李密《陈情表》 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析


A Letter to His Majesty
Li Mi
Your humble servant Mi begs to say:
Born with ill fortune, I lived a miserable and disastrous life in my early childhood.
🎈「险衅」指命运坎坷;「夙」这里指幼年时;「闵」,通「悯」,指可忧患的事(多指疾病死丧);「凶」指不幸。这句话合起来的意思是「我命运坎坷,年少时就遭遇不幸」,其中「命运坎坷」译为「ill fortune」,「不幸」稍加引申,译为「a miserable and disastrous life」


My father died when I was six months old and my mother was forced by her brother to remarry when I was four years old.
🎈「舅夺母志」这句话可意译,用「母亲」作主语,翻译为「my mother was forced by her brother to remarry」,这是因为英文中常用被动语态,且这样意译之后译文更加简洁易懂。


Feeling deep sympathy for my loneliness and poor health, Grandmother Liu brought me up on her own.
🎈「愍臣孤弱」处是有逻辑关系的,译文将这部分译为「feeling deep sympathy for my loneliness and poor health」,是用分词结构做了原因状语,体现逻辑关系。

Being susceptible to illness in my childhood, I could hardly walk even at the age of nine. Having neither uncles nor cousins, I grew up helpless and forlorn without any intimate companions.
🎈「少多疾病」是指「年少时容易生病」,译为「being susceptible to illness in my childhood」,其中「susceptible」意为「very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by sb/sth 易受影响(或伤害等);敏感;过敏」。「对…疾病易感」用的就是这个词
Are there enough susceptible people left to sustain further waves of community-wide transmission?
🎈「零丁孤苦」是指「没有亲人,无依无靠」,此处结合下一句「既无伯叔,终鲜兄弟」进行翻译,将后文的内容提前,译为「having neither uncles nor cousins」,而「零丁孤苦」译为「without any intimate companions」放在句末,否则这里就会有些语义不通。


Destined not to have the joy of a big family, I only got a male descendent late in life.
🎈「门衰祚薄」是「门庭衰微、福分浅薄」之意,「destined to do sth」:having a future which has been decided or planned at an earlier time, especially by fate 预定;注定;(尤指)命中注定。这里用了否定的表达,属于正说反译,是常用的汉英翻译技巧。


I have neither close relatives who will wear mourning for me when I die, nor a boy servant to attend to the household affairs. Oh! How wretched and lonely I am, with only body and shadow comforting each other.
🎈「期功强近之亲」:指比较亲近的亲戚。古代丧礼制度以亲属关系的亲疏规定服丧时间的长短,服丧一年称「期」,九月称「大功」,五月称「小功」。这里译为「close relatives who will wear mourning for me when I die」,对原文进行了一定程度的具体化,补充出了与丧葬有关的内容,帮助读者理解。
🎈「茕茕孑立,形影相吊」这两个词其实是同一个意思,如果想不出来可采用前半句的意译法,译为「wretched and lonely」。


Grandmother Liu has been bedridden for a long time and I have to wait upon her without negligence.
🎈「常在床蓐」译为「bedridden」,释义为「having to stay in bed all the time because you are sick, injured or old」,有「卧病在床」之意,注意表达积累。
🎈「wait on/upon sb」:to act as a servant to sb, especially by serving food to them 伺候,服侍,招待(尤指进餐)
There was a TB sufferer with a bit of money who got another patient to wait on him.


Immersed in the enlightenment of Your Majesty’s just and wise rule, I was first recommended as xiaolian by Prefect Kui, and then as xiucai by Cishi Rong of the District.
🎈「清化」是指「清明的政治教化」,译为「the enlightenment of Your Majesty’s just and wise rule」,其中「enlightenment」意为「knowledge about and understanding of sth; the process of understanding sth or making sb understand it」,有「启发」、「启迪」之意,注意表达积累。


I declined both offers on the ground that I had to look after my grandmother.
🎈「both offers」是对前文提到的被推荐做「孝廉」和「秀才」这两件事的概括,这样的指代使得译文内容更明晰,衔接更紧密。
🎈「on the ground that」后面加原因,体现逻辑关系。
🎈「decline」意为「to refuse politely to accept or to do sth 谢绝;婉言拒绝」,是非常正式和地道的表达,要注意积累。


Then your imperial edict came, offering me the position of langzhong, and later further granting me the imperial favor that I, your humble servant, was appointed as xianma to serve His Highness.
🎈「诏书」译为「imperial edict」,注意表达积累。
🎈「除」:任命官职;「洗马」:官名。太子的属官,在宫中服役,掌管图书。这里在中文中没有体现出被动,但在英文中主语和宾语是被动关系,一定要体现出来,译为「I was appointed as xianma」


Even if I should have my head cut off, I could hardly express my gratitude for Your Majesty’s great favor.
🎈「猥以微贱」是作者的自谦之语,在后文中「have my head cut off」以及「hardly express my gratitude」与「great favor」之间的对比就能体现出来,所以可以省略。


I have written to Your Majesty a letter declining this offer.


Another edict came, which, in severe terms, criticized me for my hesitation.
🎈「term」在这里意为「a word or phrase used as the name of sth, especially one connected with a particular type of language 」,是「措辞」之意。

Both magistrates of the prefecture and the county urged me to set off immediately. Then the governor of the District came to my house, commanding me to start without delay.
🎈「set off」是「启程」、「出发」之意
The president’s envoy set off on another diplomatic trip. 


I should have done so but my grandmother’s failing health detained me. I appealed to them, begging for their sympathy, but they were adamant. I am in a dilemma, knowing not what to do.
🎈「should have done」是对过去的虚拟,表示「过去本应该做某事但是未做」,英文中的语态使用非常重要,翻译时要多多留心。
🎈「detain」意为「to delay sb or prevent them from going somewhere 耽搁;留住;阻留」,在这里是用「grandmother’s failing health」做了这一动词的主语,是「无灵主语+有灵谓语」的表达,在英文中非常常见,非常地道,要注意学习。
🎈进退两难:be in a dilemma


Now Your Majesty is ruling the country on the principle of filial piety. Old people of high virtue are being taken care of and well provided for. It is apparent that I am more distressed than others.
🎈「矜育」:怜惜抚育,译为being taken care of and well provided for


Besides, out of vainglory to secure a high position in the government regardless of my personal integrity, I served in the last dynasty during my youth as Shangshulang, and now, I, a captive, petty and low, am getting undeserved favor from Your Majesty. How dare I hesitate and cherish any aspirations?
🎈「名节」意即自己的声名节操,译为「personal integrity」。其中「integrity」意为「the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles 诚实正直」,是非常简洁地道的表达,要注意积累。
🎈「伪朝」指蜀汉,这里进行了具体化,体现出与当今朝代的关系,译为「the last dynasty」
🎈「宦达」意即「官场上飞黄腾达」,译为「to secure a high position in the government」
🎈「过蒙拔擢,宠命优渥」都体现了作者对皇恩的感激之情,是正面的、肯定的表达,译文转换角度,从作者的角度出发,将这些恩情译为「undeserved favor」,属于正说反译,是一种常见的汉英翻译转换方式。


But my grandmother is at her last breath, and she is like the setting sun beyond the western hills. Her life is at stake and she may die at any moment.
🎈「at one’s last breath」意即「日薄西山」,「生命垂危」,是英文中的地道表达。
🎈「one’s life is at stake」是「人命关天」之意。


But for her, I would not have become what I am today. But for me, she would have been long dead.
🎈「but for」这一介词词组表示「要不是…」


It is because the two of us depend upon each other that I, your humble servant, cannot leave home at present. 
🎈「区区」:拳拳,形容自己的私情。这句话没有直译「区区」,而是通过「it is… that…」的强调句来表现作者的感情之深,诚意之至。


I am forty-four years of age and my grandmother is ninety-six. Ahead lie many years during which I may faithfully serve Your Majesty, but there remain only a few brief moments during which I can serve my grandmother.
🎈译文中用「ahead lie many years」和「there remain only a few brief moments」两个倒装结构形成了对比,强调出前者时间之长和后者时间之短,体现出原文的强调语气。


Given that even the crow looks after its elderly, I pray Your Majesty will allow me to stay with my grandparent until her last breath.
🎈「乌鸟私情」:相传乌鸦能反哺,所以常用来比喻子女对父母的孝养之情。这里保留了比喻意义,译为「the crow looks after its elderly」


Not only do the people of Shu, but also the officials of Liang and Ye know my situation well. Heaven and Earth, too, bear witness to my misery.
🎈「not only…but also…」意为「不仅…而且…」,其中若「not only」后若接句子要用倒装。
🎈「bear/give witness (to sth) 」意即「to provide evidence of the truth of sth 为…作证;证明」


I sincerely hope Your Majesty may show mercy on me so that I can fulfill my lifelong wish to serve my grandmother till she has lived her full span.
🎈「show mercy on sb」意为「怜悯某人」
🎈「听」:听许,同意。「微志」是作者自谦之语,意为「微不足道的心愿」,指的就是后文的「庶刘侥幸,保卒余年」,译为「…so that I can fulfill my lifelong wish to serve my grandmother till she has lived her full span」

I will do anything for Your Majesty for the rest of my life and will repay your kindness by twisting grass for Your Majesty after my death.
🎈「结草」:据《左传•宣公十五年》记载,晋国大夫魏武子临死的时候,嘱咐他的儿子魏颗,把他的遗妾杀死以后殉葬。魏颗没有照他父亲说的话做。后来魏颗跟秦国的杜回作战,看见一个老人把草打了结把杜回绊倒,杜回因此被擒。到了晚上,魏颗梦见结草的老人,他自称是没有被杀死的魏武子遗妾的父亲。后来就把「结草」用来作为报答恩人心愿的表示。这里采用了意译+直译的方法,译为「repay your kindness by twisting grass for Your Majesty after my death」


I am trembling all over as I present to Your Majesty this petition.
🎈「犬马」:作者自比,表示谦卑,这里用以强调自己不胜恐惧的心情,译作「trembling all over」
susceptible   adj. 易受影响(或伤害等);敏感;过敏
very likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by sb/sth
In one study of mice, old cells have been found susceptible to a combination of two drugs: dasatinib, a cancer drug, and quercetin, a plant flavonoid.
bedridden     adj.卧床不起的
having to stay in bed all the time because you are sick, injured or old
He had to spend two years bedridden with an injury. 
enlightenment      n.启示,启迪
knowledge about and understanding of sth; the process of understanding sth or making sb understand it
His speech gave us some enlightenment. 
decline     v.谢绝;婉言拒绝
to refuse politely to accept or to do sth
I offered to give them a lift but they declined. 
integrity     n.诚实正直
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles
His integrity was unchallenged. 
命运坎坷ill fortune
生活不幸live a miserable and disastrous life
带大/抚养某人bring sb up
命中注定destined to do sth
伺候,服侍(某人)wait on/upon sb
卧病在床be bedridden 
诏书imperial edict
进退两难:be in a dilemma
日薄西山、生命垂危at one’s last breath
为…作证;证明bear/give witness (to sth) 
不仅…而且…not only…but also…
怜悯某人show mercy on sb
报恩repay one’s kindness
Being susceptible to illness in my childhood, I could hardly walk even at the age of nine. Having neither uncles nor cousins, I grew up helpless and forlorn without any intimate companions.
I have neither close relatives who will wear mourning for me when I die, nor a boy servant to attend to the household affairs. Oh! How wretched and lonely I am, with only body and shadow comforting each other.
At dusk, when I arrived alone from somewhere in the village at our house, in which lay mother’s coffin, the ownerless dog would fix his tearful eyes on me。 
Having been labelled as 「monster」 or 「demon」 for ten years, I nevertheless don’t feel isolated at all.
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