The spectators were agog with anticipation: 观众怀着期待而兴奋
  42. The crowd was agog with wonder: 人群因惊奇而兴奋
  43. The onlookers were agog with excitement: 旁观者因兴奋而兴奋
  44. The children were agog with enthusiasm: 孩子们充满热情地兴奋
  45. The room was agog with joy: 房间里充满了喜悦
  46. The atmosphere was agog with curiosity: 气氛因好奇而兴奋
  47. The audience was agog with delight: 观众因喜悦而兴奋
  48. The students were agog with wonder: 学生们因惊奇而兴奋
  49. The spectators were agog with excitement: 观众因兴奋而兴奋
  50. The crowd was agog with enthusiasm: 人群充满了热情地兴奋
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