王羲之Prologue to the Collection of Poems Composed at the Orchid PavilionWang Xizhi晋穆帝永和九年(公元353)三月三日,时任会稽内史的王羲之与友人谢安、孙绰等四十一人会聚兰亭,赋诗饮酒。王羲之将诸人名爵及所赋诗作编成一集,并作序一篇,记述流觞曲水一事,并抒写由此而引发的内心感慨。这篇序文就是《兰亭集序》。这篇文章具有清新朴实、不事雕饰的风格。语言流畅,清丽动人,与魏晋时期模山范水之作「俪采百字之偶,争价一句之奇」(《文心雕龙·明诗篇》)迥然不同。句式整齐而富于变化,以短句为主,在散句中参以偶句,韵律和谐,乐耳动听。永和九年,年在癸丑,暮春之初,会于会稽山阴之兰亭,修禊事也。群贤毕至,少长咸集。At the beginning of the late spring in the ninth year of Yonghe, that is, the year of Guichou according to the lunar calendar, a group of learned scholars, old and young, are gathered at the Orchid Pavilion in the Shanyin County of Kuaiji Prefecture to celebrate the festival of Xi.🎈「禊事」:古代的一种风俗,三月三日人们到水边洗濯,嬉游,以祈福消灾。这里如果意译会造成信息过多,译文冗长,增译出「节日festival」这个信息即可。🎈原文的第一句是没有主语的,这种情况在中文中有时会出现,但是英文句子中必须有主语。继续读原文,不难发现第一句的主语在第二句中才提到,所以译文将两句话合并起来翻译,句子的主干为「群贤聚集于兰亭做禊事」🎈「lunar calendar」农历🎈「群贤」可译为「learned scholars」,除此之外「文人」还可译为「men of letters」或者「scholars」
此地有崇山峻岭,茂林修竹,又有清流激湍,映带左右。Here are high mountains and lofty ridges which are overgrown with tall bamboo groves and dense forests. A clear stream with a rapidly running current sets off the beauty of the surroundings.🎈「崇山峻岭」译为「high mountains and lofty ridges」,「茂林修竹」译为「tall bamboo groves and dense forests」,这些中文中的四字结构都处理成了「形容词+名词」的结构,非常有节奏感。🎈「current」意为「the movement of water in the sea or a river; the movement of air in a particular direction (海洋或江河的)水流,潮流;气流」例句He swam to the shore against a strong current . 他逆着急流游向岸边。引以为流觞曲水,列坐其次。The place is ideal for floating wine vessels. We sit by the water in proper order, sipping wine and composing poems.🎈「流觞曲水」:用漆制的酒杯盛酒,放入弯曲的水道中任其飘流,杯停在某人面前,某人就引杯饮酒。这是古人一种劝酒取乐的方式。「流」,使动用法。「曲水」,引水环曲为渠,以流酒杯。这个表达译为了「floating wine vessels」,这一活动的具体内容即「饮酒作诗」在后文进行了具体化,译为了「sipping wine and composing poems」
虽无丝竹管弦之盛,一觞一咏,亦足以畅叙幽情。Though lacking musical accompaniment, each of us is inclined to pour forth his innermost feelings.🎈「一觞一咏」是对上文内容的重复,即上一句译文中的「sipping wine and composing poems」,为避免重复,这里没有继续译出。🎈「竹管弦之盛」译为「musical accompaniment」,其中「accompaniment」 英英释义为「music that is played to support singing or another instrument (音乐)伴奏」例句They performed to the accompaniment of guitars. 他们在吉他的伴奏下表演。🍒「幽情」:幽深内藏的感情,译为「innermost feelings」
是日也,天朗气清,惠风和畅。It is a fine day. The sky is clear and the breeze is gentle.🎈「天朗气清,惠风和畅」译为了「the sky is clear and the breeze is gentle」,结构相同,对仗工整。
仰视宇宙之大,俯察品类之盛,所以游目骋怀,足以极视听之娱,信可乐也。Looking upward, we see the great expanse of the universe. Looking downward, we see the great variety of living things. Then we look around as far as the eyes can see and feel elated, enjoying ourselves to the utmost both visually and aurally. What a delightful experience it is!🎈「expanse」意为「a wide and open area of sth, especially land or water 一大片,广阔,宽广,浩瀚(尤指陆地或海洋)」,用法例如:「 a wide/vast expanse of blue sky 广阔╱无垠的蓝天;flat expanses of open farmland 平坦而辽阔的农田」🎈「品类之盛」:万物的繁多。品类,指自然界的万物,译作「the great variety of living things」🎈「游目」意即「放眼四望」,译作「look around as far as the eyes can see」,有「极目远眺」之意。
夫人之相与,俯仰一世。When friends get together, time flies as quickly as if a lifetime were spent in the twinkling of an eye.🎈「夫」:句首发语词,不用译出。🎈「俯仰」:表示时间的短暂,译作「time flies as quickly as if a lifetime were spent in the twinkling of an eye」
或取诸怀抱,晤言一室之内;或因寄所托,放浪形骸之外。Some engage in intimate conversations in the room, baring their hearts to each other; others identify themselves with what they like and abandon themselves to unrestrained joy.🎈「悟」:通「晤」,面对面,「晤言一室之内」意即「(在)室内亲切交谈」,译作「intimate conversations in the room」🎈「bare one’s hearts to sb」袒露心迹🎈「因寄所托」意为「就着自己所爱好的事物,寄托自己的情怀」,译作「identify themselves with what they like」🎈「放浪」:放纵、无拘束。「形骸」:身体、形体。这里将「放浪形骸之外」进行意译,意即「投身于无拘无束的快乐」,译为「abandon themselves to unrestrained joy」。其中「unrestrained」英英释义为「not controlled; not having been restrained 无节制的;放纵的;不加制约的」例句There was unrestrained joy on the faces of the people. 人们的脸上有无拘无束的快乐。
虽取舍万殊,静躁不同,当其欣于所遇,暂得于己,快然自足,曾不知老之将至。Though people may differ in their choices or temperaments, they invariably find temporary contentment when they come upon something that delights them. They are so happy that they even forget they will be old soon.🎈「静躁不同」指人们有不同的性情,「性情」一词译作「temperament」🎈「temporary contentment」是「一时的满足」、「短暂的快乐」之意。🎈「come upon」意为「to meet or encounter unexpectedly 偶遇;邂逅」,要注意表达积累。
及其所之既倦,情随事迁,感慨系之矣。However, one’s happy changes and soon one is bored with what one once liked. Then one cannot help but sigh deeply with emotion. 🎈「所之既倦」:(对于)所喜爱或得到的事物已经厌倦。之,往、到达。译为「be bored with what one once liked」。🎈「cannot help but」意为「不禁」例句You cannot help but be jolted by the sight. 你会不禁为这种情景感到震惊。
向之所欣,俯仰之间,已为陈迹,犹不能不以之兴怀。况修短随化,终期于尽。It saddens me to think that the happiness we are enjoying at this moment will be a bygone thing at another moment, not to mention that we are subject to the natural law and that we will eventually perish.🎈「bygone」意为「happening or existing a long time ago 很久以前的;以往的」例句The book recalls other memories of a bygone age. 这本书勾起了人们对遥远岁月的其他回忆。🎈「修短随化」 :寿命长短,听凭造化。化,自然。译为了「we are subject to the natural law」。其中「be subject to」释义为「depending on sth in order to be completed or agreed」,是「取决于;视…而定」之意,注意表达积累。古人云:「死生亦大矣。」岂不痛哉!The wise man in ancient times said, 「The problem of life and death is a matter of vital importance.” Isn’t it depressing to think of that?🎈「死生」是指「生与死的问题」,译文稍加具体化,译作「the problem of life and death」,否则容易产生歧义。
每览昔人兴感之由,若合一契,I have noticed whatever stirred up the emotions and feelings in the ancients also calls forth the same emotions and feelings in me, as if the ancients and I were the two halves of a deed.🎈「契」:符契,古代的一种信物。在符契上刻上字,剖而为二,各执一半,作为凭证。这里是指自己读到古人的兴叹,感到自己与之心意相合,这里用了「call forth」这个词,意为「唤起」,「引起」。同时原文的比喻义在译文中也保留了下来,属于「意译+直译」的翻译方法。
未尝不临文嗟悼,不能喻之于怀。固知一死生为虚诞,齐彭觞为妄作。I have been perplexed as to why the writings of the ancients always make me sigh with grief, though I know that it is absurd to identify life with death and long life with early death. 🎈「不能喻之于怀」意为「不能明白于心」,在原文中是否定表达,译文用了「perplexed」,属于反说正译,是常用的翻译方法,要注意灵活运用。🎈「固知一死生为虚诞,齐彭觞为妄作」意为「本来知道把生死等同的说法是不真实的,把长寿和短命等同起来的说法是妄造的」,这两句可以合起来翻译,译作「it is absurd to identify life with death and long life with early death」,译文会更加简洁。后之视今,亦犹今之视昔,悲夫!Alas! Our descendants will look upon us just as we look upon our forefathers. 🎈后代descendant;前辈forefather
故列叙时人,录其所述,虽世殊事异,所以兴怀,其致一也。So I am listing the names of the people present at this gathering and the poems they have composed. Though times will change and things will be different in the future, the cause of their emotions and feelings will be the same as ours.🎈「世殊事异」意即「时代会变,事物会变」,译为「times will change and things will be different in the future」🎈「所以兴怀」是指「触发人们情怀的原因」,译文中用了「cause」一词。
后之览者,亦将有感于斯文。I hope future readers would empathize with this writing of mine.🎈「empathize」英英释义为「to understand another person’s feelings and experiences, especially because you have been in a similar situation 有同感;产生共鸣;表同情」,用法为「~ with sb/sth」,注意表达积累。🔥重点词汇current n. (海洋或江河的)水流,潮流;气流英义the movement of water in the sea or a river; the movement of air in a particular direction 例句He swam to the shore against a strong current . 他逆着急流游向岸边。accompaniment n.(音乐)伴奏英义music that is played to support singing or another instrument 例句They performed to the accompaniment of guitars. 他们在吉他的伴奏下表演。expanse n.一大片,广阔,宽广,浩瀚(尤指陆地或海洋)英义~ (of sth) a wide and open area of sth, especially land or water 例句At night it is an expanse of darkness with only a few pinpricks of light. 到了晚上,这里到处都是漆黑一片,只有零星的几点灯光。unrestrained adj.无节制的;放纵的;不加制约的英义not controlled; not having been restrained 例句There was unrestrained joy on the faces of the people. 人们的脸上有无拘无束的快乐。bygone adj.很久以前的;以往的英义happening or existing a long time ago 例句The book recalls other memories of a bygone age. 这本书勾起了人们对遥远岁月的其他回忆。empathize v.有同感;产生共鸣;表同情英义to understand another person’s feelings and experiences, especially because you have been in a similar situation 例句Parents must make use of their natural ability to empathize. 父母一定要利用他们天生体恤别人的能力。🔥重点表达农历lunar calendar群贤/文人learned scholars/men of letters/scholars崇山峻岭high mountains and lofty ridges内心深处的感情innermost feelings极目远眺look around as far as the eyes can see性情temperament偶遇/邂逅come upon 不禁cannot help but取决于/视…而定be subject to」 唤起/引起call forth后代descendant前辈forefather🔥表达对比时过境迁有几种表达?1.虽(世殊事异),所以兴怀,其致一也。Though times will change and things will be different in the future, the cause of their emotions and feelings will be the same as ours.2. 今年的巢里找不到去年的鸟。/(时过境迁)。There are no birds of this year in last year’s nest.3. 他们今天应该能轻而易举地取胜,但(世事难料)。They ought to win easily today, but nothing in life is certain.