周国平《在义与利之外》 -英语翻译文学-中英双语赏析



Beyond Righteousness and Interests by Zhou Guoping
“Men of virtue are concerned whether they behave righteously while virtueless men are concerned about their personal interests.” The Chinese philosophy of life can hardly go beyond the continuous debate over righteousness and interests. But what am I concerned about if I am   neither a man of virtue nor one without it?


There was once an alleged age of righteousness, in which all men were of virtue. Maybe, few of them were really men of virtue, who vindicated righteousness bysacrificing their own interests. However, most of them were either pharisees, who pursued their personal interests in the name of righteousness, or pedants, who believed in fake morality. Such an era had already elapsed. There was once a period of time when the ethos deteriorated overnight and people’s belief in righteousness greatly declined. Consequently, men of virtue vanished, pharisees revealed their impudent faces and pedants suddenly disenchanted. All people rushed for their own interests. It was said that people had renovated their values and they had endowed their conceptions of righteousness and interests with new contents. For them, the pursuit of personal interests is not a patent right of men without virtue but the primary principle followed by all human beings.


Nowadays “Time is money” is a popular slogan. It is reasonable for entrepreneurs to adopt it in their production management. However, if we substitute commercial spirit for life wisdom, taking this slogan as a motto to guide our life, we tend to regard our life as business and our relationship, market.


I once derided the human kindness for its cheapness. But at present it has becomecostly and infrequent. Can you buy a smile, a greeting or a particle of sympathywithout money? However, there is no need to reminisce. In fact, various preaches of righteousness are helpless to the rectification of current social malpractices and the salvation of present public morals. Beyond righteousness and interests, there are other life values. Apart from men of virtue and virtueless men, there are men with other personality. A remark by Confucius might be quoted here, which says: “A perfect man apprehends affection.”


Righteousness and interests seem opposite on the surface but in nature they have something in common. “Righteousness” requests people to devote themselves to the abstract social noumenon while “interests” impels them to pursue the mundane loaves and fishes. Both of them ignore people’s spiritual life and as a result, they shade their real “selves”. “Righteousness” instructs people to dedicate themselves to the society and turns their life into the performance of an obligation while “interests” tempts people to appropriate material profits and makes their life become a scramble for rights and profits. Nevertheless, the real value of life lies beyond righteousness and interests. As both righteousness and interests can hardly escape from calculation and consideration, the interpersonal relations are always strained no matter when a justice army suppresses a rebellion or when all flesh are dominated by an appetite for personal interests.


If “righteousness” represents an ethical value of life and “interests”, a utilitarian attitude towards life, the “affection” that I have mentioned represents aesthetic attitude towards life. It claims that we should behave frankly and properly and all of us should maintain our real temperament. You are neither the teachings that you believe in nor the resources that you are possessed of, but your true “self”, which is the very reason why you are yourself. The value of life does not consist in dedication or possession, but creation. Creation is the outspread of one’s true temperament and the affectional satisfaction that one obtains when achieving his/her essential potence. Creation differs from dedication in that the former is the realization of the true “self” but the later, only the fulfillment of the exterior responsibilities. As for creation and possession, the difference between them is distinct at a glance. For instance, in writing possession means the concern for the fame and the status brought by works but creation means the concern for the happiness of writing itself. A person with true temperament only seeks for emotional communication when getting alone with others while he is only in deep love with the taste of sentiment when in contact with things. More importantly, he is always in a tranquil mood in such an era when others scramble for personal interests and are driven by material benefits. It is neither the leisurely and carefree mood of the Chinese scholar-bureaucrats nor the content and conservative mood of the petty farmers, but a quiet mood free from hollow fames and material interests. Still take writing as an instance. I can hardly figure out why one must produce as many famous works as he can. An enduring poem is enough to make one renowned forever. Without such an extravagant hope, one only needs to live to his content. Writing is just one means to such an end.


George Bernard Shaw once said: “There are two tragedies in our life. One is that you have not obtained what you love while the other is that you have obtained what you love.” I took his remark for granted and admired him for his easy and witty expression of the lamentable plight in life. But when carefully relishing it, I discover that the stand of this remark is still possession, which is the very reason why there are two tragedies: the affliction of not satisfying one’s appetite for possession and the vacuity of satisfaction. If we regard creation as our stand and have an aesthetic vision for life, can’t we say that there are two enjoyments: one is that you have not attained what you love and you can continue your pursuit and creation while the other is that you have attained what you love and you can commence your appreciation and experience? Certainly, there are always some agonies in our life and the sufferings experienced by those who value affection but despise profits are out of the consideration of those who pursue interests. However, if we can get rid of the appetite for possession, we, at least, can avoid a great deal of inconsiderable vexations and trivial afflictions and live a life of more tolerance. Rather than intending to suggest the aesthetic affection as an excellent tactics of salvation, I merely express such a belief that there is a life more worthy of living beyond righteousness and interests. This faith will support me through the precarious and unpredictable future.

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