On Men梁实秋Liang Shiqiu男人令人首先感到的印象是脏!What strikes us first of all in men is their uncleanliness.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句话的意思为男人给人的第一印象是脏,因此可以翻译为What strikes us first of all in men is their uncleanliness,其中strike意为「给…以印象」。这句话还可以翻译为The first impression that man give us is their uncleanliness.🎈uncleanliness是cleanliness的反义词,意为不爱清洁,在这里使用这一反面词来表达「脏」,意思更为确切。当然,男人当中亦不乏刷洗干净洁身自好的,甚至还有油头粉面衣冠楚楚的,但大体讲来,男人消耗肥皂和水的数量要比较少些。There are of course no lack of men who always make a point of keeping themselves spick-and-span. And some of them even make up heavily and dress respectably. But, generally speaking, men consume a smaller quantity of soap and water than women.Q:这一句原文较长,翻译是该怎么处理?🎈原文写的是有关男人爱干净的事实,并举出了少数极端的例子,最后又再次表明了普遍的真实情况,据此我们可以将这些内容分成三句话来翻译,这样处理既符合行文逻辑,也不会显得译文句子太过冗长。🎈「刷洗干净洁身自好的」在这里指的是很重视整洁的,讲究卫生的,因此可以翻译为make a point of keeping themselves spick-and-span,其中make a point of意为「极其注重」🎈「油头粉面衣冠楚楚的」在这里指讲究梳洗打扮穿着得体,故可以译作make up heavily and dress respectably。🎈「男人消耗肥皂和水的数量要比较少些」这里是指与女人相比较而言的情况,因此在翻译时可以将这一层语意补充出来。某一男校,对于学生洗澡是强迫的,入浴签名,每周计核,对于不曾入浴的初步惩罚是宣布姓名,最后的断然处置是定期强迫入浴,并派员监视,然而日久玩生,签名簿中尚不无浮冒情事。A certain boys’ school made it compulsory for its students to take a bath regularly. Every student had to sign his name before taking a bath so that the school authorities could conduct a weekly checkup. Those who violated the regulation for the first time would have their names published.The drastic measure for those who repeated the offence was to force them to take a bath regularly under surveillance. Nevertheless, abuses crept in with time. Forgery was often discovered among the signatures.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈原文是对某一男子学校硬性要求学生洗澡这一事实的陈述,分别介绍了具体情况、惩罚内容以及执行效果,在翻译时我们要根据语意将原文划分成不同的意群,不拘泥于原文形式。🎈「对于不曾入浴的初步惩罚是宣布姓名」指的是第一次不按规定去洗澡的学生会受到通报姓名的惩罚,因此可以翻译为Those who violated the regulation for the first time would have their names published.🎈「最后的断然处置是定期强迫入浴」指的是对于屡犯不改的学生的惩罚是强迫其定期洗澡,因此可以翻译为The drastic measure for those who repeated the offence was to force them to take a bath regularly under surveillance.,在译文中补充出受到「断然处置」的对象是那些屡犯不改的学生。🎈「日久玩生」意为「时间久了,种种弊病便相继出现了」,根据下文这里具体指的是钻空子的现象开始出现,因此可以翻译为abuses crept in with time。🎈「签名簿中尚不无浮冒情事」指的是对签名进行造假的现象时常被发现,可译为Forgery was often discovered among the signatures,其中forgery意为伪造、造假。有些男人,西装裤尽管挺直,他的耳后脖根,土壤肥沃,常常宜于种麦!Some men, although they wear smooth-ironed Western-style pants, leave much dirt behind their ears and around their necks — so much that it is good enough for growing wheat!Q:「他的耳后脖根,土壤肥沃」该怎么翻译?🎈这是作者对于一些男人不讲个人卫生的情况进行的夸张描述,指的是在其耳背和脖子上藏匿着太多的污垢,因此可以翻译为leave much dirt behind their ears and around their necks,「耳后脖根」在翻译时要在身体部位名词前添加合适的介词。🎈「常常宜于种麦」是为强调这些人身上藏匿的污垢之多,是一种夸张形象的说法,因此翻译成so much that it is good enough for growing wheat,可以表达出「太…以至于…」的意味,强化译文表达效果。袜子手绢不知随时洗涤,常常日积月累,到处塞藏,等到无可使用时,再从那一堆污垢存货当中拣选比较干净的去应急。Their unwashed socks and handkerchiefs accumulate and are left here and there in unseen corners. When no more clean ones are available, some of the less dirty ones are picked out from the filthy stock to meet an urgent need.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「袜子手绢不知随时洗涤」主要强调袜子手绢经常不洗,又因为全句都在围绕这些袜子手绢进行叙述,因此这里可以翻译为Their unwashed socks and handkerchiefs,简洁不啰嗦。🎈「比较干净的」指的是在所有的脏衣物里比较不脏的,因此可以翻译为less dirty,比直译为cleaner更加恰当。有些男人的手绢,拿出来硬像是土灰面制的百果糕,黑糊糊粘成一团,而且内容丰富。Men’s handkerchiefs, curled up into blackened balls, look like fruit cakes made of wholemeal flour and have a very rich content of their own.Q:「拿出来硬像是土灰面制的百果糕」该怎么翻译?🎈这里是对有些男人的手绢的肮脏程度的夸张形容,「土灰面制的」则是指用加工粗糙的面粉制成的,因此可以翻译为look like fruit cakes made of wholemeal flour,wholemeal意为「全麦的,粗面粉的」。男人的一双脚,多半好像是天然的具有泡菜霉干菜再加糖蒜的味道,所谓“濯足万里流”是有道理的,小小的一盆水确是无济于事,然而多少男人却连这一盆水都吝而不用,怕伤元气。Men’s feet, for the most part, seem to have a distinctive smell of their own, like that of pickles, dried vegetables and sweetened garlic all mixed together. There is some truth in the saying, “The running water of a long river is good for washing one’s feet.” Therefore, it goes without saying that a small basin of water will hardly suffice for the same purpose. But lots of men begrudge using even a mere basin of water to wash their feet — perhaps for fear of sapping their vitality and spirit!Q:「濯足万里流」该怎么翻译?🎈这一句取自晋代诗人左思的诗,意为「在长河中洗去脚上的污浊」,以此形容一种放任自由的人生态度。作者用在这里则是取其字面义来夸张形容男人脚的气味之难闻,因此可以直接翻译为The running water of a long river is good for washing one’s feet.🎈「小小的一盆水确是无济于事」意为小小的一盆水确实不能够洗净男人的脚,故可译作it goes without saying that a small basin of water will hardly suffice for the same purpose,其中it goes without saying that意为「…是毫无疑问的」,for the same purpose指的是上文的washing one’s feet。两脚既然如此之脏,偏偏有些“逐臭之夫”喜于脚上藏垢纳污之处往复挖掘,然后嗅其手指,引以为乐!Dirty as their feet are, some men are so eccentric as to indulge in passing their fingers repeatedly among their stinking toes and then smelling their fingers with gusto.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句是对有些男人抠脚的怪癖的描述,因此可以使用so eccentric as to…来与下文怪癖的具体细节内容进行衔接。原文中的「逐臭之夫」指的就是这些人,因为后边要对他们的行为进行详细描述,此处就可以直接简单翻译成some men。🎈With gusto意为做某事时兴致勃勃的状态,用来形容这些男人对于抠脚的乐此不疲再恰当不过了。多少男人洗脸都是专洗本部,边疆一概不理,洗脸完毕,手背可以不湿,有的男人是在结婚后才开始刷牙。Some men, when they wash up, they concentrate only on the face proper, without touching the rest of the head and without wetting the back of the hand. Some do not brush their teeth until after they get married.Q:「专洗本部,边疆一概不理」该怎么翻译?🎈这里是指男人洗脸只洗脸的部分,其他地方如上文提到的耳后和脖子等都不洗,形象体现了男人洗脸时敷衍、不认真的态度,可直接翻译为they concentrate only on the face proper, without touching the rest of the head。“扪虱而谈”的是男人。The addiction to “chatting while cracking body lice with fingernails” is unique to men only.Q:「扪虱而谈」怎么翻译?🎈这一成语源于古书,指的是一边捺着虱子,一边聊天说话,翻译为The addiction to ‘chatting while cracking body lice with fingernails’,其中The addiction to 是根据对原文的理解而增译的。🎈is unique to men only将原文暗含的语意翻译出来,即这一癖好是独属于男人的,只有男人才这么做。男人的脏大概是由于懒。对了!男人懒。Probably, men’s uncleanliness is due to their laziness. Indeed, men are lazy.Q:原文中的「大概」可以翻译成possibly吗?🎈根据上下文内容可知,作者在这里所进行的推测是比较有把握的,是极有可能发生的,因此使用probably更恰当。这里涉及到了probably,possibly和likely这三个表达可能性的词之间的区别。首先,probably和possibly是副词,而likely是形容词;其次,probably意为「十有八九的,非常可能的」,指可能性很大,而possibly则表示可能性不是很大。因此,根据原文语意,这里译为probably更合适。他可以懒洋洋坐在旋椅上,五官四肢,连同他的脑筋(假如有),一概停止活动,像呆鸟一般:“不闻夫博弈者乎……”那段话是专对男人说的。You will find them lolling in a revolving chair, dumb like a wooden chicken, their five sense organs, their four limbs as well as their brain (if any) all at a complete standstill. What Confucius says about those who eat their fill all day without doing any work obviously refers to men exclusively.Q:「不闻夫博弈者乎……」该怎么翻译?🎈这里指的是孔子所说的一段话:「饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉,不有博弈者乎,为之,犹贤乎已。」集合上下文,作者在这里引用此段是为了说明男人的懒,因此翻译出这段话的前两句即可,即those who eat their fill all day without doing any work。而若是直接将原文内容直接译出,则不能体现原文所要表达的语意,此处要在理解原文的基础上才能翻译出来。🎈their five sense organs, their four limbs as well as their brain (if any) all at a complete standstill是「名词+介词短语」形式的独立主格结构,在这里作伴随状语。他若是上街买东西,很少时候能令他的妻子满意,他总是不肯多问几家,怕跑腿,怕费话,怕讲价钱。When men go shopping, their wives are seldom satisfied with their purchases because they never bother to shop around, never bother to do more walking and talking, never bother to bargain over prices.Q:「他总是不肯多问几家,怕跑腿,怕费话,怕讲价钱」该怎么翻译?🎈这里是指男人不愿意花费时间精力去做这些事情,因此可以翻译成they never bother to shop around, never bother to do more walking and talking, never bother to bargain over prices,句子中使用了三次never bother to是为了起强调作用,以此体现原文作者所要表达的男人的懒。🎈「多问几家」译作shop around,意为「货比三家」。此处若是译为they never bother to call at different shops或they never bother to compare the prices or quality at different shops,虽翻译出了原文语意,但却不够地道、简洁。🎈「怕跑腿,怕费话」译为never bother to do more walking and talking,要比按照字面译作never bother to run errands and talk nonsense更加地简洁、地道。什么事他都嫌麻烦,除了指使别人替他做的事之外,他像残废人一样,对于什么事都愿坐享其成,而名之曰“室家之乐”。They hate to be bothered about anything except that which is to be done on their behalf by others. Like disabled persons, they will sit idle to enjoy the fruits of others’ labour. And they call all that “domestic bliss”!Q:「室家之乐」该怎么翻译?🎈这一成语的意思是家庭和顺,夫妻和睦,因此这里翻译为domestic bliss可以表达这一意思。🎈「坐享其成」意为自己不出力,而享受别人取得的成果,因此可以直接译为sit idle to enjoy the fruits of others’ labour。紧毗连着“懒”的是“馋”。Closely linked to men’s laziness is their gluttony.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?这一句在全段中起着承上启下的作用,是一个过渡句。为了与全文语意紧密衔接,在翻译时可以将主语指明,译为Closely linked to men’s laziness is their gluttony.,其中gluttony意为贪食,暴食,符合下文所要表达的内容。男人大概有好胃口的居多。Men mostly have a good appetite.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这句话可以理解为男人大多数都胃口很好,因此可以翻译为Men mostly have a good appetite,have a good appetite是一个习惯表达。他的嘴,用在吃的方面的时候多,他吃饭时总要在菜碟里发现至少一英寸见方半英寸厚的肉,才能算是没有吃素。Their mouth is most of the time busy eating. They will brand their meal as a vegetarian one unless they can spot in the dishes a piece of meat at least one inch square and half an inch thick.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「用在吃的方面的时候多」是指男人的嘴大多数时间都在吃东西,因此可以翻译为Their mouth is most of the time busy eating,其中be busy doing意为「忙于…」。🎈「才能算是没有吃素」翻译时可以转换说法,译为They will brand their meal as a vegetarian one unless…,这样「正话反译」的表达方式更能起到强调作用。其中brand意为「(尤指不公正地)丑化、败坏…的名声」,用在此处形象传神。几天不见肉,他就喊“嘴里要淡出鸟儿来!”They will complain like hell after a couple of meatless days.Q:「嘴里要淡出鸟儿来!」该怎么翻译?🎈这是一句口语化的表达,根据上下文内容,这里可以理解为男人几天不吃肉,就会抱怨不已,因此可以译作They will complain like hell after a couple of meatless days,或A couple of meatless days will make them exceedingly unhappy,其中「几天不见肉」译作a couple of meatless days要比翻译成从句形式更为简洁地道。有一个人半年没有吃鸡,看见了鸡毛帚就流涎三尺。Men who have gone half a year without eating chicken will start drooling copiously at the sight of even a feather duster.Q:翻译中用到的will是表将来的意思吗?🎈「看见了鸡毛帚就流涎三尺」是作者对于「有一个人半年没有吃鸡」的后果的推测,因此在这里使用will表达的是一种推测的语气,而不是其通常表达的将来意味。一餐盛馔之后,他的人生观都能改变,对于什么都乐观起来。A sumptuous dinner can change their outlook on life and make them sanguine about everything.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句主要是形容丰盛的大餐给男人带来的满足感,因此我们可以试着在翻译时以「一餐盛馔」为主语,这样处理便于与后边两部内容即其对男人所产生的影响进行衔接,因此可以翻译为A sumptuous dinner can change their outlook on life and make them sanguine about everything,其中「盛馔」译作a sumptuous dinner意为一顿丰盛的大餐。一个男人在吃一顿好饭的时候,他脸上的表情硬是在感谢上天待人不薄:他饭后衔着一根牙签,红光满面,硬是觉得可以骄人。During a good meal, genuine thankfulness to Heaven for its overflowing bounty will be written all over their faces. After the meal, sporting a toothpick between their teeth, they will be glowing with smug satisfaction.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「一个男人在吃一顿好饭的时候」译为During a good meal,比翻译成时间状语从句形式更为简洁地道。🎈「他脸上的表情硬是在感谢上天待人不薄」的意思是男人在吃完一顿好饭时,对于上天慷慨之举的感激之情都写在了脸上,由此可以翻译为genuine thankfulness to Heaven for its overflowing bounty will be written all over their faces,其中its overflowing bounty对应原文的「待人不薄」。🎈「红光满面,硬是觉得可以骄人」指的是吃完饭后男人内心满足、面色红润,因此可以译作be glowing with smug satisfaction,其中glow意为因情绪激动而发红、发热。主中馈的是女人,修食谱的是男人。Women do the cooking, men are gourmets.Q:「主中馈」和「修食谱」该怎么翻译?🎈「中馈」原指「酒食」或「饮食」,现引申为「烹调」;而「修食谱」的本意为撰写烹调书,现引申为讲究饮食的人或美食家。所以原文的意思是「女人做饭,男人吃饭」,可以译作Women do the cooking, men are gourmets。男人多半自私。他的人生观中有一基本认识,即宇宙一切均是为了他的舒适而安排下来的。Men are mostly self-centered. It is the basic tenet of their philosophy of life that all universe should function to ensure their personal comfort.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「男人多半自私」和前文的「男人大概有好胃口的居多」一样,是全段的主旨句,因此在翻译时可以与上文保持一致,译作Men are mostly self-centered。🎈「人生观」在本文中出现两次,除了可以译作their outlook on life,在这里还可以译作their philosophy of life。除了在做事赚钱的时候不得不忍气吞声地向人奴膝婢颜外,他总是要做出一副老爷相。They always act like overlords except when, in working to earn money, they need to behave submissively and servilely towards others.Q:「奴膝婢颜」该怎么翻译?🎈「奴膝婢颜」在这里是指男人在工作时为了赚钱而对他人唯命是从来讨好他人,因此可以翻译为behave submissively and servilely towards others,其中副词submissively 和servilely可以形象表达「奴膝婢颜」的意思。他的家便是他的国度,他在家里称王。They regard their homes as kingdoms under their rule.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「他的家便是他的国度」可以理解为「他把自己的家当做自己的国度」,因此翻译成regard their homes as kingdoms,要比直译更加的地道。「在家里称王」是指整个家都在他的统领之下,翻译时可直接使用词组under their rule,简介传达原文语意。他除了为赚钱而吃苦努力外,他是一个“伊比鸠派”,他要享受。They are Epicureans obsessed with pleasure-seeking except when they have to toil strenuously for money.Q:「伊比鸠派」该怎么翻译?🎈「伊比鸠派」译自英语Epicurean,原本是指希腊哲学家伊壁鸠鲁(Epicurus)的信徒,引申为享乐主义者,因此翻译为Epicureans obsessed with pleasure-seeking,其中obsessed with pleasure-seeking对应原文中的「享受」,在这里理解为贪图享乐。他高兴的时候,孩子可以骑在他的颈上,他引颈受骑,他可以像狗似的满地爬;When they are in a cheerful mood, they can crawl about on all fours like dogs with their kids riding on their craned necks.Q:「引颈受骑」该怎么翻译?🎈「引颈受骑」是指男人伸长脖子心甘情愿让孩子其在自己的脖子上,因这一句与前文「孩子可以骑在他的颈上」有语意重合之处,所以在翻译时可以进行整合,即with their kids riding on their craned necks,其中craned用来形容脖子伸长。他不高兴时,他看着谁都不顺眼,在外面受了闷气,回到家里来加倍地发作。When they are in a bad mood, they seem to find everybody at home an eyesore. When they feel they have been wronged by somebody, they will come home to take it out all on their own folks.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句提到了男人情绪不好时候的两种状态,在翻译时可以根据内容分为两句。前一句中的「他看着谁都不顺眼」译作find everybody at home an eyesore,其中eyesore意为令人厌恶的东西。第二句中的「受了闷气」可以理解为「被他人错怪」,因此译作have been wronged by somebody。他不知道女人的苦处。女人对于他的殷勤委曲,在他看来,就如同犬守户、鸡司晨一样的稀松平常,都是自然现象。They don’t know how hard their wives suffer. They take their wives’ tender care and submissiveness for granted and regard them as something very commonplace, like dogs guarding their homes and cocks crowing to herald the break of day.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈文中提到的「女人」并不是普遍意义上的,而是专指这些男人的妻子,因此在翻译时需要具体化,即their wives。🎈「…,都是自然现象」在这里可以理解为,男人将自己的妻子的殷勤看作是理所应当的,可以使用到英文中相对应的词组take… for granted,因此可以翻译为They take their wives’ tender care and submissiveness for granted。🎈「犬守户、鸡司晨」指的是狗看家护院,鸡打鸣报晓,因此可以翻译为dogs guarding their homes and cocks crowing to herald the break of day。他说他爱女人,其实他不是爱,是享受女人。Instead of truly loving their wives as they claim, they simply make use of them.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈「他说他爱女人,其实他不是爱」这里主要表达的意思是男人并不像自己所说的那样爱自己的妻子,因此可以直接翻译成Instead of truly loving their wives as they claim,这样要比两句话分别单独翻译更加简洁地道。「享受」在这里不适合直译为enjoy,根据文意,这里指的是男人是利用妻子为自己做很多事,因此译作they simply make use of them更恰当。他不问他给了别人多少,但是他要在别人身上尽量榨取。They try to squeeze as much as possible out of others without ever stopping to think how much they themselves have given.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈根据上下文内容可知,作者主要是为了强调原文的后半句「他要在别人身上尽量榨取」,因此在翻译时可以将这一句当作主句,即They try to squeeze as much as possible out of others。原文中前半句表达否定含义,因此可以使用without+动名词结构的形式呈现,即without ever stopping to think how much they themselves have given。他觉得他对女人最大的恩惠,便是把赚来的钱全部或一部拿回家来,但是当他把一卷卷的钞票从衣袋里掏出来的时候,他的脸上的表情是骄傲的成分多,亲爱的成分少,好像是在说:“看我!你行么!我这样待你,你多幸运!”They think it is their greatest favour to their wives to bring back all or part of the money they have earned. But, when they produce from their pockets rolls upon rolls of banknotes, their faces reveal more pride than love, as if saying, “Look at me! Can you be as smart as I am? I’m treating you so well. How lucky you are!”Q:「看我!你行么!我这样待你,你多幸运!」该怎么翻译?🎈原文中的这几句口语化表达要根据上下文语意才能其具体含义,其中「你行么!」的具体语意为你可以像我一样有能耐吗,「我这样待你」则是指我对你这么好,因此翻译时要将这些语意体现出来,即Look at me! Can you be as smart as I am? I’m treating you so well. How lucky you are!他若是感觉到这家不复是他的乐园,他便有多样的借口不回到家里来。When they think their homes are no longer their paradises, they invent many excuses for staying away.Q:When they think their homes are no longer their paradises是一个由when引导的时间状语从句吗?🎈When作从属连词时,可以引导状语从句。第一种是时间状语从句,这一种最为常见;第二种则是条件状语从句,用法与if相同。在这里,when引导的是一个条件状语从句,因此原文还可以翻译成If they think their homes are no longer their paradises。他到处云游,他另辟乐园。他有聚餐会,他有酒会,他有桥会,他有书会画会棋会,他有夜会,最不济的还有个茶馆。他的享乐的方法太多。They will go here and there to seek new paradises: dinner parties, cocktail parties, painting and calligraphy exhibitions, chess games or night clubs. Failing all of them, they can at least find a tea house to while away their time. They have many ways to enjoy themselves.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈在原文中,「他有聚餐会,他有酒会,他有桥会,他有书会画会棋会,他有夜会」都是前一句「另辟乐园」所指的对象,因此可以与上一句整合翻译,即They will go here and there to seek new paradises: dinner parties, cocktail parties, painting and calligraphy exhibitions, chess games or night clubs.🎈原文中的「最不济的」意为至少,因此整句话可以翻译为Failing all of them, they can at least find a tea house to while away their time.其中Failing all of them,相当于根据原文语意补充出的条件状语从句「如果上述这些场合都不能去」。假如轮回之说不假,下世侥幸依然投胎为人,很少男人情愿下世做女人的。If transmigration were true so that they could be lucky enough to be reincarnated as humans, few of them would choose to be women in their next life.Q:「轮回之说」和「投胎为人」该怎么翻译?🎈「轮回」属于佛教用语,是指人在死亡后,灵魂又轮回重新投胎成为另一个人,在英文中有对应表达transmigration可以用在此处。「投胎为人」可译作be reincarnated as humans,其中reincarnate意为再生,转世。他总觉得这一世生为男身,而享受未足,下一世要继续努力。They would invariably feel they had not enjoyed enough as males in this life and therefore had to make up for it after they were reborn.Q:「下一世要继续努力」该怎么翻译?🎈这一句中的「努力」含有一定的讽刺意味,其实际意思为设法弥补这一世未尽的享受,因此可以翻译为make up for it after they were reborn。37.“群居终日,言不及义”,原是人的通病,但是言谈的内容,却男女有别。It is a common failing among human beings to engage in idle gossip. But men’s gossip is generally different from that of women in content.Q:「群居终日,言不及义」为什么没有翻译出来?🎈「群居终日,言不及义」出自孔子,其本意是整天成群聚在一起,不讲正经事,在这里若直译,则会显得行文不够简洁,且没有必要,因此可以直接理解为闲聊,故翻译成engage in idle gossip。女人谈的往往是“我们家的小妹又病了!”“你们家每月开销多少?”之类。The topics of women’s chitchat are often like these, “Our little daughter is ill again!”, “What are your family expenses like?”.Q:「你们家每月开销多少?」这一句可以直译吗?🎈这句话是一句口语表达,按照意思可以直译成How much does your family pay for its family expenditure?,这样翻译虽然意思无误,但却不够口语化,因此翻译为What are your family expenses like?效果更好。男人的是另一套,普通的方式,男人的谈话,最后不谈到女人身上便不会散场。Men, however, are different in their own way. They, as a rule, will never call it a day until their conversation has covered something about women.Q:「最后不谈到女人身上便不会散场」该怎么翻译?🎈这是一个双重否定句,即「不谈到女人决不罢休」,因此可以翻译为They, as a rule, will never call it a day until their conversation has covered something about women.其中call it a day意为罢休,收工,as a rule对应原文中的「普通的方式」,意思是一般而言,通常来说。这一个题目对男人最有兴味。Women constitute the most intriguing topic of men’s conversation.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈这一句话的意思为在男人的谈话中,女人这个话题是他们最感兴趣的。因此可以翻译成Women constitute the most intriguing topic of men’s conversation。其中constitute意为组成,构成,比简单翻译为are要好,更能体现表达多样化。如果有一个桃色案他们唯恐其和解得太快。When a legal case involving a sex scandal crops up, they desire to see it go on indefinitely.Q:「唯恐其和解得太快」怎么翻译?🎈这一句可以理解为这些男人反倒希望这样的事一直发生着,好让他们有热闹可看,因此可以翻译为desire to see it go on indefinitely。他们好议论人家的阴私,好批评别人的妻子的性格相貌。They take pleasure in gossiping about other people’s private life and commenting on the character and appearance of other people’s wives.Q:这一句该怎么翻译?🎈原文中的「好」作动词,意为「热衷于,或以…为乐」,可以使用英文中的词组take pleasure in来表达。🎈「议论人家的阴私」是指八卦别人家的私人生活,可译作gossiping about other people’s private life,「批评别人的妻子的性格相貌」则是指对别人妻子的性格相貌进行评价,可译作commenting on the character and appearance of other people’s wives。“长舌男”是到处有的,不知为什么这名词尚不甚流行。Gossipy men, known as “long-tongued men”, are found everywhere although the epithet is somehow none too popular yet.Q:「长舌男」该怎么翻译?🎈「长舌男」是对爱八卦的男人的形象描述,属于中国特色表达,若直译为long-tongued men则会使外国读者感到困惑,不能够理解其所表达的真正含义,因此最好翻译成Gossipy men, known as ‘long-tongued men’。🎈although the epithet is somehow none too popular yet中的none too是一个习惯表达,意为毫不,一点也不。🔥必背词汇filthy adj.肮脏的;污秽的英义very dirty and unpleasant 例句filthy rags/streets肮脏的破布 / 街道glow v.(尤指运动后或因情绪激动、尴尬等而)发红,发热,显得红,感觉热英义(of a person’s body or face) to look or feel warm or pink, especially after exercise or because of excitement, embarrassment, etc. 例句Her cheeks were glowing.她双颊绯红。loll v.懒洋洋地躺着(或坐着、站着)英义to lie, sit or stand in a lazy, relaxed way 例句He lolled back in his chair by the fire.他懒洋洋地靠着椅背坐在炉火边。gluttony n.暴食;暴饮;贪食英义the habit of eating and drinking too much 例句Gluttony and drunkenness have been called carnal vices. 暴饮暴食称为犬色之欲.sumptuous adj.华贵的;豪华的;奢华的英义very expensive and looking very impressive 例句We dined in sumptuous surroundings.我们在富丽堂皇的环境中用餐。transmigration n.(死后灵魂的)转生,转世英义the passing of a person’s soul after their death into another body 例句The essence of religion is life transmigration, retributive justice and undying of soul. 宗教的精髓,就是生命轮回 、 因果报应、灵魂不死。🔥重点表达刷洗干净洁身自好的 make a point of keeping themselves spick-and-span油头粉面衣冠楚楚的 make up heavily and dress respectably日久玩生 abuses crept in with time…是有道理的 There is some truth in the saying伤元气 sap their vitality and spirit扪虱而谈 chatting while cracking body lice with fingernails一概停止活动 all at a complete standstill专对…说的 refers to … exclusively嫌麻烦 hate to be bothered about坐享其成 sit idle to enjoy the fruits of others’ labour室家之乐 domestic bliss有好胃口的 have a good appetite流涎三尺 drooling copiously 主中馈 do the cooking自私 self-centered做出一副老爷相 act like overlords奴膝婢颜 behave submissively and servilely享受 be obsessed with pleasure-seeking受了闷气 have been wronged by somebody殷勤委曲 tender care and submissiveness犬守户、鸡司晨 dogs guarding their homes and cocks crowing to herald the break of day投胎为人 be reincarnated as humans散场 call it a day🔥复盘测试刷洗干净洁身自好的油头粉面衣冠楚楚的日久玩生…是有道理的伤元气扪虱而谈一概停止活动专对…说的嫌麻烦坐享其成室家之乐有好胃口的流涎三尺主中馈自私做出一副老爷相奴膝婢颜享受受了闷气殷勤委曲犬守户、鸡司晨投胎为人散场🔥表达对比有关「有道理」的多种表达人们对杨安泽策略的担忧是有道理的…thinks the concerns around Mr. Yang’s strategy are valid从进化的角度来看,这是有道理的。 From an evolutionary standpoint, this makes sense…他是有道理的。He had a point.鼓励衰落地区人口向繁荣地区流动是有道理的。 there is a case for boosting mobility from declining regions to prospering ones这种厌倦情绪在石油业界非常普遍。他们的反感有时是有道理的。 Such weary sentiment is widespread in the industry. Sometimes it is justified.年青人越多,他们之间打斗的机会就越大似乎很有道理 It seems plausible that the more young men there are, the more likely they will be to fight.不过他这么大胆是有道理的。 But his boldness has logic.所谓“濯足万里流”是有道理的。 There is some truth in the saying, “The running water of a long river is good for washing one’s feet.”