在房间里很可以自由取乐;如果把房间当作一幅画看的时候,其布置就如画的“置陈”了。譬如书房,主人的座位为全局的主眼,犹之一幅画中的 middle point,须居全幅中最重要的地位。其他自书架,几,椅,藤床,火炉,壁饰,自鸣钟,以至痰盂,纸簏等,各以主眼为中心而布置,使全局的焦点集中于主人的座位,犹之画中的附属物、背景,均须有护卫主物,显衬主物的作用。这样妥帖之后,人在里面,精神自然安定,集中,而快适。这是谁都懂得,谁都可以自由取乐的事。虽然有的人不讲究自己的房间的布置,然走进一间布置很妥帖的房间,一定谁也觉得快适。这可见人都会鉴赏,就是被动的创作,故可说这是谁也懂得,谁也可以自由取乐的事。
除了空间以外,闲居的时候我又欢喜把一天的生活的情调来比方音乐。如果把一天的生活当作一个乐曲,其经过就像乐章(movement)的移行了。一天的早晨,晴雨如何?冷暖如何?人事的情形如何?犹之第一乐章的开始,先已奏出全曲的根柢的“主题”(theme)。一天的生活,例如事务的纷忙,意外的发生,祸福的临门,犹如曲中的长音阶变为短音阶的,C调变为F调, adagio变为allegro。其或画永人闲,平安无事,那就像始终C调的andante的长大的乐章了。以气候而论,春日是孟檀尔伸(门德尔松)(Mendelssohn), 夏日是贝多芬(Beethoven),秋日是肖邦(Chopin)、舒曼(Schumann),冬日是修斐尔德(舒伯特)(Schubert )。这也是谁也可以感到,谁也可以懂得的事。试看无论甚么机关里,团体里,做无论甚么事务的人,在阴雨的天气,办事—定不及在晴天的起劲、高兴、积极。如果有不论天气,天天照常办事的人,这一定不是人,是一架机器。只要看挑到我们后门头来卖臭豆腐干的江北人, 近来秋雨连日,他的叫声自然懒洋洋地低钝起来,远不如一月以前的炎阳下的“臭豆腐干!”的热辣了。
Idle Living
—By Feng Zikai
For most people idleness is a misfortune, but I find leisure hours comfortable and much to my liking.
🎈称某人的心意/合某人的胃口 to one’s liking
Then it happened that she refused to go to bed with a man chosen by her husband because he was not to her liking. She then wrote to Landers for advice. 每日一翻Day306 | 美国的男女
🎈「闲居」在原句中只出现一次,考虑到对原意的正确理解,译文中有两处对应,分别是idleness(生活上的闲散或懒惰)和leisure time(情趣或精神上的悠哉)。对大多数人来说,生活就是以劳得获,美好要靠自己打拼,一旦松懈下来,后果可想而知;但又有谁不喜欢享受玩一把悠闲的情趣呢?
If the government were to lay down a law that people who prefer to stay idle must stay at home all day, I would be happy to comply with such a law and never go to work.
🎈制定,颁布 lay down
The Companies Act lays down a set of minimum requirements.
🎈遵守(法律等) comply with
All the citizens must comply with the law.
At home, I can amuse myself as I please. If a room can be viewed as a painting, the arrangement of the objects in the room is the composition of a painting.
🎈as I please理解成方式状语:以我喜欢的方式。「自由取乐」就是「想怎么取乐就怎么取乐」
You may stay as long as you please.
She always does exactly as she pleases.
You can come and go as you please.
🎈把…视作… view…as…
🎈「布置」也可用layout一词表示,指建筑、公园或者文章的构成或布局(细节安排)The layout of a garden, building, or piece of writing is the way in which the parts of it are arranged.
譬如书房,主人的座位为全局的主眼,犹之一幅画中的 middle point,须居全幅中最重要的地位。
Take the study for instance. The Master’s chair should be the centerpiece of the room just like the middle point of a painting which occupies the central place.
🎈以…为例 take…for instance
The other articles, such as the bookshelf, the tea table, the chairs, the rattan bed, the fireplace, the wall ornaments, the chime clock, the spittoon, the wastepaper basket and the like, should be arranged around this centerpiece so that the focus of the room is captured by the Master’s seat, just as the theme of a painting is set off and protected by the secondary objects and background.
toilet articles such as soap and shampoo
🎈纸簏(zhǐ lù):(废)纸篓。
🎈等等、诸如此类 and the like
Many students are also keeping fit through jogging, aerobics, weight training, and the like.
像…这样的人或东西 the likes of
Why would somebody like her want to spend an evening with the likes of me?
The council can send messages or letters or whatnot in Spanish to their constituents.
🎈衬托 set off
Blue suits you, sets off the colour of your hair.
Once the arrangement is properly settled, the Master naturally feels calm, focused, and delighted. Evidently this is something we all can understand and something that brings us comfort.
🎈(陈设/布置)(被)这样(安排)妥帖之后,人在里面,精神自然安定,集中,而快适。里其实出现了三个主语布置、主人、精神,这是中文的特点,对某一情景的描述虽形散而神不散,英文处理成sb feels…,省去「精神」这个主语避免另开一句,符合英文特点。
🎈快适的≈愉悦的 delighted/pleased/joyful/glad/cheerful,选用comfortable一词也是可以的。
🎈两个定语从句结构:something (that) we all can understand、something that brings us comfort。当先行词是不定代词时,关系代词只能用that;以及,英语里有这样的习惯:作宾语的关系词可以省去,不论关系词作动词的宾语还是作介词的宾语都可以省去。
People may not think it matters, but when they walk into a tastefully furnished room, they immediately get the feel of a cozy and pleasant ambience. Plainly, everyone can be a connoisseur in this kind of passive creation.
🎈不讲究自己的房间的布置→不在乎自己房间布置/认为自己的房间布置不重要,故译作not think it matters。常用表达:这不重要it doesn’t matter、重要的事情what matters。
逐渐熟悉… get the feel of…
He wanted to get the feel of the place.
In my poor and humble study, I like doing something creative from time to time, moving my few simple articles of furniture here and there, often several times a month.
🎈粗末实则是日文,指粗糙、不精致。humble可指建筑简陋;还可用于自谦,指愚见(in my humble opinion)
🎈from time to time更倾向于「有时、偶尔」,虽然原句写的是「常常」,但细想,「挪家具」的频率用「不时」来形容比「经常」更准确合理。
🎈到处,处处 here and there
北平的好处不在处处设备得完全,而在它处处有空儿,可以使我自由的喘气。However, what distinguishes Peiping is not the perfect layout, but the open spaces here and there where people can breathe freely. 每日一翻Day182 | 想北平
When I position the spittoon and the washstand in the exact places I want them to be, not an inch less, and not an inch more, I feel that everything has found its perfect spot. Upon completion, I would take my seat and gaze all around like a monarch ruling his land.
🎈「不能移动一寸、不能旋转一度」都是在说明「位置恰到好处」,也就是我们常说的「多一分嫌多,少一分嫌少」,not an inch less, and not an inch more的译文很精准也很形象。
🎈(一到)那时候实则指(一旦)布置完成、一切安排妥贴,译作Upon completion。
I feel that all must pay their respects to me and fulfill their duties like courtiers kowtowing to the emperor or like stars surrounding the North Star.
Even a tiny nail on the wall seems to be in its proper place; it has become a member of the organic whole and shows its fealty to me.
🎈有机(organic)可以指事物构成的各部分相互关联协调,具有不可分的统一性。有机整体(the organic whole)的状态/组合中,艺术要素——主题、形式和内容等是那样充满活力和相互依赖,以致它们像是活生生的有机体。
🎈效忠… show one’s fealty to sb.
宣誓效忠swear fealty to sb.
After visualizing myself as emperor and the ruler of this world, I can derive a few days’ pleasure and comfort.
🎈derive指「获得、得到」时是及物动词,常用搭配为derive A from B(从B中获取A)。亦可指起源于、来自于derive from…/be derived from
I once played with my chime clock when I had nothing else to do at home.
Such clocks are very common and can be found in almost every home in the city, but the face of my clock, which I saw so many times every day, had become loathsome to me.
🎈无处不有→很常见/很平常very common
🎈无人不备→家家户户都有be found in almost every home in the city
🎈钟的脸皮即指钟面(clock face或clock dial)。face本身也可指钟面、表盘。
frolicsome a 快活的(frolic嬉戏)
A clock with Roman numerals is tolerable, but mine had a face that was painted with large Arabic numerals. Numbers are a headache for me, for who wants to do math problems all the time?
🎈阿拉伯数字arabic numerals
罗马数字roman numerals
🎈mine=my+ clock。名词性物主代词= 形容词性物主代词+ 名词。
🎈谁愿意每天做数学呢!译作 for who wants to do math problems all the time?其中for做连词,后接句子表原因。这句也可译成after all, who wants to…或nobody wants to…
One day in a slack month, I took the clock off the wall, painted its face azure with oil colors, and drew a few green willow twigs over it. I then cut out two swallows from stiff black paper and pasted them onto the tips of the hands.
🎈淡季 slack/dull/off season
旺季 peak/boom/busy season
🎈paint sth+颜色词
We will paint/color the circle blue.
I painted the kitchen with another color/tone.
🎈指针 hands of a clock/watch
时针 hour hand
分针 minute hand
秒针 second hand
In this way the chime clock became a circular oil painting, with two swallows chasing each other among the willow twigs.
🎈with two swallows chasing each other among the willow twigs结构也可改为in which two swallows chase each other…
At around 3:20 or 8:30 each day, the composition of the picture approached perfection, with the two flying swallows slightly slanted to the center of the picture and one swallow closely following the other, giving the tableau a perfect balance.
🎈世上难有完美事,approached perfection已经是非常妥帖的一种很精准的paraphrase了。
Even without the help of the Arabic numerals, I could still tell the time without difficulty. When the hour hand points upward, it is twelve; when downward, it is six; when pointing to the left, it is nine; and when to the right, it is three.
🎈轻易辨识时间tell the time without difficulty/tell the time easily
That is to say that the circumference of the circle is divided into four quarters which can be easily done by the naked eye.
🎈「是肉眼也很容易办到的事」不妨理解成「是很容易想象的事」which can be done easily done in our mind /only through imaging
Each quarter is divided into three equal gaps, and each space takes the minute hand five minutes to cover. Though the time may not be exact, with only a minute or two off at the most, it doesn’t really matter. After all, that is not a clock meant for the observatory, the telegraph office, or the train station.
🎈with a minute or two off中off表示脱离正轨之意,整体即表示上下相差一两分钟(可多可少)
If one’s eyes are keen enough, even half a minute is discernible thanks to years of conditioning.
Is personality the result of conditioning from parents and society, or are we born with it?
The chime clock still hangs in my room. Though it shows signs of years of service, I still find it lovable because at first glance one could take it for an oil painting rather than a functioning chime clock.
shows signs of years of service
🎈把…认作/当作… take…for…
They take me for a dun.
Apart from my fun with space, I would often compare my idle days to music.
Q:用compare with还是compare to?
🎈Compare to可以广义地定义为「估计事物之间的相似性或者是差异」,在这种意义上,使用哪个介词都可以。
Individual schools compared their facilities with those of others in the area.
It is difficult to compare our results to studies conducted in the United States.
If life in a day is likened to a symphony, the course of life resembles the progression of its movements.
🎈把A比作B liken A to B
This often prompts me to liken myself and the books on my shelves respectively to an ancient emperor and his concubines housed separately in a row of adjoining rooms.
每日一翻Day115| 我之于书(上)
Lying on the muddy ground, they resembled huge artichokes when looked at from afar. 每日一翻Day302 | 骆驼
Whether rain or shine, warm or cold, happy or sad, the morning is, so to speak, the start of the first movement: it introduces the underlying theme of the daily symphony.
🎈打个譬喻说,可以说 so to speak
They were all very similar. All cut from the same cloth, so to speak.
一天的生活,例如事务的纷忙,意外的发生,祸福的临门,犹如曲中的长音阶变为短音阶的,C调变为F调, adagio变为allegro。其或画永人闲,平安无事,那就像始终C调的andante的长大的乐章了。
A day’s life, whether it is the rush of work, unexpected events, or the descent of misfortunes and blessings, is like the long scale running on to the short scales, the key of C changing into the key of F, adagio moving to allegro. The life of an idle and peaceful day resembles a grand symphony playing an andante in the key of C major from start to finish.
长/短音阶the long/short scale
C/F调the key of C/F
以气候而论,春日是孟檀尔伸(门德尔松)(Mendelssohn), 夏日是贝多芬(Beethoven),秋日是肖邦(Chopin)、舒曼(Schumann),冬日是修斐尔德(舒伯特)(Schubert )。这也是谁也可以感到,谁也可以懂得的事。
In terms of the climate, spring is like Mendelssohn, summer like Beethoven, autumn like Chopin and Schumann, and winter like Schubert. This is a life experience that anyone can go through and understand.
🎈谈及…,就…而言,在…方面 in terms of…/in…terms
The decision was disastrous in political terms.
You can well imagine that for anyone, whether a government employee or an office worker in an organization, a wet day would make him less enthusiastic, happy or active than what he is on a sunny day, no matter what he does.
🎈季节性情感障碍SAD(seasonal affective disorder):是以与特定季节(特别是冬季)有关的抑郁为特征的一种心境障碍,是每年同一时间反复出现抑郁发作为特征的一组疾患。这种抑郁症与白天的长短,或环境光亮程度有关。
If there were anyone who would work as hard as usual, impervious to the weather, he cannot be human but rather a robot.
🎈 (being) impervious to the weather作状语,有人也称之为主语补足语,用于补充说明主语。
Just listen to the peddler from north of the Yangtze River hawking his fried stinky bean curd in the back street! You will notice that his cries have grown blunt and listless in the interminable autumn drizzle, no longer as loud and spirited as they were in last month’s blazing hot sun.
🎈这句话是上一句的论据支撑,相当于举例说明,例子就是“挑到我们后门头来卖臭豆腐干的江北人”。所以处理成Just listen to…(就拿…来说/不妨说说…),比起字对字的直译,句意衔接效果更佳。
idle 无事可做的,闲散的
If people who were working are idle, they have no jobs or work.
Employees have been idle almost a month because of shortages.
comply 服从,遵守
If someone or something complies with an order or set of rules, they are in accordance with what is required or expected.
The commander said that the army would comply with the ceasefire.
secondary 第二位的,次要的,从属的
If you describe something as secondary, you mean that it is less important than something else.
The street erupted in a huge explosion, with secondary explosions in the adjoining buildings.
spittoon 痰盂
a container, used especially in the past, for people to spit into
The cactuses were planted in old spittoons.
称某人的心意/合某人的胃口 to one’s liking
制定,颁布 lay down
遵守(法律等) comply with
把…视作… view…as…
以…为例 take…for instance
等等、诸如此类and the like
纸簏the wastepaper basket
自鸣钟 the chime clock
痰盂 the spittoon
等等、诸如此类 and the like
衬托 set off
逐渐熟悉… get the feel of…
到处,处处 here and there
效忠… show one’s fealty to sb.
从B中获取A derive A from B
起源于、来自于 derive from…/be derived from”
钟面 clock face或clock dial或face
阿拉伯数字arabic numerals
罗马数字roman numerals
淡季 slack/dull/off season
旺季 peak/boom/busy season
指针 hands of a clock/watch
时针 hour hand
分针 minute hand
秒针 second hand
把A比作B liken A to B
打个譬喻说,可以说 so to speak
谈及…,就…而言,在…方面 in terms of…/in…terms