Tell him Dr.Cooper feels that the best use of his time is to employ his rare and precious mental faculties to tear the m...
Tell him Dr.Cooper feels that the best use of his time is to employ his rare and precious mental faculties to tear the m...
And there you have it; prefrontal cortex reasoning versus limbic lust If this were a boxing match, they might call it ...
I’ve wasted many an hour tilting at that particular windmill. 我已经浪费太多时间来攻击这个风车了。 《生活大爆炸第一季》
The heat of battle is upon us. The dogs of war are unleashed. 战斗的热浪迎面来袭。 战争的恶犬已被释放。 《生活大爆炸第一季》
Rut? I think you mean consistency. 刻板?我想你说的是连贯性吧。 《生活大爆炸第一季》
Looks like we butchered a pig, but nobody wanted bacon. 我们在这宰猪待客,可居然没人想吃培根 《生活大爆炸第一季》
Well,my existence is a continuum, so I have been what I am at each point in the implied time period. 我的存在是一个统一连续体, 所以在指定...
I refuse to contribute to the devaluation of the word “Genius” 我不想帮着抹黑“天才”一词 《生活大爆炸第一季》
He’s putting his needs ahead of the collective good. Where he comes from,that’s punishable by death. 他把自己的利益...
最重要的是,我一直爱着你们,用我自己的方式。 l love you all ,in my way . 《生活大爆炸第一季》