拯救灵魂必须放弃肉欲。——基督精神 Save the soul must give up the flesh. – the spirit of Christ
拯救灵魂必须放弃肉欲。——基督精神 Save the soul must give up the flesh. – the spirit of Christ
习惯就是人生的最大指导。——休谟 The maximum guidance habit is life. – Hume
使一切非理性的东西服从于自己,自由地按照自己固有的规律去驾驭一切非理性的东西,这就是人的最终目的。——费希特 That all non rational thing to yourself, freely according to ...
政治无道德。——马基雅伟利 Political immorality. – Maki Ya Valerie Leigh
人们惧怕自由和责任,所以人们宁愿藏身在自铸的樊笼中。——弗兰茨.卡夫卡 People are afraid of freedom and responsibility, so people prefer to hide in the...
任何一种哲学思想只要是它能够自圆其说,它就具有某种真正的知识。——罗素 Any kind of philosophy as long as it can be justified, it has some real knowledg...
人不能两次踏入同一条河流,因为无论是这条河还是这个人都已经不同。——赫拉克利特 People can not step into the same river two times, because either the river ...
目的总是为手段辩护。——马基雅维利 The purpose is to justify the means. – Machiavelli
能被理解的存在就是语言。——伽达默尔 There is language that can be understood. – Gadamer
我正在说谎。——罗素 I am lying. – Russell