看美剧学英语:go out on a limb
Go out on a limb:(冒险尝试、大胆猜测或发表主观臆断,影视对白中经常用来暗示为朋友赴汤蹈火、两胁插刀的意思。)英文释义如下:
1. Putting yourself in a risky or precarious situation in order to help someone.
2. Taking a wild guess or expressing an opinion that might not be shared by others.
“Go out on a limb”词义来源:
“Cats will sometimes climb high up into a tree and then, perhaps out of fear, are unable to climb their way back down to the ground. Consequently, a caring pet owner may decide to climb the tree, and thus, go out on a literal limb to save their helpless cat. This is a major risk, because tree branches can potentially break under the weight of a person. As a matter of fact, people have died while attempting to rescue their cats from trees, so be careful.”
“Go out on a limb”情景例句(见上图),下面是”out on a limb”例句:
E.G.1:The company overstretched themselves by taking on too many jobs, had serious cashflow problems, and was soon out on a limb.
E.G.2:I put myself out on a limb for you, so if you say no to me, I won’t just be a fool…I’ll be done.