水是万物之本源,万物终归于水。——泰勒斯 Water is the origin of all things, all things in the water. – Telles
水是万物之本源,万物终归于水。——泰勒斯 Water is the origin of all things, all things in the water. – Telles
思就是在的思,……思是在的,因为思由在发生,属于在。同时,思是在的,因为思属于在,听从在。——海德格尔 Thinking is thinking in,…… It is in, because in the ...
存在就是统摄。——雅斯贝尔斯 There is also. – Jaspers
科学家在思想中给予我们以秩序道德在行动中给予我们以秩序艺术才在对可见、可触、可听的外观的把握中给予我们以秩序。——卡西尔 Scientists in the thought gives us to moral order in ac...
痛苦就是被迫离开原地。——康德 The pain is forced to leave the place. – Kang De 精彩点评: 1,痛苦就是被迫起床… 2,痛苦使我离开原地。
在任何事物中,美和善二者的本质特征都是相符的,因为它们正是建立在同一形式的基础上,所以善被我们颂扬为美。——托马斯.阿奎那 In anything, essence of beauty and kindness of the two...
我除了知道我的无知这个事实外一无所知。——苏格拉底 I know that in addition to the fact that absolutely ignorant of my ignorance. – Socrat...
万物所由之而生的东西,万物消灭后复归于它。——阿那克西曼德 All the living things, everything after the elimination of return to it. – Anaxi...
谁占有法律语言谁就占有相关的资源和利益。——布迪厄 Who holds the legal language who will possess the relevant resources and interests. –...
知识是为了预见,预见是为了权力。——孔德 Knowledge is to foresee foresee to power. – Kong De