人人生而自由平等。——卢梭 Everyone is born free and equal. – Rousseau
人人生而自由平等。——卢梭 Everyone is born free and equal. – Rousseau
本文之外,别无它物。——德里达 Besides, no matter it is. – Derrida
给我物质,我就用它造出一个宇宙来。——康德 Give me the material, I would use it to create a universe. – Kang De
“怀疑一切”“我可以怀疑一切,但我却不能怀疑我正在怀疑。”——“我思故我在!”——笛卡儿 ”Suspectingall” “I doubt everything, but I cannot dou...
凡夫俗子只关心如何去打发时间,而略具才华的人却考虑如何应用时间。——叔本华 Ordinary people only care about how to pass the time, and some talented people...
理性能使人自由。——斯宾诺莎 Reason can make people free. – Spinoza
假如进化的历史重来一遍,人的出现概率是零。——古德尔 If the evolutionary history of human again, the probability is zero. – Godell
知识归根结底由经验而来。——洛克 After all by experience and knowledge. – Rock
人生的本质在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。——帕斯卡 The essence of life is movement, death is peaceful and quiet. – Pascal
我们喜欢别人的敬重并非因为敬重本身,而是因为人们的敬重所带给我们的好处。——爱尔维修 We love the respect of others not because of respect itself, but because ...