陶渊明《五柳先生传》 -英语翻译教程-中英双语赏析


Master Five Willows
Tao Yuanming

Nobody knows where he came from or what his family name was. 


He is simply known as Master Five Willows after the five willow trees that grow by his house.
🎈这句话的主语是「五柳先生」,在译文中要体现出来,而且动词应为被动,译作了「He is simply known as Master Five Willows」。其中「be known as」是「因…而著名」之意。


He is a quiet man who does not talk much. He does not covet fame or wealth, and derives his pleasure from the perusal of books.
🎈「不慕荣利」也就是「不慕名利」之意,译作了「does not covet fame or wealth」,其中「covet」释义为「to want sth very much, especially sth that belongs to sb else 渴望;贪求(尤指别人的东西);觊觎」
He had long coveted the chance to work with a famous musician. 
🎈「derive sth from sth」释义为「to get sth from sth (从…中)得到,获得」


He reads casually without a need for thorough understanding. Whenever he has learned something from the books, he is so happy that he often forgets his meals.
🎈「不求甚解」:这里指读书只求领会要旨,不在一字一句的解释上过分探究。这里没有贬义,译作「reads casually without a need for thorough understanding」。感情色彩在翻译中非常重要,要把握好原文的感情色彩并在译文中体现出来。
🎈「会意」:指对书中的有所体会。这里就译作了「learned something」

He has a fondness for wine, but being poor, he cannot often afford it.
🎈「性嗜酒」译作了「has a fondness for wine」,其中「fondness」是「tender affection」之意,「have a fondness for sth」可理解为「情有独钟」
I’ve always had a fondness for chocolate cake. 
🎈原文的三个小句之间是有隐含的逻辑关系的,「性嗜酒」和「家贫,不能常得」之间是转折关系,译文用「but」来体现这种关系;「家贫,不能常得」之间是有因果关系的,译文将前一小句处理为分词短语,做了原因状语,体现了这一关系。整个句子译作「He has a fondness for wine, but being poor, he cannot often afford it」


His relatives and friends know about it and will invite him over for a drink.
🎈invite sb over邀请某人过来


Every time he goes to their home he drinks his fill and is never satisfied until he is drunk, and then leaves without tarrying.
🎈「fill」释义为「as much as you can eat/drink 吃饱的量;喝足的量」,「he drinks his fill」就是指「喝到尽兴」
🎈「期在必醉」:希望一定喝醉。「期」,期望。也就是说喝醉了才尽兴,译作了「is never satisfied until he is drunk」

The walls in his house are bare, and can shelter him neither from the rain and wind, nor from the scorching sun.
🎈「环堵」:周围都是土墙,形容居室简陋。「堵」,墙壁。这里采用了直译,译作了「the walls in his house are bare」
🎈既不…也不… neither… nor…


His cotton gown is worn to rags and he is always short of food. But he takes all this with equanimity.
🎈「短褐穿结」:粗布短衣上打了个补丁。短褐,粗布短衣,穿结,指衣服破烂。穿,破。结,缝补。译作了「his cotton gown is worn to rags」,其中「rag」是「破布」之意,与之相关的常见表达还有「in rags衣衫褴褛」以及「(from) rags to riches从贫到富/白手起家」
🎈「箪瓢屡空」:形容贫困,难以吃饱。箪,盛饭的圆形竹器。瓢,饮水用具。这里进行了意译,译作了「he is always short of food」
🎈「晏如」:安然自若的样子,这里译作了「takes all this with equanimity」,其中「equanimity」释义为「a calm state of mind which means that you do not become angry or upset, especially in difficult situations (尤指处于困境时的)镇静,沉着,冷静」
His sense of humour allowed him to face adversaries with equanimity. 


He often writes essays to amuse himself and to express his aspirations and interests.
🎈「颇示己志」意为「抒发自己的志趣」,译作了「express his aspirations and interests」,注意表达积累。


He spends his life in this way, disregarding personal gain and loss.
🎈「忘怀得失」也就是「不顾个人得失」,译作了「disregarding personal gain and loss」,分词短语做让步状语。

The following is my appraisal:
Qianlou said, 「Neither be sad for being poor and lowly, nor be eager to seek riches and honor.」
🎈「不戚戚乎贫贱,不汲汲乎富贵」译作了「Neither be sad for being poor and lowly, nor be eager to seek riches and honor」,两个小句的句式基本相同,很有节奏感,注意表达积累。

Ruminating on his words, one will wonder whether he is referring to Master Five Willows and his like.
🎈「味其言」译作了「ruminating on his words」,其中「ruminate」释义为「to think deeply about sth 沉思;认真思考」
People who tend to ruminate often reevaluate their actions, especially in situations they deem embarrassing, disappointing, or involving argument or conflict. 
🎈「若人」:此人,指五柳先生。「俦」:辈,同类。这句话意思就是「这话大概说的是五柳先生这一类的人吧?」「五柳先生这一类的人」译作了「his like」,其中「like」作名词,意为「类似的人/物」


Master Five Willows sips wine and composes poems to give full expression to his lofty ideals. Isn’t he a common man of the ancient times of Wuhuai Shi or Getian Shi?
🎈「衔觞赋诗」意为「一边喝酒一边作诗」,译作了「sip wine and compose poems」
🎈 lofty ideals意为「崇高的理想」
🎈「无怀氏」与「葛天氏」都是传说中的上古帝王。据说在那个时代,人民生活安乐,恬淡自足,社会风气淳厚朴实。译文中补出了「上古时代」这个信息,译作「the ancient times of Wuhuai Shi or Getian Shi」
covet     v.渴望;贪求(尤指别人的东西);觊觎
 ( formal ) to want sth very much, especially sth that belongs to sb else 
He had long coveted the chance to work with a famous musician. 
equanimity     n. (尤指处于困境时的)镇静,沉着,冷静
a calm state of mind which means that you do not become angry or upset, especially in difficult situations
His sense of humour allowed him to face adversaries with equanimity. 
ruminate      v.沉思;认真思考
to think deeply about sth
People who tend to ruminate often reevaluate their actions, especially in situations they deem embarrassing, disappointing, or involving argument or conflict. 
因…而著名be known as
不慕名利do not covet fame or wealth
(从…中)得到,获得derive sth from sth
衣衫褴褛in rags
从贫到富/白手起家(from) rags to riches
不顾个人得失disregarding personal gain and loss
崇高的理想lofty ideals
1. (环堵萧然),不蔽风日。
The walls in his house are bare, and can shelter him neither from the rain and wind, nor from the scorching sun.
2. 这一刻,我才意识到她太小了,以至于忘了我们原来的家:(家徒四壁的破旧公寓),夜晚有动物在外面不断地嚎叫。
In that moment, I realize that she is too young to remember our original home: the old dust of barren apartment walls and the constant roar outside of life in the nighttime.
3. 屋里只有几件破家具,真可算是(家徒四壁)。
They were so destitute that there were only several pieces of broken furniture in the house.
4. 他(一贫如洗)。
He is as poor as a church mouse.
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