Either way, I want you to know that…I’m aware of how difficult I can be. So I just want to say…thank y...
Either way, I want you to know that…I’m aware of how difficult I can be. So I just want to say…thank y...
Tell her I’m really sorry. 给她说,我很抱歉 And if she doesn’t want to marry me, I get it. 如果她不想嫁给我,我也理解 But what I ...
Oh,god,that is so romantic. Leonard’s really one of a kind. 天啊真够浪漫,莱纳德真是独一无二的情种 《生活大爆炸第一季》
粒子从宇宙诞生之初就存在世上,是它造就了我们。我常想那些原子,用140亿年穿越时间和空间来创造我们,好让我们能相遇,完整对方。 From 《生活大爆炸》
看美剧学英语:Do the trick Do the trick: Achieve the required result, if something does the trick, it has the necessary or want...
我对你有着不可否认的,又无法用其他途径解释的好感。我曾以为自己的脑子里长了寄生虫,但那个理由更牵强。唯一的结论,这就是爱[心]” —— 《生活大爆炸》
#关于喜欢# “都怪你害我分心!” “从遇见你的那一刻,你就让我分心。” ——《生活大爆炸》
除了你, 我无法跟其他男人相好。